Dual Spec.. please?

Well sure if you run dungeons in the same spec you do whatever else in.

But then that’s the problem now isn’t it.

How is that a problem? Players should be designing their spec around how they play. That’s why talents exist in the first place.


Oh so all specs can do everything, brilliant alert the media.

back to this again i see

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Dual Spec doesn’t influence how you play.

according to ziryus though, it 100% influences how you play.

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No you are still missing the point, it influencing what you play, not how you play.

Dual spec has no impact on how any mechanics actually work, it’s merely a tool for switching specs(something that already can be done)

Correct, it just makes a current process cheaper and easier to use.

LoL I don’t get why some people are acting like if you have dual spec your fire balls hit twice as hard or when you zone into an instance half the trash is gone and bosses just open a trade window with their loot when you walk up to them.

It’s almost like they’re not making good faith arguments…

Yeah, the counters to Dual Spec get pretty stupid. I think a lot of the folks arguing against it are just fighting to keep from appearing stupid more than they’re actually arguing for their position.

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Any chance you want to reference this? or is this just some more deflection from you actual avoided point of

Which from my point of view you continue to try to avoid backing this up.



I would play more with dual spec. I’d have a dps off spec and I’d farm more and quest more. I’d do more dungeons to get good dps off spec gear. What confuses you is you can’t conceive that anyone might have a different idea of what is fun and not fun than you.

I see it as helping increasing Starbucks’ soy latte sales.

Strange sort of projection you’re doing there aren’t you.

What gave you this idea.

you think you would but you won’t

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At the risk of being wrongly called a #nochanges, but you’re wrong. We aren’t deeming what is appropriate. The Devs are. The Devs literally make you play the game the way they want you to play it by coding into the game incentive and reward systems and disincentive systems.

Respec costs aren’t a natural phenomenon, they’re a contrived developed system made with a purpose, namely to dictate how people play such that they don’t overly trivialise their talent choices by changing them too often.

Now, I’m not arguing that you can’t argue for a change to that, but what I am suggesting is that you need to argue why the design is broken or otherwise inferior to what you have in mind.

Is the respec feature working as intended? Yes. Well then you can’t use that angle.

You have to argue that the intention is wrong. That’s a harder argument to get across the line.

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Well that strategy hasn’t worked that well for you…


Yes I failed to quote the whole thing.

The context is you having another dig at your opponents motives without any evidence at all. The entirety of you argument is continued digs at specific posters and their supposed “motives”. “Playing the man”. You actually don’t present a case beyond “the people who disagree with me are bad people with shady motives” or some variation of that.

For context and completeness:

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Your posts.

Well I’m certainly not feeling confused about what is fun and not fun.

And I have no trouble with the idea that other people have different kinds of fun.

Since I’ve said nothing that actually lends to the idea that

Your post is quite amusing.

did you have a bad day? is that why you’re projecting false ideas on to me?

Lets get back on track. since you too want to deflect rather than maintain the current point.

Why don’t you do that now?

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