Dual Spec.. please?

Yes yes you do seem to be unsure.

Nice come back. Want to actually address my point, or are you just going to avoid it?

I’ll remind you if it helps.
Is dual spec to help prevent people from logging out so much sooner, thus increasing play time, which is good for the bottom line.

Or is your point about what people do in game with their time, which doesn’t effect play time, and thus the bottom line doesn’t come into play?


And you support this… how?

Hard to say if what was making them bored was having less to do because they felt overly restricted. Someone going from no BGs to doing lots of BGs may go from lots of boredom to lots of heavy play…

What people do in game directly impacts whether they keep playing or not.

No idea how you got the idea those were two separate things. If people don’t like what they are doing in game they log out.

“Show me evidence, but make sure the evidence is under the perimeters that I think are acceptable!”


dual spec increases efficiency for many people. they will get things done faster. and thus be done playing sooner.

I think overly is a stretch. using people in this thread as reference, they have the gold, they just don’t want to spend it.

this is fair.

How so?

They are separate things, as stated by you, one of them effects the bottomline, and the other does not.

Remember your point.

but if you keep deflecting, then i guess its back to


Yeah, I distinctly said they are not separate things. If people aren’t enjoying what they’re doing in game they log out.

Not sure why this confuses you, people don’t play WoW X hours a day regardless of what they’re doing they play until they don’t want to play anymore.

yeah, okay so then why did you say

Which seems pretty out of left field. since i never said otherwise. I suppose it was just more deflecting to avoid this.


Right you seem to not understand that people will log out rather than farm gold for dual spec.

According to you they don’t enjoy anything about WoW.

Where did i say that

I’m hoping there is a typo in this somewhere. Otherwise thanks for helping my point?

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You are the one claiming that if someone doesn’t enjoy farming gold for respecs they can’t possibly enjoy some other part of the game not me.

Can you show me where i made that claim?

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Potentially, but these people are already logging off ASAP if efficiency is all they care about.

If they don’t want to do it, that’s more than satisfactory for “overly”

You keep reposting it yourself.

You realize it’s possible for someone to like doing say BG’s but not enjoy spending an hour+ farming gold and respeccing to do so?

Its even better than that, they don’t want to spend it because they expect to use it on dual specs unlock cost and don’t want to feel like it was a waste lol.

None of that says

Now since i’ve cleared that up a few times now, your continued focus on it now seems like more deflection.

So back to other points that people made rather than making up points for them. to fasc it is.

So then this seems to be at issue with zirs claim that dual spec will increase playtime. apparently for an amount of people, it might reduce play time. so now the question becomes if ends up being an overall increase, stays the same, or less game time.

I would be inclined to expect that the people who might end up playing more from dual spec only do so temporarily, and then they will get bored again since they got bored easily the first time. and now we might be in the negative for increasing play time.

if this is true, then

is an inaccurate amount of time. If people have the gold, then they don’t actually need to farm for 1 hour before doing bgs. (ima stick to bgs as my example now that its been used.)

Except that it does. You are flat out saying if some doesn’t want to farm gold for repsecs they don’t care about WoW anyways.

Most activities in the game earn you gold. Running dungeons, questing, raiding.

So yeah, I think it’s reasonable to say that if someone doesn’t enjoy any of the activities that can earn them gold, they probably don’t enjoy the game very much.

Or they are just instanced PvP players. And I think those players should get a free second spec they can use in their battlegrounds and arena matches.


You realize the cost of dual spec is greater than the gold gained by doing said activities?

For example the daily dungeon/heroic dungeon will net you maybe 75~ gold with good drops, respeccing to do them and back to your normal spec would be 100g.

You don’t have to respec for that, and you’re not limited to only making 75g. You make gold passively while playing the game, except PvPers as noted earlier.