Dual Spec.. please?

Because it keeps people playing the game longer and more. Which is ultimately better for blizzard’s bottom line.

Can you back this up with more than a couple anecdotes from these threads?

Why would dual spec make people play the game longer? and why would it not cause burnout faster?


You are welcome to reread this entire thread explaining exactly why people log out instead of farming gold and respeccing when they otherwise would have done something in game with dual spec.

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Dont need to, I remember how this goes.

If farming gold is enough of a deterrent to playing the game, how can you be sure they won’t get tired of the game in a couple weeks if dual spec was implemented.

To me it seems clear that they aren’t really all that invested in the game if they would rather log out and play something else with their time. Why cater to people that prefer to log out more often than not.


And I think dual spec will Increase the rate of content consumption and burn out because the farming aspect gets removed.

This will lead to people quitting even sooner.

This reason has been given, but you like to cover it up as a misrepresentation of “you are just saying nochanhes”

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ZOMG people aren’t playing the game in exactly the way I have deemed appropriate.

So you don’t want to comment on what I’ve said?


I did? People don’t play the game the same way you do. That doesn’t make how they play invalid.

I never said that.
How about we go back to what my point was.


Right you think that because they aren’t playing the game the same as you do they somehow don’t like WoW.

Yet fail to understand they do like WoW and are asking for something would increase their enjoyment of it and hence participation in it.

If they aren’t playing the game at all why change the game to suit them?

They clearly don’t want to play.

So why change the pie I to a cake just so they might play before getting bored again?

But you said people would rather log out. what does that have to do with what they do in game?

If they don’t want to respec, and would rather not play, how can you claim they would participate more consistently? They have demonstrated a lack of wanting to play the game.


If you want a guarantee… you won’t get any, because none exist for avoiding or adding Dual Spec.

However, the act of farming gold, even for people that probably need it, is sufficient reason for people not to pursue more gold-laden activities and effort, even though gold farming isn’t hard, even though the benefits would be immense, etc. This is the same reason people don’t really enjoy mindless AoE grinding for XP when they can do quests, even though the quests take far longer, grant far less XP/hr, etc.

I’m not sure how to better explain this other than that some minor conveniences can be sufficient to completely and utterly prevent people from engaging in other content. Sometimes this barrier is entirely intentional and meaningful… but in the case of respeccing, Blizzard themselves found that barrier to be entirely arbitrary and purposeless.

Are you insufficiently invested in the game if you aren’t at all interested in doing dungeon boosting and/or AoE mob grinding for maximum XP gains?

So you think all activities in the game are exactly equal?

You have no comprehension that some people might enjoy different areas more than others?

But they aren’t doing ANY activities according to you.

They are just logging out.

Why cater to the players who are not playing the game? Are they even players at that point?

Cool, just clearing that up. Is it fair to say that zir’s first point is now unsubstantiated?

So if dual spec is added, what is the new issue that these people who like to log out often will pick as the? The people who would rather log out than play currently seem likely to find another reason to say “Well its not worth it, I’ll just log out”

Zir said log out. thier first point was about getting people to play more, not changing what they do with their time.

I never said that. How did you reach this conclusion? I thought we were talking about game participation.


You are the one saying that people who don’t want to farm gold for respecs don’t like WoW at all.

Weird how in a game with many many things to do some people might not enjoy them all equally.

No, because we’re not offering strict proofs, but just probabilistic assertions. That’s why I said “no guarantees”, not that nothing anyone is saying is strictly unfounded.

There will always be a reason for people to not want to keep logging on relative to other people, so this really isn’t entirely relevant. We’re not looking to fix everyone’s boredom, just a hunk of folks.

Which if people only had the option of grinding to gain XP over questing… they’d probably do the same: log out.

They pull the argument out of their rear that it will increase player participation because they have nothing to stand on for reasons to add dual spec.

You seem to be unsure of what your point is.

ok, heres a restated probably assertion, Dual spec in tbcc will cause faster burnout and result in people quitting the game (likely until the next phase), or logging out after very short play sessions.

But making changes for the ones who tend to log out faster, would likely lead to them still, eventually logging out faster.
If dual spec helps with peoples boredom, how long would it be until they are bored again, and now, what about the people who weren’t bored, will this change cause them to become bored as well?

was there a point in this relating to what we are talking about? if there was, I’ve missed it. could you elaborate.