Dual Spec.. please?

Maybe you type very slowly or maybe you think very slowly or maybe you read very slowly but I spend maybe 20 or 30 minutes a day on the forum. I just spent two hours cleaning the batteries on my solar system. I’m just taking a smoke break now. Then I’ll play a couple hours of BC. Then I’ll take my dogs for a walk. I’ll play some more BC after supper.

I intend to. But the soil on my land is baked hard by the sun in Arizona. I’ve been spending a lot of time making a raised bed and filling it with leaves and twigs. When I’ve done that I’ll go to a wash and bring back truck loads of soil to cover it with. By next spring I’ll be ready to plant.

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Good thing my argument against dual spec isn’t #nochanges.

…everyone said for the 1000000th time.

Oh, I’ve explained the reasons. I’m just no longer obligated to highlight them or repeat them to you because you’ve given my fingers enough of a workout repeating the same arguments over and over, adnauseam only for you to forget them hours later and come back again with “so #nochanges?”.

You’re a broken record, my dude. Your approach to this debate is endlessly circular, pointless, and arbitrary.

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You literally just said,

No duh, noone is claiming TBC originally had dual spec, that is however not an argument against adding to TBC Classic beyond #nochanges.

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Could you explain #NoChanges for me?

It’s quite simple, that’s how it was originally so that’s how it should be.

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And no amount of reasoning can change that outcome, correct?

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Apparently not with some of these people.

And it’s fine when people are honest about that being their position, but then you get some people who only selectively apply it when they can’t come up with a real argument about why they don’t want something.

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How can someone selectively apply no changes?
Either they say no to everything, or they are not nochanges. right?

Anything else is subject to conversation? And as stated by zip many times, he doesn’t like the idea of dual spec… that’s not saying no for the sake of nochanges.

When someone says “insert it wasn’t like this before” There’s an unspoken sentence that you seem to be unaware of.

“It wasn’t like this before, and there needs to be a good reason to change it”

The implication of zipso and redbeard and others isn’t

dual spec can’t go in because all changes are bad, they are saying that change sounds bad to them, and you are giving no reasons to make the change sound worth while…

They are also #somechanges.

But alas, I doubt any of this will matter.



They can’t, which is my issue when they try to do so.

It’s extremely hypocritical to be okay with some changes but then not okay with others just on the basis of #nochanges.

Except I’ve never made that argument because wait for it there re changes I don’t like. The difference is I will give my reasons based on the merit of the change not just rant about #nochanges when I can’t make a coherent point.

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This isn’t happening though.

This is very ironic.


Yes it is, multiple people in this thread have flat out used #nochanges as their argument against dual spec while also admitting to being okay with other changes.

And the part you didn’t want to quote,

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I disagree with your claim of the merit of the change. I think it’s non sensical

its really just a cover for


LoL keep thinking that then, weird that I was against a much more significant change than dual spec like same faction BG’s though…

Then you’re just being hypocritical. sometimes you’re
and sometimes you’re not.


Hmm… except I can actually back up why I don’t want a change with real reasons :slight_smile:

I don’t fall back on #nochanges when I can’t make a coherent argument unlike some people against dual spec.

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Go for it, it would be a lovely change of pace compared to quoting half of a statement, and then attributing that to nochanges.

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I’m not against dual spec, it’s not on me to provide a good reason why it would be bad :slight_smile:

Then why change?
Why put resources in when not doing so costs 0, and doing so cost more than 0.