Dual Spec.. please?

I can’t choose not to be affected by players who have dual spec, that’s literally impossible if they add it in.

Also, how do you know nobody wants pet battles?

Do you have a reddit/twitter poll to back up that claim?

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If dual spec is added there is no way you could know if the people you play with have paid for a respec, are using an off spec, or are playing on their only spec. That’s how little it will change the game for you. The only way is in raids when people change specs. That could easily be solved by putting spec changes on a cool down and/or requiring changes be made in a major city. Or you could grow a spine and refuse to be in a guild that requires you to have two raid specs.

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So basically

“I’m gonna drench the table nachos in cheese, and if you don’t like it go to a different party”

We have a phrase for people like this.

Selfish tush-circles, would be one way to say it.

Even though it’s totally reasonable for you to just eat the nachos plain, because that’s exactly what the party was made for, plain nachos, you’re telling the people who don’t like cheese at the plain nachos party to go to a different party.

Lol. The entitlement is just so severe…

So because I can’t literally, physically, see something happening, it’s not happening? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Blizzard adding pet battles to tbcc would effect you though.

It changes the value of pets that can be bought and sold in the AH, it makes rep locked pets now able to be sold on the AH, player behavior, leveling and with this it effects the economy as a whole. It’s part of the reason I am against transmogs. It effects the economy, player behavior, leveling, exc.

I’ll explain how it effects player behavior and leveling now. Let’s say you want to sell a rare drop pet, because now with pet battles it’s much better to have that pet for those focusing on pet battles. So you go to a leveling zone and farm it. Killing mobs that levels might have killed to quest and level.

Even a change as “small” as pet battles has far reaching effects that can negatively impact a lot of other things. I used to collect Pets in retail before they added pet battles. I had the 75 pets deer and was close to the 100 pets for the squirl. When the pet battles came out people could buy their way to that easily and now these achievements for having over 1000 pets because of how much easier pet collecting has become. It invalidated the worth of my collection overnight. I lost interest in pet collecting when it became a pay gold to win design.

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These crazy food analogies are nonsense and always fall flat. You all can’t come up with a rational argument so you have to talk about pie and cake and nachos and vegan restaurants. It’s just really dumb. Could I drench the table nachos in cheese and have you not notice it?

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No, nor could you add dual spec to TBCC and have me not notice it you absolute god of logic.

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Sorry it would be painfully obvious with the people I play with as they would change specs right in front of me without ever going back to a town or paying gold, or getting summoned back, or costing the raid or group time. You know, one of the INTENDED costs of changing specs…

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I don’t buy or sell pets on the AH. That’s a choice I made. You can make similar choices but because you lack the ability to say no you want to control the whole game for every one. I didn’t stack world buffs, a lot of us didn’t. You lack a spine so you were unable to say no. If dual spec is added you can make the same choice I did with stacking world buffs. Just say no.

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You can chose not to play tbcc because it doesn’t have dual spec and go find a game more to your liking, so why are you here again?

You never read or you lack the necessary reading comprehension to understand what you read.

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They already require going to a major city or class trainer and paying gold to change specs, so why do we need dual spec again?

LOL, that’s RICH.

Talk about gaslighting, wow.

This is exactly what you are doing. The game right now does not have dual spec and that’s on purpose.

You want to change it to something it never was, for your own selfish reasons.

You are the one who lacks the ability to say no, by speaking with your wallet and playing a game that actually satisfies your needs.

That’s not us. We are perfectly happy playing TBCC as is, with no dual spec. We know what we want.


Because I choose to be here. No one is forcing me to do anything I don’t want to do. If fact because I’m retired I don’t even have some boss at work telling me what to do. And since I bought 10 acres of land when I retired even my neighbors are far enough away that I can do what ever I want.

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If you are retired and focusing your entire retirement on a crusade for tbcc to have dual spec, I feel really really bad for you. Maybe you should pick up gardening.


I didn’t tell you to go play retail, I’m just saying it’s the same logic to me as you telling players that wanted drums changed to join a casual guild.

I don’t think my intellect is the issue here. Maybe I’m not communicating very well, but you don’t seem to be very close to understanding what I’m saying, if you think I’m suggesting that the solution to your dual spec problem is to play retail. It’s pretty clearly not the point I was making, in my opinion.

Can we get it already, thanks in advance.

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Of course. Every change in the game came about because sufficient numbers of players wanted it for their own selfish reasons. The horde players who never pvp aren’t coming here to ask for HvH bg’s. People not in hardcore guilds weren’t coming here to ask for the drum change. If it doesn’t improve the game for them they won’t come here asking for a change

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Show me the evidence of sufficient numbers of people wanting it that isn’t your assumption based off Twitter/Reddit polls.

What is sufficient, btw? 50%? 75%?

Put it this way:

I’m not advocating for the game to be worse for you, since nothing changes if I get my way, and you’ve no indication me saying anything would stop Blizz from adding it.

However, you are advocating to make the game worse for me.

You are the aggressor here.

You are the villain in this scenario.

#nochanges is off the board per blizzard.

You may not have noticed but thy are very willing to make changes to TBC Classic. And don’t pretend your reasons against dual spec are anything but selfish, you just seem to get some weird kick out of others not having.

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For reasons you can’t actually explain beyond that you somehow get vaguely offended knowing others would be using it and enjoying the game more.

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