Dual Spec.. please?

Then go buy a pie that has whipped cream (buy or sub to a game that has what you want), instead of trying to put whipped cream on the only pie that I’m forced to eat because it’s the only pie that is remotely close to the kind of pie I want to eat.

Not technically Is I mean is pie better with whip cream Yeah 90% of the time But you certainly don’t have to have it.

If dual spec comes in the game there’s nothing forcing you to buy it Now why you wouldn’t I have no clue.

It just makes the player experience overall better but technically you don’t have to spend that a 1000 gold to buy it.

And I can make the exact same argument I pay my sub just like you pay yours and my inputs just as valuable as yours.

Is plain and simple

No But the player base is Is the player beats affects a lot of things And again I have to wonder if we were really playing the game the way we play it now back in 2007.

Hypothetically you can make Justice high if an argument would the debts have changed their mind on certain things probably Is dual speck being one of them.

And yet others will have it and it will effect my game. This is the part you don’t seem to get.

Noone would need epic flying if it wasn’t in the game, but because it is in the game everyone wants it and pokes fun at those who don’t have it. Now with dual spec it effects COMBAT instead of just travel time, so it’s effects are even bigger.

Have you been in a guild in classic that benched you for another player before because of performance or you being unwilling or unable to use consumes/get world buffs, or do a specific mechanic? That’s the effect dual spec will have on those who don’t get it if it gets into the game.

It won’t be optional for those in even remotely serious guilds.

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Somechanges also doesn’t mean ALLchanges. Especially ones that go directly against the origional game design goals and intent of tbc.

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If you’re referring to me personally, I’m the authority on that, and I say you’re 100% wrong.

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I know sometimes you misspell stuff and everything, but you just said tbcc isn’t based off of tbc. It has me really confused as to what you are trying to say there lol.

How would not changing anything you do regularly change anything you do regularly?


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Adding dual spec removes the regular farming for gold people do to change between 2 specs.


OKI just looked through the post that I sent you nowhere do I see that I said that tbc its tbcc

No yes is it based off it yes or no It is based off the game however That doesn’t mean there isn’t going to be changes to accommodate for the way we play the game now.

And duel spack Is one of those changes that needs to happen

Correct and what it means is that #nochanges is not an argument blizzard cares about anymore.

And given the scope of what they do consider acceptable for TBC Classic like same faction BG’s(which aren’t optional and impact every BG) dual spec is hardly out of the realm of possibility.

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We’re just not. Lots of guilds did not stack world buffs. The “meta” wasn’t a problem for them because they were playing a different game, by choice. So could you if you had a spine. Many of the changes were for supposedly “hardcore” players whining about their guild forcing them to do this or that. Like the drum nerf. The casual guilds were never going to force all their raiders to be leather workers. And they didn’t care what hardcore guilds would do. What was the most common solution offered to the hardcore players whining about drums on the forums? Join a casual guild.

Hell the guild I was in was clearing AQ40 and Naxx and there was no hard requirement that people use world buffs. Some people showed up in full buffs, most people showed up with Ony/ZG and some people showed up with nothing. Noone got called out or pressured into anything.

The idea that every raider min maxes 100% is simply not in line with reality.

So … the players asking for a change to the game were the “whiners” in this context, and the solution to their problem was “join a casual guild.”

Now here we are talking about dual spec. Wouldn’t that make the players asking for the change the “whiners” and the corresponding solution to their problem is “play retail?”

I’m just trying to understand your logic. I must not be getting it.

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If you wanna give yourself a migraine…

These guys see contradictions as well as they farm gold to respec.

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If the only difference between TBC and Shadowlands was the addition of dual spec you’d be correct and I would still be playing retail. But we all know there are many differences. You know that and you know that just saying “go play retail” is about the most stupid thing people post on the forums. You use it because you lack the intellect to come up with a rational reason to be against dual spec or a rational argument to rebut our reasoning.

I can’t make a list of all the differences between Shadowlands and TBC because I quit wow before SL was released. But we can start with the changes to the talents that began with Cata and continued in following expansions. For many that was the beginning of the end of wow. When 6 million people quit the game during Cata and MoP the changes to the talents was the number one reason I saw people cite as the reason they quit. The second reason was the cross realm Lfd that many blame for the loss of community in wow. I didn’t see anyone claim they quit because dual spec was added.

Lmao, why would any of us think it’s “out of the realm of possibility”?

Of course it’s possible, they could also add pet battles to TBCC, I mean why not, they’re using Legion client and it’s not like you have to do them if you don’t like them right?

This isn’t a discussion about Blizzard’s literal ability to do something, for all we know they could shut down TBCC tomorrow and become a chocolate bar company.

The question is whether or not it’s a good idea for them to add it.



It’s a good thing my argument isn’t no changes.

Woah there…you trying to confuse the guy? You know what happens when you say that which can’t possibly true…

He’s going to reset back to step #1:

“It’s the same thing as #nochanges



I asked if tbcc is based off of tbc by giving the year it was out.

You replied with

The playerbase has changed, which is why I understand changes being made that try to change the game in ways the devs of back then would have changed things if they encountered today’s players. But they would have still stayed inside their intended design goals and intents for the game with those changes.

Drums is an example. If you were a dev back then and saw 80+% of the raiding playerbas3 being LW and saw drum stacking being done by nearly everyone, the devs of the day would have definatly done something about it. In fact they saw the opposite problem for most of tbc. LW was very unpopular so they buffed drums.

In tbcc we will eventually have both versions of drums according to what I have read with the greater drums, but the better version isn’t coming out until a later phase.

Now back to the topic of dual spec. The devs of then saw the playerbase asking for it, saw people wanted it. They came out and told the playerbase NO on it for tbc. And later announce dual spec with information on wotlk having come out as well. It was after a design goal shift for the new expansion that they decided it should be added and even then they waited to see the results of the many changes that happened in wotlk before releasing dual spec to be sure it wouldn’t damage the newly designed and balanced game.

It wouldn’t bother me at all if they did. Unlike you I’m not against things I don’t have to do. I can simply choose not to and let those that choose to do them do what they want. But the objective reality is adding pet battles to BC isn’t wanted by many people while dual spec is.