Dual Spec.. please?

Or you could simply not put it on your pie in the first place.

You being offended someone else likes it and is eating it is a you problem.

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Perfect, don’t add whipped cream to the pie, don’t add dual spec to the video game.


Druids can no longer experience playing Cat Form the way TBC had it either. I can never experience that ever again.

People playing PvP can never opt out of fighting their own faction now. They can never experience that again.

People playing in an environment without boosters can never experience TBC as it was when the level 58 was never there. They can never experience that again.

So and so forth…

This is not a faithful recreation.


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Nobody is forcing you to. Not everyone purchased Dual Spec in Wrath either. I know I wasn’t one of them, I was happy with one.

Why not? It’s clearly better for the people playing the game which is why the majority of players are asking for it. Are you against the betterment of the game? Do you not want players to have fun?

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Right don’t add it to your pie, someone else using it on the other hand is none of your business.

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There’s no “your pie” and there’s no “my pie.” We’re sharing the same video game.


That’s completely fine on your piece of the pie But some of us like with cream And I want my whip cream I want duel speck.

You don’t want to buy it if it gets in the game that’s completely your choice Me I very much do.

Along with the whole lot of other people This and it would make the game better overall

The feature you are trying to add goes against the design goals and intent behind that design of those who made tbc. The very game tbcc is based off of.

We have a dev response proving this when they said no to mti spec and gave their reasons why.

Then go buy a pie that has whipped cream (buy or sub to a game that has what you want), instead of trying to put whipped cream on the only pie that I’m forced to eat because it’s the only pie that is remotely close to the kind of pie I want to eat.


Good thing dual spec is optional so if you don’t want it you can simply not use it.

Okay, so you disagree with Blizzard on their own game, now?


Why don’t you take it up with them…


“If you don’t like it don’t use it” is easily the worst pro dual-spec argument out there. We interact with players that use it, so we’re affected, whether we buy it or not.

That’s what I mean when I say you’re asking us to eat around the whipped cream.


By putting dual spec in, the whipped cream is on ALL of the pie, we can try to scrape it off, but there will always be residue.

It’s like epic flying vs normal flying, you can chose not to get epic flying, but at that point you are just hurting your productivity, making others wait on you more, exc.

If dual spec is added, the min max culture will be telling everyone to leave the whipped cream on, or get benched.

It’s like ordering nachos for the table, and there’s someone at the table who’s allergic to cheese/LI, so you tell the waiter to drench the nachos in cheese and tell the LI person to just eat around it.

Instead of…you know…ordering your own appetizer (buying a game that fits your needs)…

Pop quiz: Who’s the jerk here? The person asking the waiter to drench the nachos in cheese? Or the LI person for simply liking plain nachos?


Of course I do. As do a lot of folks who post here regularly.

Hence, why we post here.

I have. They usually tell people to post here because of that.

Anything else, Sherlock?

It’s not pro dual spec, it just shows how silly it is to whine about an optional feature you can simply not use if you don’t like.

And how petty it is to complain about other people liking something you don’t personally use even though it has no negative impact on you. If you don’t use dual spec your game experience is exactly the same as it is without it.

The feature you are trying to add goes against the design goals and intent behind that design of those who made tbc. The very game tbcc is based off of.

We have a dev response proving this when they said no to mti spec and gave their reasons why.

1st off yeah a Dev post from 2007 It’s 2021 Show me a recent Dev post talking about that 2nd of all.

Is it’s been proven time and time again It’s not everything the devs do is a perfect idea they didn’t do anything about drums or the Is Joe crafting an enchant Mata.

And again This isn’t tbc its tbcc Just because something was their design intention doesn’t mean it was overall good for the game.

We could look at classic class balance just to give a brief introduction of that Like it or not we play the game so differently now.

So quite frankly just because there was a blue post in 2007 isn’t enough to convince me that dual speck would be as horrible as you seem to think.

If it’s a change that’s good for the game Whether it was back in the day or not I say put it in

No it’s not, just don’t go to the trainer and get dual spec if you don’t like it.

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Is tbcc based off a game that was out in 2007 or is it based off a game from 2021?

Blizzard specifically announced that #nochanges doesn’t apply to TBC Classic like it did for vanilla.

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