Dual Spec.. please?

Respecs already exist in WoW so dual spec is not some radical new concept, it’s just an improvement on an existing system.

A grind which people simply don’t do, they just log out which is far worse. Exactly like they did originally in TBC and part of why dual spec was added.

The reasons dual spec were added existed in TBC they were not created by wrath. But you aren’t honest enough to admit that.

Except my argument isn’t nochanges, you’re the one saying that’s my argument and then claiming I am a hypocrite.

So you are misrepresenting my arguments and insulting my character.

You do realize this is the method used by those who know they have no logical ground to stand on right? Use emotions to “win” the argument because you can’t do it with logic.

You literally just wrote a huge wall of text about why dual spec was bad simply because it wasn’t in TBC originally.

To respec it costs time and gold.

What is one of the main reasons people have said they want dual spec? Oh that’s right they don’t want to pay the constant gold fees and spend the time going back to town and resoecing. Aka the consequences of changing spec. They want to remove that part. The part where choices have consequences.

If people chose to not play this game and raid log that’s their choice to make. The game doesn’t need to change because of their laziness or lack of motivation to play this game outside of raid logging. Plenty if people still play regularly.

And I explained that.

It’s really not rocket science, people aren’t going to spend more time doing a time sink for a spec than they would spend in that spec. They’ll simply not play, which is worse for everyone.

Game design goals and intent.

I am not arguing for a carbon copy of tbc. I’m arguing that changes made should not go against the very design goals and intent of tbc. There is a big difference, if you fail to understand that you may want to sit down and work on your critical thinking skills.

So the game should be changes to conform to the lazy and entitled?

Sorry that’s what retail is for.

Hmm… people choosing what they do with their potentially limited leisure time is lazy and entitled?

Still not sure what you don’t understand about that, maybe you have nothing else to do but play WoW all day so what you do in WoW or how much you enjoy it doesn’t matter to you as grinding gold is exactly the same running a dungeon or Bg to you.

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So your only argument it that that’s the way it was not an actual position on why dual spec is bad?

Got it, #nochanges, which you also just admitted you will apply selectively as you are a hypocrite.

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It’s the ultimate irony that he keeps arguing #nochanges obsessively without altering course no matter how much it’s refuted.

Whenever someone says it’s not #nochanges he basically goes “Yes! Yes it is! you don’t know your own argument! Only I can properly evaluate your argument, and I deem it #nochanges!”.

This is a completely circular argument because he’s incapable of interpreting logical refutation to his assertion that everything is #nochanges.

Nothing will come of doing this endless dance with him. His goal is to keep this shallow ruse up forever.


Again Is a different team for one The blue post was from 2007 This is 2021 and We’re saying faction battlegrounds in at lunch no When did they finally come in await the beginning of phase 2.

Funny It almost seems like they’re not against major changes later on if it’s wanted enough surprising

So ignore intended design of tbc in tbcc?

If that’s the case why not add in turn based combat instead of what tbc had?

Turn based combat is clearly popular in many games, so why not?

Again, stop trying to turn this pie into a cake.

Respecs already exist so no there is no massive change in game play just an improvement on an existing mechanic and technically that mechanic is a vanilla mechanic not a TBC mechanic.

Nor do I particularly care about the original design when it has flaws. Which is shockingly why the TBC devs that you seem to love so much decided to add dual spec in the first place, because of issues in TBC.

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You don’t want to be called out on #nochanges don’t make a #nochanges argument.

As soon as you start arguing that dual spec should be in just because it wasn’t in TBC originally you have made a #nochanges argument.

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And again we’re not trying to turn pie into cake it’s more we’re turning an Apple pie into a strawberry pie if anything.

2nd of all Is there’s a very big difference between wanting to add a feature then doing a complete game overhaul just saying.

Not even that, it’s more like adding a can of whipped cream to the table that some people might like on their apple pie. And those who don’t just don’t put it on.

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Yeah I guess yeah That is very true very very true Because at the end of the day how you use dual spec Is 100% up to you.

Technically you don’t even have to buy it if you don’t want to but now does that mean almost nobody won’t Probably not.

I mean I’ll be honest if they brighten the 1st thing I would do would be to save up a 1000 gold 1000 cold you know what I mean.

This isn’t just your pie you’re putting whipped cream on. You’re not just changing your game client on your computer. You’re asking for this change to go live and affect everyone. Everyone’s pie is getting whipped cream.

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Not really, dual spec is entirely optional, you don’t want it don’t buy it.

Not hard.

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I know, I can eat around the whipped cream if I don’t like it.

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