Dual Spec.. please?

These things aren’t comparable though I don’t care what combination of specs you have it will never even equivalent Is to half of what world buffs gave you.

And again I keep saying this if there is a meta that does spawn up that it’s only going to affect 30% of guilds and that’s thinking extremely high and optimistically.

Yeah sure if you’re clearing the content and pushing for parts’s super hard is is super hardcore yeah you’re gonna be those Guild sets respecting in between Poles.

Is but your average Joe gilled people that are just waiting for fun is waiting for fun and wanted to raise with the bunch of their friends yeah that’s just not going to happen.

And I know I’ve had this discussion with people I know that are in hardcore guilds And the people that are in mind.

And literally nobody thinks that We’re going to be expected to respect Is between Poles for trash and bosses no.

And a hard torkilled yes It’s just that simple

Which change?

I wanna try it. Here goes…

Ahem, Blizzard always wanted to do Dual Spec because there was something in the air that they felt that day that let them know it was the correct decision. Their only regret was that they didn’t implement it sooner.

I know this because reasons and I will stand by this story every time someone challenges me until they exhaust themselves trying to fight it. That way, I’ll be right about it by the end of the day.

That’s how this works, right?

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insert Palpatine Ironic Meme


So you don’t think it changed at all since vanilla… lol

Here’s what has changed.

  1. It’s more common, the rate of it being done has increased considerably in terms of percentage of multiboxing to non multiboxers (these include bots) to non multiboxers.
  2. It’s being used in far more exploiting ways than it was before as knowledge of how to abuse it for gold, instant killing entire raids, grieffing, exc has been increased vastly due to min max culture and much more available knowledge of the game in general.
  3. It’s much more visible due to the changes in popularity and use of social media, YouTube, exc. From back then and now.

Do you really think these points are invalid? Go ahead and try to argue against them.

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Wasn’t this in legion?

I remember this for some reason.

It was, but I’m using it as an example of how multi boxing/botting have gotten worse over time compared to actual vanilla.

They are trying to say it’s just because blizzard changed their mind.

Ignoring cause and effect.

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Cause and effect? so why blizzard added dual spec back in the day.

The causes are the same now in TBC Classic.

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Blizzard added dual spec for 2 reasons.

  1. And this is the important one they wanted to change design goals with the new expansion to make the game more inclusive and pull even more people into the game.
  2. They were tired of the whining.

Notice the bolded part.

There was a change in design goals that they introduced in, wait for it, WOTLK. Not tbc. They waited for after wotlk launched and was in full swing for 2 reasons.

  1. Dual spec went against the design goals of tbc so they waited for the expansion for drastic changes.
  2. It let them test the drastic changes to see if they were in line with being able to add dual spec without making any class to good in any setting from being able to change specs easily, cheaply, and on demand. The changes of wotlk included removing some spec identity and focusing on class identity to a degree by moving power out of talents and into the baseline class while also making all classes more similar to each other so noone excelled to much at any one thing compared to other classes (easy example, ability to deal constant aoe damage)
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In every discussion of dual spec by the devs they never once said that. You’re putting words into their mouths to make up reasons to argue against it. You’re just the biggest bs-er on this forum.

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Everything you just said is false.

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No, I do not agree.

It’s like walking in to a vegan restaurant (run by a principled vegan company) and demanding it sell meat products simply because meat is more popular amongst the population.

Some things are simply off limits, period.

Just go to any of the other whatever-% of restaurants that sell meat. It’s not that complicated. Let the vegans have their one little get-away.


none of the arguments against DS is about DS. it’s always about change and purity

No, it’s like the vegan restaurant announcing they were making changes by adding meat to the menu, starting with chicken and asking the customers to give them feedback on what other meats they should add to the menu. You keep missing the fact that blizzard announced changes, told us more were coming and asked for feedback from the players on what changes they would like added. This is no longer some “purist vegan restaurant”


Some changes =/= Giving entitled idiots everything they demand.

Want to know how to create more losers in society? Keep throwing more welfare at them.


Odd then, how we have a blue post stating NO to multi spec from tbc, and giving reasons that fall into design goals and then dual spec isonmy announced after development of wotlk is underway.

Hmmm. It’s almost like they didn’t want to make drastic changed to tbc design goals so they waited for an expansion that had very different design goals in mind so that tbc could be what tbc was designed to be.

So very odd…

Hay now, your going to hurt the snowflakes feelings! And if they don’t get their way, that’s a crime, they need their emotional safe place where everything goes their way!


Seems like that more accurately describes your #nochanges stance :slight_smile:

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No, that’s not a fair comparison at all.

If we assume that wrath classic is coming, then the change is coming eventually.

I don’t think it’s fair to claim that the change (from blizzards view) is 100% off the table.

how is that you’re still repeating this?