Dual Spec.. please?

Or I could just keep posting on this form To try and get it in

But he wants to modify it?

Hmmm, leaving out the immediate lines after. seems fishy kuma, seems fishy.

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Just because I’ve been keeping notes on this.

This one is funny tho.

Except that Zipzo wants the product that was advertised. You pro-spec numbskulls barge in a restaurant, screaming to get something that isn’t on the menu because its “what you want” and argue with the patrons who are correctly pointing out that you’re entitled whiners who are causing a scene.

That’s the part that truly fascinates me: you people are so narcissistic that you don’t realize that it is YOU who are the problem. It is YOU who are demanding that changes be forced upon others.

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I really really hate to side with kuma, but if enough people ask for something not on the menu, there are decent chances of it being added to the menu.

Lol? Do you have a mirror by chance?

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Changes were 100% on board from day one of TBC Classic, blizzard made that very clear maybe she should have been paying more attention.

Players already have choice.

It just comes with a cost. And it’s a very small cost at that. 50g is nothing in tbc. I can farm over 100g of raw gold in a week with doing 10 minutes of play a day doing 2-3 dailies which require 0 combat. Cooking, fishing, and one of the bomb run dailies from P2.

You not being able to afford 50g respecs is a personal choice. You being able to afford them and chosing not to is a perso al choice. You have the choice, your choosing to believe you have no choice though and demanding the game be changed to cater to your laziness.

And if dual spec gets added you would have the choice not to use it.

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Some changes does not equal all changes.

We could have no more changes for all of tbcc and they would have kept their word of some changes.

But when they start making changes that go directly against the very core of tbc, that’s when they break their word of providing tbc classic.

Again, you can’t change a pie I to a cake and still have it be a pie.

Okay? And we could have more changes and they also would have kept their word.

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That’s not how the game culture works and you know it. If it gives a benefit it will be almost mandatory to have it. Why do you think so many people want epic flying even though it’s not needed? Because the mindset of the players is if it gives a benefit I “need” it.

We saw this with world buffs, jujus, scrolls, potions, exc.

Even small benefits like jujus became basically mandatory for competent guilds, so your argument of “it’s a small be if it it won’t be required” falls flat on its head because we saw how small benefits became mandatory.

Not if they make the game not resemble tbc at all by going directly against against desigb goals and intent of the origional game.

No they don’t, most people do not min max 100% nor is there any expectation to.

And given that dual spec is about entry to content not how that content is played it’s even less of a min max tool.

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Hate to break it to you but respecs are already in the game, dual spec is just an improvement on how that process works.

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Dual spec is more than a 1% increase though, it’s significant enough it will be required by even remotely serious guilds.

Multi spec is what dual spec is.

The devs of tbc said NO to it. Thus it’s directly against the intended game design and goals of tbc.

But the good knows is respecs are already in the game, so you have the choice to change specs for different content.

Actually no it’s not, not a single ability works any differently whether you have dual spec or not.

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