Dual Spec.. please?

Yeah from 2007 When you link me a post from 2021 yeah then I’ll be a little bit more convinced.

Until then I’m gonna keep trying and I say #DualSpeck

They didn’t have same faction battlegrounds when the game launched either And here we are.

I replied to that point. Scroll up a few posts.

4400 posts in this thread, no need to repeat ourselves so soon.

how that weren’t design choices made before the game launched if they were same faction battlegrounds would have been in at launch but they weren’t.

So how do you figure?

This got a good laugh from me.

I am sorry for the lack of real life experience and reality that made you this entitled and unable to cope. May I suggest updating your favorite pronouns on Twitter bio while drinking a soy latte and screaming about eating the rich?


You know I keep saying it and I’m just going to keep saying it I’m going to laugh if they end up putting it in next phase.

And I’m gonna remember all The Times that you said it’s never gonna happen and just smiled to myself

10 characters.

Don’t invest in this emotionally. Regardless if DS is included earlier than expected or not, life has more to offer than petty forum wins.

A solution I’d love to see in TBC would be to simply change nothing other than removing the gold cost (or reducing it to a very very low amount) to respec from the trainer. That wouldn’t fundamentally change the game design or the importance of committing to a spec - since you would still have to go and visit a trainer in an old city - but it would remove the negative impact of being charged a high amount of gold when asked by a group to switch to tanking vs dpsing for example on a warrior or similar class.

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I wouldn’t say emotionally I would say passionately Yes I’m passionate about this because I see the problems it causes every day.

Is that I and my other friends and others experience every day I see the consequences of not having it in the game and especially when I know the good it would cause.

See the only problem with that I see it’s not just the gold cost right yes that’s a huge amount however.

The reason I want dual specs so bad is I’ll give you a scenario is the scenario say you’re lovely you’re a change or a healer you know it’s going to be really bad to level right.

So you respect to a leveling S back right well then you see a group for a dungeon will you whisper them and say I’m a main healing speck by I’m an ospect right now do you really think they’re gonna wait for you to go all the way back to the major city Respect.

And go all the way back or are they just gonna say sorry we’ll find someone else

You’re talking to someone who has made hundreds upon hundreds of posts crying for DS. I think he is far beyond the point of being emotionally invested and has reached the point where this crusade gives his meaningless life some sort of meaning.

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We’ve been through this cycle of WoW before and it can be argued that DS didn’t solve role participation at all.


Thing is, gold is both more accessible in TBC than Classic as well as the respec fee staying the same.

Once you’ve completed your profession and mount goals with your savings, there’s really not that many gold sinks left in the game.


I don’t claim that will solve anything however it can’t be argued that it wouldn’t help it at least a little bit.

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So what? It would “help” if locks could summon in Netherstrom. It would “help” if flasks and potions were free off a vendor right in front of the raid instance like a PTR server. Tons of things would “help”, but that’s not a justification to have it added.

The game isn’t being changed to “help” you, it has been and probably will continue to only be changed to alter the game in certain respects that are in-line with being faithful to original TBC.

Helping you respec is nowhere near that goal. Helping you, or anyone else, is not their goal. Alterations to TBC are not about “helping”.

You are seriously confused.


The same argument saved me since the very beginning Is dual spec allows player freedom.

It allows people to have choice You have an offspect and a main speck It allows you to switch these freely.

If I’m a priest I have an ospect shadow to quest And farm And I’m not saying it’s to help me I’m saying they would make changes because it would make.

Players alives better over all

Yes you are confused, there is more than one person who would switch roles and participate in some other area of the game if dual spec was an option.

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Yeah, and? I don’t want that. It makes the game worse for me. The game is great as is, with no dual spec. If you don’t like it go play something else.

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Right so #nochanges.

You can’t explain why just that it’s different.

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