I didn’t continue reading before making the post because you’re a level 14 posting alt with 61 posts. I immediately continued reading and corrected my post. You were right there, seconds later, not even giving me the opportunity to correct my error. You were ready to jump, instantly. Look at the timestamps of our posts.
Like, come on.
Your first post on the forums. I was correct to not bother reading anything this alt posts.
Because I was in the middle of replying to Kuma when I saw your reply come in, and copy/pasting the conversation from 1 post up literally took 2 seconds… the same amount of time it would have taken you to scroll down and read.
You can think I’m just a forum troll because I post on a lvl 14 character, but dual spec was the thing that made me START posting on these forums in the first place.
That’s only half of the equation. The other half is right here:
First post on the forums was an inflammatory one. Yeah, you’re definitely not a level 14 posting troll. Anyways, just going to add you to my forum ignore script with the rest of the posting alts.
How’s my statement wrong? I’ve been told by multiple people that the only reason they want dual spec is for convenience, they aren’t open to alternatives, and they don’t care about the potential PvE abuse. How is that not selfish?
I’m here giving my opinion on how the game would be negatively affected and trying to create discussions about bringing both sides together and compromising, but somehow that makes me the troll?
I don’t care at all if they do. But if that’s your problem with dual spec it could simply have a cool down or require it only be done in a major city. This solution has been posted dozens of times here by a dozen different people but you all ignore it because it’s the only argument you have that even approaches reasonable.
You all are exaggerating the problem. I raided in wrath and I didn’t have two raid specs. NOt on my holy priest or my hunter. Most players didn’t. Maybe a tank or healer had a dps spec for the fights that didn’t need so many tanks or healers or a dps had a tank or healer spec for the occasional fight that needed more but the vast majority never respeced in the middle of a raid.
I’m talking about one point, cooldown for dual spec, which was the main point of your post that I replied to. That is acceptable to almost all who want dual spec. It’s not acceptable to those who don’t want it. There is no compromise with them. They only support no dual spec no matter what changes are made.
I’m one of the people making the argument for it… obviously I’ve seen it posted.
This is the kind of response I got for bringing up altered versions of dual spec, even a version that is only altered by restricting DS usage to major cities:
So, does that mean you’re calling yourself “selfish” and that you “don’t care about any of the side effects or the negative impacts it might have on other players” ?
I’m not pro dual spec. I don’t want dual spec in the game, but I realize the world doesn’t revolve around me so I’m making arguments to suggest and encourage people to compromise between a copy/paste of WoTLK dual spec and a version created for TBCC.
I’m doing this BECAUSE I care about the potential abuse and side effects it will have on the game.
No that’s one person’s response to one of your posts. By far most people who support adding dual spec would accept it with a cool down. If you want to gain acceptance for that idea you’ll need to convince those against dual spec to accept the compromise, not badger those for dual spec about a compromise most have already agreed to