Dual Spec.. please?

Except hearthing out and respeccing takes coordination, time, and help from others. Respeccing with dual spec takes 5 seconds.



Also correct.

Was there a point you wanted to make?

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That way more than “just the sweatiest guilds” and players are going to be using it in raids.


Oh, yes, players already do that through the respec system that’s already in the game.

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Nope, most players wouldn’t bother respeccing now because of all the time and effort of leaving and coming back, not to mention bothering/stalling the raid. With dual spec people would just swap willy nilly because it only takes 5 seconds and doesn’t involve anyone else.


I’ve been in a good number of guilds where people do this on a regular basis, depending ont he needs of the guild. Previous guild I was in, very casual, had a Prot Paladint hat regularly respecced to Holy depending on the situation.

I can understand why you wouldn’t understand these things, though, since at level 14 you’ve never been to a raid yet.

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So because you know people that do it now, more people wouldn’t do it with dual spec? OK bud.


That’s your argument, not mine.

My argument is that Dual Spec just makes the entire process more convenient.

What you’re saying is like arguing that Meeting Stones have somehow changed the meta because players no longer need to set Warlocks everywhere on the map to get anywhere fast.

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what? My argument is that more people WOULD do it with dual spec. The amount of time it takes to port out and get summoned back compared to the 5 second cast time it takes to swap specs with DS is SIGNIFICANTLY longer.

It’s so significant that it makes things like swapping specs for trash packs actually viable. Currently it’s not a viable strategy to have players swap specs multiple times in a raid night because the value in having a more efficient spec for trash is negated by the time it takes to port them out and get them back. If players are able to swap specs in 5 seconds without any involvement from other players then swapping specs for different trash packs/bosses actually becomes a viable strategy.


Already answered this here:

Read next time.

Not if you’re forced to go to a rested area first.

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They definitely changed something, but since the usage of summoning stones didn’t affect a player’s performance in raids it’s nowhere near as impactful.

So you want an alternative version of dual spec? I made a thread about possible alternatives and apparently no one is interested in them and dual spec has to be a 100% copy/paste from WoTLK.

add duel spec - agree

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Nowhere near as impactful as your hypothetical?


It’s not an alternative version. The entire rested area aspect was implemented during Legion.


…that same upcoming build will also restrict the ability to change talents when away from a safe area (defined as an area that provides the Rested state).

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This was literally my first suggestion

To which I was met with :


Good, it’s preferable to the WotLK version. :+1:

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Unless, you know… they make Dual Spec require a rested area to use. Every single grievance people have has a simple solution.

Didn’t read the rest of the posts, woops. Anyways, Dual Spec in TBC.

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Welcome to the conversation…

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You sure made an effort to get that out really quick. It couldn’t be that you’re just another person who doesn’t actually care about the “conversation” and is just here because you’re bored and want to take subtle jabs at people?

Like you just did.

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I agree. I know you weren’t involved in the thread so this isn’t directed towards you, but it’s really disappointing to see such little interested (and outright opposition) to some sort of alternate system here. I truly think that a modified (even slightly) version of dual spec could be implemented where everyone would be happy.

I’m pretty sure I care about the conversation considering I’ve made over 50 posts and 2 threads about the topic here…

Like someone that makes a snarky response without scrolling down 1 page to see the rest of the conversation?


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