My biggest concern about simply ‘copy/pasting’ the WoTLK version of dual spec is it’s potential abuse in PvE raid content. Adding dual spec gives players another way to further min/max performance and and I believe that as time went on more and more uses for dual spec would be discovered and would slowly integrate themselves into the meta that most players experience.
However clearly there are a number of players that support adding dual spec into the game, and have explained how adding it in would make different areas of the game more accessible to them and as a result the game would be more enjoyable. So I’d like to give my ideas on some potential alternatives to the WoTLK version of dual spec in hopes of reaching some level of compromise between those who want dual spec and those who are concerned about it.
Modified WotLK dual spec - WotLK version of dual spec that is:
same UI and functionality of swapping specs as WotLK
Only usable in major cities (shatt possibly included)
1000g initial cost
(Obviously this is the simplest compromise, it works for me personally because it removes alot of the room for PvE abuse but I understand other anti-dualspec players may still have concerns about this.)
PvP only dual spec - Place an NPC next to the arena/BG battlemasters that allow you to swap between a PvE and PvP spec
Spec/actionbars will automatically swap from PvE to PvP upon entering the arena/BG instance, and back upon exiting. (This could be tricky for initially configuring your PvP spec action bars, might need some sort of ‘staging area’ for people to be able to set that stuff up while not being able to just leave and use the spec/abilities for PvE)
PvP spec can be modified at no cost from the NPC
Modifications to current system:
Respec cost reduction
Lower cap?
Faster downscaling of respec cost?
Adding class trainers to Shattrath
Pre-saved action bars to make swapping skills/macros easier
Let me know what you think about these or other potential solutions might work!
We either get ‘Dual Spec’ as we know it to be in when it was launched in WoTLK (the minimum level and gold cost are negotiable), or we don’t. We don’t need variants of Dual Spec to argue about.
Why is there no room for compromise? A simple modification like the first alternative I listed would make myself and potentially many others alot more comfortable with adding dual spec into the game. Compromising would actually give dual spec more support and possibly increase it’s odds of being added in.
There doesn’t need to be a compromise. We either get ‘Dual Spec’ in TBC or we don’t. There’s no point in discussing ‘well, what about this hypothetical version of Dual Spec’? Because the end result would be the same: we either get Dual Spec or we don’t. If we do get Dual Spec, it might as well be ‘classic’ Dual Spec. If we don’t get Dual Spec, then we aren’t going to get a version of Dual Spec that does not exist/has never existed in WoTLK/Retail.
he’s right though. blizzard is not going to go through all the effort of making some super special unique version of dual spec for TBC classic. it’s either coming as is or not. and spoiler alert: it’s not.
imagine actually thinking that blizzard will read this forum and respond accordingly to accomodate players.
blizzard stubbornly requires players to play the game as blizzard wants which is why the game is dead: players don’t want to put up with blizzard’s garbage anymore and blizzard stubbornly refuses to change.
you’re literally just crying and upset that wow is dead. Wow is obviously your entire life, now that wow is dead, your life has become completely meaningless. So, its understandable that you are becoming aggressive on the forums.
kind of ironic coming from a guy who is literally soaking his tshirt in tears at the moment because he knows that the 100000000 hours he put into a video game is now meaningless
i don’t really care. I just unsubbed and won’t be playing again.
You, on the other hand, are desperately clinging to COPIUM and trying to convice yourself that wow is not dead and that your life still has some sort of meaning.