Dual Spec.. please?

In fact the red haired child said all those things. She did in fact claim that she’s such a great hunter that tanks were begging her to join their groups and if she was too busy to join they had to pug. Frankly I don’t expect many people have followed the full conversation but those who did know I was accurate in what I said. It’s common for people to weigh in on issues they know little to nothing about with out taking the time to understand the full story. I never post on a topic unless I’ve read every post on that topic. But I don’t expect that from everyone. I expect people to avoid taking the time to learn the facts and sloppy thinking

And I have never claimed I don’t insult people. I’ve stated quite clearly several times I do. I’ll say it again so there’s no confusion. I start out every conversation with rational argument and no insults. When people start insulting me or others I very deliberately spice up my arguments with insults.

You think I come here to make friends? I don’t. I despise some of you and I’m not going to pretend I don’t. Some of you are very dishonest fools and I treat those with the treatment they deserve. You can always ignore me if that’s a problem for you.

Ok let’s stop trying to one up whos the more polite person.

Instead, let’s discuss why Blizzard still, as of 10/4/2021, has not implemented dual spec.

Anybody have any guesses?

Costs money. That bad. Need money for yearly bonus.

There’s zero reason to “discuss” anything with you. You’re confident that Blizzard is not going to implement Dual Spec in TBC.

Anybody have any guesses why Zipzo is posting all day every day in these Dual Spec threads?

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Small indie dev company, my man.

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Because I don’t want Blizzard to implement dual spec? Just…a guess, and the people who are for it are, conversely, here posting all day to get it in, so I mean there has to be some push back, you know?

Seriously though…why haven’t they implemented it yet?

I mean it’s P2, you and everyone else has all the evidence that it seems to be desirable, and yet…still not here. I’m just curious why you think it would seem Blizzard is ignoring the request (unless you’re asserting they haven’t noticed it).

Blizzard did not deal with key repeating software that multiboxers used for over 15 years. In fact they released statements supporting it several times and stating unequivocally that no action would be taken against multiboxers. No one knows why they waited 15 years to make the decision or why they changed their minds.

In original BC blizzard waited more than 2 years to change the pally seals. They waited until wrath. No one knows why they waited until wrath to make the change or why this time around they added the wrath change into BC classic.

Blizzard seems to wait as long as possible and only when faced with large public demand before making a change.

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It took them like, what, almost 10 expansions to wise up to the demand for classic wow?

At that rate you might as well just kick back for WOTLKC lol

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Like many trolls, he likes causing disruption.

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Don’t even for a second act like you know what trolling is if you think that’s what I’m doing.

I have a contrasting opinion to yours I feel strongly about. Asserting it against yours is not trolling.

Grow up.

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Wait, so you’re not confident that they won’t implement it?

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I never would have thought they’d add boosts, but here we are…

Blizzard is absolutely prone to moves that I would consider stupid, so it’s definitely possible they repeat such a thing with dual spec.

I don’t think it’s likely…but I am not Blizzard, I cannot definitively claim to know their internal thought processes, nor am I in a position to mandate what those are.

You’re either deluded or a liar. Calling people who you have never played with sub par players and lazy are just insults. It’s not at all about a contrasting opinion. For you it’s all about insulting people. That’s what you do. That’s who you are. It would be healthy for you to face the truth about who you are.

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Well, thanks for keeping these threads alive. Try not to stress out too much over the prospect of Dual Spec in TBC.

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You could say that or you could say it took about a year into classic for them to make the change to banning multiboxing software.

I was among those complaining about multiboxers in Vanilla. Blizzard took action when they did but the years didn’t stop me from fighting against it. I was among those asking for dual spec in Original BC. It took a couple of years before they added it. Those who wanted the pally seal change made it know in original BC. Back then it took until wrath to get a response. In classic they got the wrath change at the beginning of BC. How ever long it takes I’ll keep asking for the changes I want

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We can have a real conversation near the end of the expansion if it’s never added or even addressed by a blue, I’d be really curious what your perspective would be on…why?

Whether you feel as though you miscalculated anything etc.

This is a pretty unfair comment. In context to just dual spec threads, there are a number of habitual primary speakers…

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No, it’s pretty much established that it’s impossible to have a real conversation with you. Regardless of what happens.


This thread.

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The funny part is you think I am lieing about my experience when I have only told facts lol.

I’m good at hunter mechanics, but raid leaders have their favorites who they chose to bring. And considering have more than 3 hunters in naxx was bad, I got benched for the people who had been in that guild since classic opened. I joined the guild when naxx was out and players were starting to get bored of classic. The top guild was also consuming other guilds that were falling apart because people were leaving classic. I joined it because my guild had finished naxx and then half our raid stopped playing after KT died. I got to raid naxx with the top guild for one week, likely as their attempt to show it wasn’t a bad guild to get me to stay, after multiple weeks benched after that first week I found a guild that actually needed a hunter, and not just a tribute runner.

Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make truth become a lie.

I was under the assumption by the way he comments, that he was confident that Dual Spec would not be implemented in TBC. If you’re confident about something, you don’t need to sit on the forums all day, every day arguing. I don’t post in transmog threads because I’m confident it would never implemented it in TBC.

The only other reason he’d be posting in Dual Spec threads is quite obvious.

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