Dual Spec.. please?

Because we already played it Here’s the thing I played back in the day are there things I love about the game yes it doesn’t mean I love everything.

I love Zelda Is a link to the past Does that mean I hate the remaster no I think they improved the game.

I would say the same thing With tbc and Wrath I love that expansion is my favorite one but even that 1 it doesn’t mean I don’t think there could be changes.

Here’s the thing no matter what expansion or part of the king you love Nothing’s perfect there’s always going to be something that people don’t like.

And I want to see changes that are good for the game I don’t have the rose tendedness that you do I think well quite frankly.

What you’re asking for is the game to go backwards Now am I saying that retails good or perfect no.

Is not by any stretch to the imagination if I even thought a quarter of that a lot more people would be playing shadowlands.

But what I am saying is let’s make changes that make sense and would be better for the game in the player experienced.

And a duel speck is one of those

No I and a ton of other people have given several reasons you just have different perspectives on those reasons than we do.

Is whether it gets implemented or not it’s something that we’re passionate about and we see the bad implications that the game is suffering from because it’s not in.

That’s the difference we’ve seen proof that dual speck can make a positive difference on the game.

But apparently in your opinion the game is a completely fine Like it or not new people are not coming to the game.

People are Is raid logging So let me ask you this Let’s say you’re right and people Stop doing heroics as many people have claimed.

And doing dungeons because as you claim there’s no other reason to farm Or play the game more than just rating while one that’s just not true.

And to even if it is the differences it opens the door for other players To jump into other pieces of content they wouldn’t have otherwise tried.

What were saying is We’ve seen the good that can come from dual speck.

And we’re not so rose tinted To pretend that it wouldn’t

Based on Dual Spec. It was introduced to the game at one point. It’s not something anyone here just invented.

Nothing except open the field to what players want added to the game through #SomeChanges.

1000g. I said this two times. 1000g is not free.

All of them. If you didn’t want them, you wouldn’t be playing this game.

No, because I’m not the one complaining about changes.

And just because it has been added now doesn’t mean it can’t be added later.

Nothing is inevitable until it happens.

First sentence.

Second sentence.

You can’t remain consistent.

Third sentence further contradictory.

Correct. You won’t stand on principle. So it doesn’t matter if you argue against the addition of Dual Spec because you’ll play the game anyway.

Um, yes it is.

Yes it is.

The game already works this way. Dual Spec doesn’t change what players can already do.

Good, so you know it’s not free like you said.

Which is another part of your being contradictory.

I played it back in the day as well.

I don’t think it’s perfect but I can enjoy it for what it is and don’t think we need to change it until it’s our ideal version of perfection.

It’s like my dogs. I love them to death, even if they dig up my yard and are stubborn.

If you spend your life trying to make everything 100% perfect you stop enjoying life because it’s never good enough.

Also, there is a very big difference from a remaster and a remake. Tbcc is not meant to be a remaster.

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But not THIS version of the game

So nothing

Switching between two specs after getting the 1000g dual spec is free respeccing but ok

Again with the black and white. Your mind is literally tiny if you think anything works this way

No youre complaining about the lack there of

It will be…when they release WOTLK Classic

I meant What changes that have been implemented that im against?

How is this not remaining consistent? This is the problem with you and the other people in this thread arguing for dual spec. You think just because i can be against a change and they implemented it that means i have no spine, no moral ground to stand on, my arguments have no weight. Thats not how the world works.

This is gonna be a tough one for you to understand but lets put this into perspective:

Imagine you and your significant other (which i will refer to as your partner from here on out) purchase and house together and decide on all the choices that determine what will make it each of your “dream house”. After getting in the home you make all the decisions you agreed upon. Then after a few months your partners friend comes over and is like “you know the living room would look better if it was purple instead of white” and your partner is like “fantastic idea! lets do it” and youre like “uhh no because i think purple looks ugly and its not what we originally agreed upon” your partner says “well im gonna do it anyway”. In this scenario do you just immediately move out of the house because a change was made that you didnt agree with? Do you just leave your partner? Do you see how idiotic that thought train is?

How is it contradictory

See my analogy above and hopefully youll realize


See my response 10 lines up


What do you mean not this version?

Sorry, not sure what repeating yourself does other than warrant repeating myself.

Are you saying that after you buy something it’s free?

Yeah, technically, I guess that’s true. Anything is free after you buy it.

You’re the one arguing against changes while playing a game that has changes, aren’t you?

Nope, I’m requesting something I want added to the game to make it more fun. That’s far different from complaining that it isn’t there.

Really? Have they announced this?

Because you asked me what changes you were against in the first sentence and followed it up with sentence that remarked about the changes you were against.

It was added in WOTLK not TBC

WOTLK =/= TBC pretty simple

So because the game has changes i should just agree with any and every change thats propsoed? If someone wanted a fully decked out character as soon as they hit level 70 i should just agree with that change because other changes have been implemented?

No its not

Nope just like they havent announced Dual Spec in TBCC

It was in regard to you saying that im playing the game still even though there are changes in the game that i dont like. And i was asking what changes in the game have been implemented that i dont like?

Also thank you for ignoring my analogy i knew it would be difficult for you to imagine yourself with a partner so the terms wouldnt stick


When was Seal of the Martyr added to the game?

No, it doesn’t matter if you agree or not. The fact that you’re paying the company who made changes you disagree with shows you don’t stand on principle.

How many people are asking for this on a regular basis?

Is this based on earlier precedents of what Blizzard has or hasn’t put into their games?

Yes it is. If I say, “I enjoy this cake, but I think it could use some vanilla frosting…” That’s not a complaint.

I enjoy TBC Classic but think it could use Dual Spec.

Good, then you shouldn’t have a problem with folks requesting Dual Spec.

Which is irrelevant because…

This is an admittance that you don’t agree with some changes.

Dual Spec =/= Seal of the Martyr

That literally has 0 logic behind it

It doesnt matter thats the logic you are using. Im playing the game that has made changes so i automatically have to agree with any change thats made because otherwise im “inconsistent”

I enjoy TBC Classic but i dont think it needs dual spec. I also didnt think it needed insert change here but that doesnt mean im gonna immediately stop playing if it overall didnt ruin my game experience.

Correct. But if Im not specifying which ones how do you even know which ones are even impactful and which arent?



When was Seal of the Martyr added to the game?

Yes, paying for an active subscription for stuff you don’t want has 0 logic behind it. You are correct.

Yes it does matter. That’s why this topic even exists in the first place.

Cool, which means your opinion is irrelevant with regard to the fact that you’ll be playing the game regardless.


Not irrelevant because they arent the same. With this Logic why dont we just add 51pt talent trees? Why not just add Dks now? Lets just unlock all of the WOTLK content now. Make all the maps available.

If it doesnt matter that the features arent the same then by that logic ANY feature from WOTLK can be brought over just because 1 of the features was

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So what youre saying is it doesnt matter because im paying blizzard anyway.

So does that mean because you pay blizzard that you agree with all of their sexual misconducted, harassment and sex discrimination within the company? Because you still play their game?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Irrelevant. The point isn’t whether or not two aspects in the game are the same with regard to your comment that…

That’s what you said. Saying their different doesn’t change when they were released, nor does it change the fact that Seal of the Martyr is in TBC Classic when it was put into the game during WotLK.

If you want this stuff, request them to be added to the game.


None of that is my business. I wasn’t present so I have no way of verifying any of that happened. That’s the court’s business, not mine.

Mental Gymnastics

Mental gymnastics. I think we are done here. You havent provided a logical comment in about 10 posts now

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How so? You simply said something was released during WotLK and I simply showed how something elese was also released during WotLK has been put into TBC Classic.

There’s not much more to it than that.

This isn’t anything other than your personal opinion.

I can just say

Seal of the Martyr =/= Level 58 Boost

See how this doesn’t prove anything? They’re both still in the game, changes from later expansions re-introduced to TBC Classic. Whether or not they’re different from each other is irrelevant.

I’m not sure the poster you’re arguing with has offered a logical comment in their entire posting history.


I’m sure you have never offered a logical comment here. All you do is insult people.



Its coming… in Wrath… :smiley:

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Of course these aren’t insults he’s just telling the truth.

These folks are so narrow sighted they’d lose their cheeks if they weren’t attached to their face.