Dual Spec.. please?

That’s weird cause my whole guild of 400 members are absolutely A-OK without dual spec nor want it.
My anecdotal evidence far outways your anecdotal evidence.


Blizz can’t give us the things that are SUPPOSED to be in TBC.

You think they’re going to give us WotLK features?


ROFL!! Go play on them then.


Absolutely. Classic sucked because they chose to do no changes. I’m so close to leaving TBC, because they’re doing the exact same thing. The genuine TBC experience is crap, they proved that by putting in the last balance patch of TBC. F%#$ the no changes. TBC needs dual spec, or it’ll lose people until wrath comes out.


what does that have to do with dual spec? oh right, nothing. You’re making an argument about the WRONG thing. Dual spec is about players being able to play more then one way, it’s now two ways.

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Anecdotal, but probably similar for many people:

If I wanted to run a dungeon in retail, and my toon was able to tank, I’d frequently tank. Having dual spec or the new retail system made it thst much less painful for me. So there’s a total of one extra tank floating sround because of this.

In TBC, I plan to tank from time to time. Right now I’m prot to dungeon grind to 70 (just hit 69 this morning.) I’ll probably reroll prot for heroic grinds once in a while… But mostly, I’ll be ret. Dual spec would be great for me, and any group looking for a tank, when I’m looking run something.

Does this make the tank shortage go away? No… Does it help? I think so.


I don’t know why everyone’s under the impression dual spec would make the so-called tank shortage magically go away. Perhaps there would be more tanks running around in dps gear with no concept of threat generation, or maybe we’d see an increased number of people who maintain a tank off-spec so they can charge for runs, but I can assure you it wouldn’t miracle a bunch of competent tanks into the LFG channel.

If you’re struggling to put runs together, join a guild. Most tanks prioritize running with guildees. You could also try making tank friends. This is meant to be a social game after all, not a mindless queuing lobby like retail has become.

We do not need dual spec in TBC, and this is coming from a Shadow Priest who’s been stuck holy for the past 5 days to heal the guild’s kara runs. I have a bunch of new DPS pieces of gear just waiting to be used in my bags while I run around farming mobs in my crappy off-spec gear.

Your spec matters in TBC, lets keep it that way.


When dual spec and lfd was added in Wrath I found it easier to get groups on all my alts. There was still a shortage but it was lessened. It was a small improvement for my healers but a huge improvement for my dps alts. I even added a resto spec on my druid and started healing with her for the first time in Wrath because of dual spec I don’t see how anyone who played BC and Wrath didn’t notice the difference. I can only think those who claim it didn’t happen didn’t play both games or didn’t do many dungeons. Or they are simply lying.


This had nothing to do with the number of people playing wotlk vs tbc.

Or maybe it did.

Also, wotlk classic is coming. You won’t have to wait much longer for the game you actually want.


There is very little difference between the number of players in BC and Wrath at peak according to the official numbers released by blizzard. Both had around 12 million players. You again are factually incorrect.

The costs of respec being 0 did not meaningfully improve the tank shortage.

The argument that it would is what I believe is wrong.

The way people treat other players in this game is mostly horrible, and the reluctance to tank or heal is not because it costs 50 gold to switch specs.

It’s because people don’t feel like helping ungrateful, selfish people.

It’s because it’s not fun to fight the rest of the group to get through a dungeon.


I don’t know why the anti dual spec people deliberately misquote people. Is it that they’re incapable of making a convincing case honestly or is their reading comprehension so bad they’re unaware they’re creating strawman arguments?

We’re not claiming dual spec will make the tank shortage go away. We simply claim it will make it less severe.


Just charge 50 gold + to tank pugs.

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The tank shortage isn’t because it costs gold. It’s because tanking (or healing) isn’t fun.

Read some “tanking sucks” posts.

That’s the problem you should be working on.


There are several reasons for the tank and healer shortage. Part of it is some people don’t find it fun. There’s not much that can be done about that. But there are people who like to tank or heal and some who don’t find it so onerous that they would never consider it. They are forced to choose one spec to heal or tank dungeons which make the rest of the game no fun for them some that would tank decide to spec dps so they can have fun playing the whole game.

I made that choice. I specced dps on my druid because questing, farming, and pvp weren’t fun with a resto spec. As soon as there was dual spec in wrath I added a resto spec and started to heal in dungeons. There are other classes that heal and tank that did the same and would do the same in BC. It wouldn’t solve the shortage but it would make it less severe

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You’re right. Numbers aren’t the important thing here. The rate does matter, however.

Plenty of people are against it. Not everybody thinks that game-changing changes are good for the game.

Not everybody prefers Retail.


To spend 50 gold or not.

That’s really the problem? 50 gold?

How many people have flying mounts?
Being forced to pay 900 gold to be able to play the game (Bot/Mech/Arc/TK/Kara) should just get removed too, right?

How about the cost to level professions?
Or having to pay to learn skills?

50 gold is not the problem.


How many people don’t? There’s this myth that every one in the game is rolling in gold. I doubt that is true. A minority of players have found ways to make 100k and more but most of us are playing the game just like we did 15 years ago, for fun, and have about the same amount of gold. Most people I know struggle to find the gold to buy a mount.

Since the respec isn’t a permanent change it’s 100 gold. And since most people would do it several times a week if there was dual spec it’s several hundred gold.

Here’s how I play my hunter or my mage, or for that matter my druid. I log on and quest or farm until a dungeon run comes up on the lfg. I join, do the run, and return to farming or questing. I might do that 3 or so times a night. That’s what I’d like to do with my holy priest but to do it would cost me 300 gold. Every night I play. I’m only willing to sacrifice all the game outside of dungeons on this priest. I won’t do it on my druid. I won’t heal with her until there’s dual spec.

So yes, it all about the gold respec cost for me

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If people want healers or tanks then they can pay for them.

You need gold to respec to accommodate other people? They can pay for it.

If they don’t want to pay you, they can pay the trainer.

If it’s just something you want to do, well the 50 gold respec is a part of the game.

You might as well just start arguing for everything to be free. Because then you won’t have to “work” to achieve it in game, you can just log in and win.

I mean, that might sound awesome, but what will you do when you don’t need to do anything in game? Why are you “playing”?