You could make the same argument for most of my posts 90% of the time when I make post they either one make fun of my spelling errors or 2 say I don’t want to read a wall of text.
However if I don’t do that I can’t make a good argument yeah so you could argue that point either way.
However the point stands Although I don’t in 100% agree with him attacking you as a person Not to be mean.
The point does stand that quite a few of us do think that dual spec would be beneficial to the game and quite frankly the best argument I’ve ever heard as well it shouldn’t be in because it goes against the original design philosophies.
Here’s the thing Is those design philosophy’s Is aren’t perfect and they never were I’ve heard plenty of people say classic is the best game in the world.
So how can there aren’t more people plain Is it now those servers are dead essentially As I’ve said before and will continue saying everyone including myself have given several reasons of why dual specs should be put in the game.
The thing is You guys don’t see it the same way we do Is nobody likes to farm it’s not fun Is especially when you want to do something else for fun.
Is any exact type of arguments that you’re making ironically enough This is one of the reasons why retail is so awful.
Is the same arguments your making is the same reason my blizzard kept on insisting Things like Switching Covenance, And conduit energy existed.
Like it or not Is the same reason why your original legion artifact weapon was cough cough permanent for a while.
And the same argument Is was used why respecting your azorite armor why the cost kept going up each time you did it.
So If you really want to go the route of go back to retail well let me ask you this is what you’re arguing not an exact game philosophy from retail?
There are differences and obviously retails not the same game however That core argument still stands.
You have to do something you hate To get to the fun part of a game that you want to play.
Or at least try something new What are we seeing happening right now people just aren’t going to farm the gold because it’s not worth it for them or they don’t have the time to.
The only difference is in retail instead of farming Is gold it’s a different resource So let me ask you this what’s the difference.