Dual Spec.. please?

Dude, I told you several times it is impossible to have a conversation with you. Why on God’s green earth would I ever be ready to have any kind of discussion with you when I already told you that’s impossible?

Oh, right…goldfish memory. You can’t even remember what someone said just two posts ago.

Me: “It’s impossible for me to communicate with you.”

You: “I’m ignoring you until you’re ready to communicate with me.”

Me: “???”

For anyone else with goldfish memory:

If they add dual spec, they add it. I personally don’t want them to, but I can’t stop them if for some reason completely unknown they decided to.

I think the chances are quite low, and things aren’t looking too hot as it is for the pro dual spec crowd.

We enjoy the game the way it is right now, and would enjoy it less if they added your favorite future non-TBC feature simply because you’re too lazy to farm gold. Nothing will change this. That either rustles your jimmies or it doesn’t.

Either way, for every pro dual spec post, it will be met with an anti-dual spec post, just to remind, in at least some capacity, that opposition to it exists.

Frankly, I’m just not sure the momentum is there. Dual spec is a cool feature and when the eventual WOTLK-C gets announced, I’m sure we’ll enjoy using it when the time comes. Have some patience.

It’s not my fault you can’t see things in shades of gray and the world is black and white to you.

There are more options than just supporting nochanges or allchanges


Some of the same people asking for dual spec are also demand class balance changes, like removing the back facing positioning requirement for mutilate.

The some of people pushing for dual spec have made it clear they won’t stop at just dual spec. Give them and inch and they will try to take a mile.

Do I need to link the all polls are goals video again to prove how bad those polls are at giving the popular opinion?

The best part is that the idiots said their piece, but like children they can’t accept they’re not getting their candy, so they just keep crying about it. Truly sad they can’t cope to that level.

I mean to be fair though That was going to happen either way There is always going to be people that 1 change has never enough.

As I said when I suggest a change it’s not without thought Speaking from someone that did play a rogue back in the day I can understand what people are saying.

Is class balance good in tbc no Is however that unlike Is like dual spack.

Is is a core part of the game like it or not hunters and warlocksworth overpowered And repelligence were still crap over all

But whether I like that or not As I said that would be of a trail of tbc.

Giving players the ability to switch specs and giving the ability to farm is not the same thing as actually changing classes.

Now does that mean people aren’t going to ask for it no however unlike dull speck I would not be in favor of that.

And I say this as sewing that played a A rat Back in the day Where the mindset was very much if you’re a paladin you heal.

So no one understands Is that better than me But the reality is people were going to ask for that stuff regardless.

So Don’t mistake Those of us that want changes that would make the game better Is for every single person that supporting dual spack.

Where the changes don’t stop there is A-line and for me it stops that dual Speck As far as Give People in inch and they’ll take a mile well the problem is blizzard open that door.

With the 58 boost and the Deluxe edition and their handling of the prepatch Is an amelian different other things.

Now I will say I do think there should have been changes to Rachel’s why well look at the state of the servers.

Whether that be Is an origin Now does that mean it was good for the game well no and the proof is in the pudding I mean come on I said we would see at least an 8% increase in hord population At the beginning Hey guess what it was 10 and that number is not going down.

But that’s beside the point My point is Whenever I look at a change I think how could this make the game worse what is the worst thing I could happen.

And the fact is the good far out ways the bad And again You could make that argument either way.

This duel speck would be fairly easily to implement It’s a lot easier than balancing and messing with classes overall.

So yeah

I mean I’m not sure what you mean by that Apollo is just that people voting on an idea if something is popular then obviously people agree on that particular opinion.

If people are for dual speck then obviously were not alone here My point is people do want it I’m not the only person and we’re not the only person on the forms in fact I would make an argument.

Because I talk to a lot of people that have this opinion They don’t think it’s worth the post their opinion of things on the foreign because they just don’t think blizzard will listen.

And to be fair They’re not entirely wrong do I know at the end of the day is there a low chance blizzard will see this.

Yes but that doesn’t mean That I’m going to stop trying I would rather sit here and argue and talk about this until my fingers blade then sit on my hands and say well this sucks I’m just going to have to put up.

Because a 1% chance is better than a 0% chance

You say crying I say bringing up problems with the game I do find it absolutely hilarious you keep referring to as this whole thing nothing but whining and crying.

When you’re doing the exact same thing The only difference is as you’re whining and complained that this is still a thing.

You’re upset that people are still talking about you’re just like why don’t you all just give up

Is well to "a movie All it takes for evil men to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

Even if there’s only a 1% chance of success a 1% chance is better than 0% chance.

That’s what the multiboxers said on all the threads against multiboxing. Then blizzard did exactly what we wanted. They banned key repeating software and hardware. I surprised you weren’t on those threads ranting 'No changes, multiboxing has been in the game 15 years and it’s never going to change. ’


This is probably the most triggering thing you could have said to these instant gratification children who are kicking and screaming for dual spec. And it’s true. Dual spec will come in time, when wotlkc comes out. Although I would find it hilarious if they made us wait till Phase 2 for it like they did guild banks.

Lol people are still arguing about something that isn’t going to happen.

In all this wasted time they could have levelled a tank alt.

I don’t know they gave us Same faction battlegrounds I could see dull speck being brought in by phase 3.

Well 1st off you don’t know it’s not going to happen as far as I’m saying as long as the game is still going there’s still a chance maybe a 1% chance but I would rather have a 1% than 0.

And for the record My main character is a tank The main reason I’m such a supporter for it

People trying to use online polls as evidence of “popular opinion” are ignoring how easily they can be manipulated.

I already went on one of those polls and voted twice against dual spec to verify for myself if they were easily manipulated. And seeing as I could have voted thousands of times with the method I used to vote twice… ya, those polls were easy to manipulate. Especially if I used a bot program to do hundreds of votes per minute…

My point is, those polls being used by pro dual spec supporters are not a verifiable source because of how easily they are manipulated.

Same faction BGs were brought in because a large percentage people were literally unable to play a big portion of the game if they didn’t have multiple hours to play at a time and even then they were very limited. On top of the honor gear discrepancy it was causing for alliance vs horde rate of gear gained to feel comfortable gear wise in arenas.

Lack of dual spec does not fix an issue like this.

50g can be gathered in less than 25 min of gameplay if you know what you are doing and that’s to be fully optimal for your chosen content. 10 minutes of dailies a day can result in over 100g a week. Can you not play for 10 minutes a day? If your guild is any good you will see a net profit from raiding.

The reason dual spec likely won’t be added while same faction BG was is simple. Is there a reasonable need for it to fix a problem. So far the “need” of pro dual spec people boils down to “I want it” not a “I can’t play my chosen content without it” like SFBG had.

It’s so amusing to see how much of a hypocrite you are when justifying a change you personally like.

X change which was added for no other reason than to save people time is perfectly fine, but Y change which would also do nothing but save people time is somehow completely wrong.


What are you on? Blizzard polls players all the time and asks for feedback as well.



No you didn’t. You didn’t even know about the polls until they were brought up here.

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That’s right. I am not here to discuss my point of view about dual spec. I am here to ask the devs to implement it. Did it really take you so long to realize that?

I am not accusing you anything, since I am not arguing at all with you. All I have said about that topic was, that I haven’t seen any valid argument so far against dual spec.

There are some reasons that are kinda understandable from a certain point of view (off meta builds for example), but I don’t see where dual spec would change their issue, not to mention that dual spec could come along with some barriers and that they are in a huge minority compared to those, who wants dual spec.

Let me remind you how big that majority is:
