Dual Spec.. please?

Yep. You really don’t know what you are talking about, and I honestly don’t think you’ve played enough retail to make that kind of statement.

It’s funny because I can’t tell if you only know 1+1 and don’t know anything else. Your statement has nothing to do with people asking for dual spec, and your point about wanting to play with everyone else is literally the same thing what people want by asking for dual spec.

And I don’t think you will understand the wider concept of it, because that’s the limit you can think. I can’t help you with that. That’s something education has to teach you, not me. People in smaller servers can barely group up because of the lack of certain specs and roles, and that’s the reason why dual spec in TBC will essentially help others to do more dungeon runs together.

Again, if you can’t understand that logical concept, then that’s just your lack of ability to empathize.


If you don’t like the game the way it is you should play a different one :slight_smile:

While not having dual spec doesn’t exactly affect us in anyway besides requesting for it, you on the other hand - I can’t wait to see the look on your face when dual spec gets added into TBC by Blizzard.

You better not quit when Blizzard says they’ll listen to fans more to make changes.

Considering the level boost is already in the game and seal of blood is on alliance I really think ‘you are not prepared’ for when they introduce dual spec TBC.

I’m moderately happy with the game. I spent a lot of time in the threads about multiboxing asking not that blizzard bans them, but that they just ban input broadcasting software and hardware. Then blizzard banned input broadcasting software and hardware. Great change. I thought adding a one time paid boost for BC was an excellent idea. Another great change. The pally seals were obviously flawed. Blizzard changed them. Blizzard has really been on the mark with their changes so far. I’m looking forward to more well thought out great changes from them in the future.

So you are going to be happy if you get a company to ruin someone else’s wish to play a certain game.

That’s pretty sad.

You have the game you want right now and refuse to play it because it sucks and you come to a game version you don’t like and want to make it like the one you refuse to play.

That’s just sad.

In the future, they will give you wotlk classic and you can leave TBC alone.

How is a company who listens to fans to make the game more casual and not gating players wanting something considered ruining the community? Now you are sounding like a minority than majority lol.

Companies do their job to make customers happy. Change from the past isn’t a bad thing. It is an improvement. It isn’t a retail thing. It’s just a patch.

But sure. This statement clearly proves that you are ready to unsub and quit if they try to add dual spec in TBC. That’s really funny. Hilarious.

Again, while we are asking for dual spec, none of us are going to quit. As you can see, the only way we can talk is if we sub and play the game. And as long as we play the game, we can still ask before WOTLK is applied. Devs also tend to fix a lot , and they did that for Classic too. Or have you missed the memo?

If you think the changes made to Classic and BC classic make it like retail you should quit.

Of course I’m going to progress to Wrath. Almost every body is. BC perma servers if Blizzard creates them will be as dead and unplayable as the perma classic servers are now.

And you sir are the example I keep pointing to. You want to succeed and perform, so you do just that without complaining about it to everyone else to make it easier for you. You do it because you choose to.

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How many hours a week do you play this game, and what do you think a healthy amount is?

That’s irrelevant. If you have time to cry about hour queue times in PvP you certainly have enough time within that hour to busy yourself with ways to make gold for respec, that much I can tell you.


Ah right, perhaps I should have paid for more boosts during pre-patch and leveled my pally so I could aoe farm stratholme for raw gold.

Can you tell me why my trainer needs gold to remove my talent specializations?

You don’t have to do anything like that and you know it. You can kill humanoids for cloth, you can farm leather, you can mine ore, you can fish. You can just play the AH. You actually have to play the game in order to succeed.

Because it’s a fantasy world and he uses magic to wipe you clean of your experiences to forge you down a different path. It’s new techniques, new skills, feel for weapon counterbalances and the like. You know, the RPG flavor you’re so dead set on killing.

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Ah right, I forgot. For 50 gold I can instantly get amnesia and forget how to cast certain spells.

It’s a good thing I instantly remember how to cast the max rank once I relearn them.

It’s retraining, again it’s a fantasy game. Look, we both know how this goes. You’re going to sit here and complain you can’t press a magical button when you want to change a product to your liking because it’s against the design of the game. And I’m going to keep fighting it because you are nurture against nature. Nature of the beast had the game created one way. We don’t want your nurture changing that. I play WoW Classic to get away from that crap. If you don’t like the product, I’ll repeat it a hundred times, take your business elsewhere. A perfectly fine product hundreds of thousands are fine with shouldn’t be tainted because a handful of you believe you have to be included in everything and just can’t accept not all products are made for you, and that life isn’t going to include you in everything. They make games for people like you, you should seek those out if you can’t play this game as it is.

When I want to play a Classic, I go back and play Super Mario 3. I don’t complain the game doesn’t play like New Super Mario Brothers despite it being an improved model of the older 2D games. I play it for exactly what it is, and I’ll play NSMB when I want to play with all the changes and improvements. The Classic that is SMB3 does not have to change when it is perfectly fine as it is regardless of critique from people it would be so much better with the changes. TBC did what it did to critical success and it should stay that way because that is exactly what it is.

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I wonder if you’ll still play the game if Blizzard somehow says “we’ll add dual spec and listen to the people who want em.” in this TBC Classic.

“a handful”

Maybe Blizzard should do an official poll on this like they did for the level boost and seal of blood changes? :slight_smile:

Maybe then we’ll see who is in the minority.

Blizzard didn’t poll every single player. I know many, myself included that received nothing about it or the other changes. I did however receive the poll asking about TBC Classic.

I will simply quit. You have your option as you clearly post on your 59 Void Elf. And I should have mine. My option shouldn’t suffer to conform to you having two options while I’m left with nothing just because you aren’t a mature enough adult to accept not everything revolves around you. Classic came about because we think your options suck. And not once did we scream 'GIVE US CLASSIC BUT WITH DUAL SPEC!!!" That was your doing, not ours.

This is funny concept of pointing finger at my character assuming this is my main. lmao. Which is why I will never take 98% of your post, because it clearly shows that you are not a big fan comparing to me.

If I don’t get dual spec, I just move on and play the game. It won’t make me quit. But that’s exactly why I asked you if you are going to quit if dual spec is added, and you made your point that you are going to quit.

It’s also funny, because I don’t think you never looked at yourself in the mirror to see who behaves more childish. Have you looked at reddit? If people disagreed with you about dual spec like you, there would be less than 900 votes who don’t want dual spec, and it’d be down voted to negative. But guess what, there are 900+ votes who want dual spec in classic WoW reddit. They just choose not to hang out in this forum because people like you would just attack others for wanting some changes, when it is YOU that’s considering to quit over small changes for the better good of this community.