People won’t go to the outlands and farm stuff there to be able to respec. You will barely see a healer asking for dps to help him farming gold. So before he does farm the gold to be able to respec, he will spend the time in another game instead and wait for the moment for his normal raid days.
Your healer helpless or something? My tanks and healers sells excess cloth, greens, blues, greys picked up, materials, enchanting mats and such for bank. You sound like someone who has a problem for every solution offered to you that isn’t your own.
Which I’m currently doing. However, not everyone in the raid can do this without the raid taking a substantial hit. My point stand once you take into consideration that almost everyone in the raid has to be PvE specced to have an easier time.
This will become even more solidified in later content phases. Casual players will have to choose between enchants/gems and respeccing for the week, while sweaty min-maxers will have both PvE and PvP gear with full enchants/gems and the maintenance of spec for both.
We all know that the only players against dual spec are the whales and sweaty raiders.
Let me give you the same advice the community gave me and everyone else in Classic with your “world buff meta” bull alright? Find a guild that doesn’t believe in that min/max nonsense. You and the community can take your own advice. You’re talking to a Ret paladin. If I can come in and deal over benchmark on 15 year old content on the final patch of balances and fixes and you can’t in a pure DPS PvP spec then you shouldn’t be stepping foot in raids period.
And if you are one of those min/maxers which I can you most certainly are not, you wouldn’t be here crying about it. You’d be in game farming everything necessary to be the best you could be and not groaning about it on the forums for a free lunch from Blizzard to absolve you from your choices because you feel you should have it all with no consequence, investment, or requirement.
Your reading comprehension needs some work. I am currently in a guild that allows me to PvE in a PvP spec.
We have the level boost, we had blood elves leveled before the opening of the dark portal. Why can we not have dual spec again?
Oh right, Blizzard is banning bots now so players have to farm primals for the whales from classic and the irl whales with 8 bnet accounts. Hopefully they can farm enough gold to respec and get slapped by players exalted with every reputation and full crafted/resil sets.
Duel specialization would be great for me as a rogue because I could freely switch between hemo swords for PvP and combat swords for PvE free of charge!
At the same time I totally get why it’s not in the game (for the same reason dungeon finder instant teleport isn’t in the game), because it… along with many other changes… culminated in an overall less immersive and less enjoyable experience.
Can you explain to my party of PvE players that would be PvPing with me right now if not for respec cost how we are now having a more “immersive and enjoyable” experience?
I am supposed to be “immersed” by them choosing to be the meta PvE dps spec and no longer wishing to PvP with me? No. It makes the game less enjoyable.
Everyone’s a healer and everyone’s a tank, it places responsibility on the player and it becomes a requirement. There are no longer specializations… that guy isn’t a resto Druid he’s just a Druid who can do whatever we need him to do.
On top of that it destroys class fantasy… WC3 would have been a lot more lame if Uther was randomly like hey arthas chill for a second let me just completely change my archetype for this run. Bottom line is yeah we aren’t on an RP server but it’s still an RPG… and if you can fulfill any role at any given time it’s more of a “playing game” than a “role playing game”
Your friends don’t want to PvP unless they are in their “optimal PvP spec” that’s their problem… you want the best of everything every time you do something? Pay the 50g… sounds a lot better than not participating under the false pretense that you will not enjoy your experience at all unless you are optimized for either PvP or PvE.
That’s the reality druid players face either way. Many of our druids have a preferred main spec and a preferred off-spec, because the class is viable in so many different ways.
The reality of this “class fantasy” of yours is a greedy trainer that only allows whales to play to their full potential. For some reason this trainer, which is lower level than you, can teach you abilities above their level, and can only remove your specialization if you give more gold each time, because, you know, it costs gold to cast magic…
The reality of friends not wanting to PvP without the optimal spec is because nobody likes to lose. If you like to lose I highly recommend sending me all of the cash in your bank account and sending me all of your gold to prove your point.
This moronic argument again. BC was designed with solo and group play. Blizzard even tells you if a quest is designed for group play and suggests how many people it needs. Most of the quests in my log are designed to be done solo. One is designed for 2 suggested players and 2 are design for a 5 person group. If it was just designed for people to work together all the quests would require 2 or more people. Almost every person playing this game does almost all their questing solo because the game was designed to be played that way.
Being in the optimal spec = \ = winning
Being in a sub optimal spec = \ = losing
Sick personal insult.
So you hate whales but want to play like them.
You hate whales but you want the game to be altered based on the horrible culture they’ve fostered.
I respec when I PvP and I switch back when I PvE… not because I want to appease someone but because I personally want to in order to be the best I can be… I also pay the 50g and just deal with it instead of whining for the game to be changed to fit my life/playstyle.
Yes. It was designed around people working together. You made a great point. This is why you need dual spec to change spec by working together to get into dungeons more frequently and accomplish quests and finish attunement. This is also why people can also join BGs more too.
I didn’t used to quest or play the game solo. It’s boring to solo everything. But that’s expected now. That’s why I wanted TBC. Because if I just wanted a game where I could do everything on my own, I’d be in retail. I’d be playing a mobile game.
Everyone plays solo NOW, but that’s because the way the game progression to what retail is now, shaped how people play. If you don’t want to play that way, wait for the game that suits you better.
Everyone I knew when I played Vanilla, BC, and Wrath did most of the quests designed to be played solo solo and the quests that were designed to be done in a group with a group. Most of the time they farmed solo and did dungeons and raids with a group. All that is almost the same now. The biggest change I see in classic that was rare in Vanilla is so many people sitting afk while a mage gets paid to make xp for them.
There’s been a lot of changes to Classic and BC classic. If you don’t like those changes you should quit.