I don’t have anyone muted, not even sure how to do it. I don’t need to hide from someone on a forum, I am not that sensitive.
Am I sensitive for not stepping in dog poop?
Seems like there is no value in stepping in dog poop, and lots of value in avoiding it.
If all someone offers is dog poop by shoving it in your face whenever you come near, is it sensitive to decide that “I dont want to get near that person”.
Seems reasonable to me, but if there is some machismo in knowingly stepping in dog poop let me know.
Then again I dont feel entitled to anyone elses attention. Someone doesnt want to talk to me? No skin off my back. If someone thinks all I offer is dog poop? I strongly encourage them to mute me.
That’s it, I’m trying to have discussions without stepping in dog poo. I don’t mind disagreement at all, quite like it actually. But I don’t pay $15 to be someone’s forum punching bag. If that makes me a coward in some peoples eyes, I’m fine with that.
Edit: Lol I mean the alternative is that I unblock and we derail every discussion we’re in with very viscous personal attacks and counter attacks and forum ego wars. TBH that’s not exactly fair on the other folks paying their $15 either.
When did “Putting up with stuff you dont have to that offers no value” start equaling machismo? I just think it makes someone look stupid.
If the idea is good, even if I disagree with it, multiple other people will reach the same conclusion based on our differing views Good odds that one of them will be polite.
People get mad when you don’t automatically accept their dogma so they get petty and spiteful. Life on forum durp is ridiculous.
Problem is Riger actually did change their past posts and even would edit in responses to later posts of mine in his much earlier posts. If he argued one way, and I argued against that, he’d edit his original argument and then claim I was just chasing an irrelevant topic no one brought up.
When called on it, he admitted to it, but muted me anyway because calling him out was some form of bullying apparently.
Echo-chambers gonna echo
Sounds stuffy and kinda sad if true.
Seems different from what I am talking about though which was the general idea that “muting = too sensitive”
Most of the time anyone actually gets outright hostile, they get a forum vacation, so it doesn’t last long. So on these boards? Yeah… I find it quite “too sensitive” if you jump to muting.
I am not entitled to anything on the forums so if someone decides they want to give me nothing ever? cool beans I lost nothing. Not gonna parade around talking about how everyone is too sensitive as if I am superior to the non-muters for putting up with something that offers negative value.
Depends on the comp you have for 1 second of all so what you’re saying is you would rather make your life and the party life harder than just doing the dungeon the weight supposed to be done OK.
Besides depending on the dungeon you may not be able to get away with that On top of that it’s only certain specs that really have that extra CC power.
Sure frost mage This has amazing control But fire and arcane don’t Technically no matter what warlock you have you always have banish And affliction to my understanding gets an extra fear and extra dots that reduce damage and slows.
But the average work average warlock spec does not Why because they want to go for that 20% increase to shadow damage so there are shadow bolts hit like a truck.
Hunters do have a ton of utility but let’s be real you can only kite things for so long no matter how good of a kite or you are you’re not killing a boss by yourself without extreme chasing.
And on top of that the only ones that can really pull it off off would be a warlock with curse of exhaustion and a frostmate.
And on top of that there are a lot of dungeons where that just does not work I want to see you pull that off in a dungeon like Is black morass.
Or old hillsbrad Is or heck shadow labs or shrek talls, Or even arcane crips it doesn’t work.
Just because the way the dungeons are set up sure you can cut your extent no question but you still need a tank to kill the bosses.
Why could or not the whole fury prot concept is dead 68 yeah right you’re really pushing it there all I gotta say is I want to see someone tank.
Is old hills Brad and fury Pratt with the people at level and at gear level yeah no it’s not happening I am sorry.
The question is about non optimal spec viability.
If you have an arms warrior in tank gear he can tank. His aggro will be less and he has less avoidance but it’s doable.
You don’t need tank spec to tank, you need the proper gear.
Tank spec helps, but it’s not needed.
And most dungeon bosses are easier to kill than the trash pulls especially on heroic.
Yeah OK he can hold agro but how long is he going to survive at level no I am sorry stuff and old hills Brad just hits way too hard your healer is either going to go oom not going to have time to drink.
Or the tank is not going to be able to stay alive there’s no way
According to him as long as the tank isn’t getting one shot the tank is viable and it’s solely the responsibility of the healer.
I actually Tanked every raid boss in the TBCC game in my pvp spec one week - it was Arms/Prot. It wasn’t ideal but it worked. Issue was with rage generation. An issue that gets better next tier. It’s a spec I may test out again once I can support all my defensive stats plus a decent amount of crit - potentially in the coming tier.
Not optimal but certainly doable. We didn’t wipe on bosses or anything (actually, might have wiped on Nightbane once). But I did need a little more lead time on threat.
It’s not something I’d recommend for first attempts with low gear though.
This is wow classic in a nutshell people. I hope everyone learns from this
Why i hate min maxers. They cant enjoy the game unless they are competing for some imaginary parse. Parse didnt even exist when classic and tbc were released. Do non min max players ask for that nonsense to get shoved up where it came from? no we just play the game
Funny thing You can definitely run flags ALL DAY in wsg and EOTS and people will love you using your PVE feral tank spec
And im sure a majority of players could give a rats a** if you are PVP healing rather than PVE healing spec
All i ever expect from ANYONE when doing dungeons is to know how to play their class in any given situation that the dungeon would present. Idc what spec you are, what gear you have (within reason) i just care that youre doing your job. Period. If youre a pvp ice mage and you wanna dps this dungeon? cool just make sure you poly a mob and nova when mobs pull off me so i can taunt one after it breaks and build aggro on the other?
You an ele shaman that wants to heal this dungeon? Fine, just make sure you know how to conserve your mana and use different rank heal spells and have at least some healing gear.
You a pvp rogue and you wanna dps this dungeon? Sure just make sure you keep mobs ccd and blind enemies i cant get to if a taunt gets resisted and make sure you sap someone before the mage.
The game isnt black and white and theres no law saying you have to be spec x y z to complete normal/heroic content.
1-2 extra deaths isnt a big deal in any regard. Especially if youre leveling in dungeons and its either having a non optimal tank or waiting an extra 2 hours for an optimal one
Youre assuming they have the prerequisite for intellectual curiosity
If youre not doing what these 99 parse professional parsers do then youre wrong and getting carried. Or did you not get the memo SARCASM
Heres my comment where i point out why it would be bad
Is old hills Brad and fury Pratt with the people at level and at gear level yeah no it’s not happening I am sorry.
I promise you i tanked OHB Norm at 68 till 70 as Fury/Arms its very possible and very easy. Dual Wield even. (except on the bosses)
This is wow classic in a nutshell people. I hope everyone learns from this
Part of playing properly is gearing and speccing correctly
The game isnt black and white and theres no law saying you have to be spec x y z to complete normal/heroic content.
Hyper individualism is a cancer.
Most WoW players are lazy and wont play outside their linear cookie cutter norms so they can faceroll content.
It is what it is.
Part of playing properly is gearing and speccing correctly
Appropriately. Not just “correctly”. While there are certainly appropriate cookie cutter specs there are also “appropriate” non cookie cutter specs - depending on your goals. I would argue that unless you’re in a guild pushing server firsts there is room for using a spec that may not be best but is good enough.
This is where hybrid specs come in. Some of them work. But they’re not best. It’s this culture that assumes you’re doing something heneously if you rock up in anything but best to defeated relatively easy content that is problematic imo.
Most WoW players are lazy and wont play outside their linear cookie cutter norms so they can faceroll content.
It’s not the laziness that bothers me, it’s the moral indignation some people feel justified in dishing out on anyone that does attempt something a little out of the box.
Asif the reason you might wipe on a Kara boss is a misplaced talent point lol.