Dual Spec is NOT a QOL Change

I don’t really care if you have to walk to town really, but I don’t care if you don’t.
It changes nothing except waste time.

I think any rest area period would be fine.

It’s just not a big enough deal to waste time worrying about.

You ever have a tank show up to raid but oops he’s still in his pvp spec because he was grinding BGs.

Now we gotta wait for him to go respec.

So immersive! I am so immersed!

That’s pretty spot on yeah.

Tedious or not, work is work. And classic is all about putting in the effort and doing work.

That quote is perfect and tedious crap is important in a game like this. It should be preserved.

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It is preserved in Era.

Go play it.

To a whole bunch of people fighting against dual spec, it is.

All of them I have talked to are chill with the major city limit so that’s what I advocate for.


Not gonna happen

Sounds like he didn’t hit up the guild mage and the guild warlock so he could fix that in no time flat.

But it’s good he had to put in the effort to get it done!

We shall see in due time my friend.

Catch you in the open world immediately after I swap specs!

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That is a critical aspect of what separates classic from almost every other game put there save for games like Dark Souls.

If it brought you back to play it, surely it’s working. XD

Hell Yeah Brother. Catch you on the flip.

I feel like if youre this butt hurt about dual spec coming to classic the 5th time around you need to back up and take some life inventory

seriously, dont take a QoL update in some MMO video game for fun so personally

it is okay, life will go on, if you don’t like it you are totally allowed to play other things or the other 5 versions of WoW


I think the community of hardliners for no changes want to experience a fresh server with all the nuances of that experience and not have the gameplay changes much.

This was marketed as a classic fresh not classic plus so I get it.

Dual Spec wont break the game either way, but we should strive to make compromises so the community isn’t so divided.

Compromises are good and with dual spec it’ll save a lot of people a lot of money.

If they gotta go back to a major to swap, that’s not much of a change and pretty in line with what makes classic classic, the journey, and the effort required.

i mean, who cares, all of you will play it anyway and probably like it

you complaining on the forums isn’t going to change something that is already said to be there and implemented

for the record dual spec rocks and i hope the implement the summoning stones at each dungeon

All 50 of them can play Era.

The rest of us are getting the game we want.


I think exactly what you just said, also applies to the people who were begging for dual spec and spamming constantly to get it added, when the game was perfectly playable without that change.

2 sides, same coin.

Perfect description tho.


No one is stoping a guild of meme specs from plowing through content. I would watch that stream.

Laser chickens unite! :chicken:

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I wouldn’t mind summoning stones. Still gotta work to use them, good change.

Again, not complaining. Attempting to find compromise. Compromise is good for everyone.

I agree, dual spec is awesome, but it should be implemented in a classic way. Only being able to swap in a major.

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You are right, times have changed and most of the original devs and creators of the first team from 20 years ago are not around anymore.
we have a lot of new, young aged woke males, and tons of females who think they know the game better than us to make all these new weird changes, exp regards to PvP.
20 years ago the % of females that played video games was probably around 1%, the 99% they made fun of every guy that played wow, 24/7, now those same females are in charge of changing the game the way they see fit , and if we know anything about PvP, they hate it. one could argue thats not the case, but the changes in the PvP already show that.


Yes summoning stones would be a great QOL change better then Dual spec. More players would except Summoning stones then Dual spec.