Dual Spec is NOT a QOL Change

no need for a compromise :expressionless: 50g per respec is fine

Here is an incomplete list :expressionless:

Interesting how easy that was to debunk all the nonsense.


I just really don’t understand, can you please tell me in your own words? The arguments that you posted are really bad. I am definitely so open to having my mind changed on this. I just don’t see a logical reason besides: #NoChanges. Which is just dumb.

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Yea when you have don’t understand basic economics like supply and demand anything can be easily debunked.

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So having a high demand on specs that people don’t want to sit in (Like tanks and healers) is a good thing? Can you explain to me why?

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When you don’t understand respec costs have no affect on inflation then it can easily be debunked when you bring that up.

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“your arguments are bad” is not a convincing argument :expressionless:
if you wanna play hardball: classic vanilla does not have dual spec, and it will never have dual spec (and neither will TBC for that matter), so guess what? if you simply need dual spec, your only option is NOT TO PLAY. Go play SoD and leave us alone.

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The current system rewards players for sticking to one build.

It rewards them because they can avoid paying the “tax” (gold sink) of respecing.

Economics 101. If you want less people to do a thing, make it costly. If you want more people to do a thing, reward them for it.

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It isn’t costly because everybody buys gold anyways.

I feel like this entire post from OP is just him admitting that he buys gold.

Same exact argument that was given to us when people were saying GDKPs were not going to get banned, or when we never were getting Classic servers. It’s just not true. If there is demand for it, it will happen. Maybe not on this fresh, but possibly on the next. /shrug

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“it’s not a gold sink because everybody buys gold” is not an argument :expressionless: you really aren’t good at this argumentation thing.

like you said, it’s not happening this fresh. end of discussion :expressionless:

It is actually a very sound argument.

Something can’t be a gold sink that doesn’t actually affect the economy.

The inflation will be there regardless, so acting like a respec cost will affect the economy makes no logical sense.

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The only way it will be rewarding is people charging for tanks and healers. Putting more demand on gold. It really is strange that all the people for these QoL changes seemingly all correspond with one thing: The demand on gold.

Why would you want such a high demand on gold?
I am curious what incentive you would want to have a high demand on gold…

hmmmmmm…let me think.

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It will be and I will be laughing for a very long time about it.

I will make sure to let all you clowns know at least 1000 times per week about it.

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There has been tons of answers to this over the years that this debate has been raging.

I’ll repeat it since you missed it: Duel spec means guild leaders start forcing people to run multiple specs (which defeats the point of duel spec for pvpers), and further solidiies meta builds and diminishes the value of the choices you make in your talents.

10g respecs avoids those consequences entirely while making respeccing more worthwhile (also making it a way better gold sink than 50g respecs or duel spec as a result).

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It is actually not the end of the discussion, the discussion is still happening, and the only real reasons you guys can come up with are illogical fallacies that don’t actually impact gameplay besides not having a demand on gold.


This isn’t wotlk my dude.

People aren’t spamming dungeons outside of a very very small minority of RMT spammers.