Dual spec is great for the game! Thanks Blizzard!

wrath is retail :expressionless: obviously

No retail is retail.

You could argue retail started with Wod but more accurately Legion.

Wotlk being retail is 1 of the dumbest things I have read on these forums in 6 years


Checking which comment people are liking is intense. Bring it down a notch bud.

Players are nitpicking to the extreme degree. I am able to do anything I please. Thanks.

I think you have an unhealthy investment is which comments people like

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Agreed, weird

wrath is absolutely retail :expressionless: any classic OG knows this. the game is garbage. only reason people were ever excited for “wrath classic” was pure nostalgia.

People have different interpretations of when classic ends. For some its when the dark portal opens.

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It is, because flying is not classic

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amen. crossing the dark portal is the original sin :expressionless:

There’s only one classic. Then you have expansions.


rogues will have to run an expose armor spec in their pocket because nobody wants to be the full time expose jockey

I dont really care personally, ill be 1 pve 1 pvp spec

but jsut answering your question

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But wotlk had 12m subs.

It was the highest subs of an MMO to date.

Even more than vanilla wow.

You have the worst takes.


Players with passion in voicing their opinions and never giving up is the exact and only reason why we even have Vanilla wow today and the reason we’re even here discussing it right now.

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yup there’s lots of stupid annoying builds that even DPS classes will be compelled to have now because why not, you have TwO sPeCs :expressionless: the true damage of daul speck can’t even be estimated right now, we will see it play out in real time like a slow motion train wreck as the anniversary realms drag on.


Vanilla added more subs than TBC or Wrath combined.


it’s called a lag effect
people heard how amazing WoW was during vanilla
so people started playing it more in TBC
and even more in wrath
but then, as you can clearly see, that was the top, because the game became crap :expressionless:

More like the MMO genre died.

That was a completely different community and age group back then. We have all grown up, become better players, and have learned alot about the game since then. Some were just finding out about World of Warcraft for the first time in Wrath so it was an amazing thing to see when first logging into the game. As adults and with Blizzard re-releasing Wrath I think alot of others as well as myself got to see the true game Wrath is, and in my opinion and from others as well as the popularity of the re-release I think we can conclude the expansion wasn’t as good as we remembered it. Going based off of numbers from when most players were from the ages 10-16 when placing it as “The most popular version of the game, so it must be the best version” is irrelevant.

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How is that different then the weird hybrid “jack of all trades” specs we had before dual spec…and in the end who cares how someone specs?