Dual spec for TBC, please! A humble request

because, get this, some QoL changes that were brought to retail fit amazingly well in any version of WoW… Dual spec happens to be one of these.

I do not want to see dual spec in CTBC. Its a WotLK addition that should be introduced in CWotLK. Just like Achievements & Transmog.

but that was cata

Really? I thought it was WotLK. Near the end of. If it was Cata, then I dont thi k it should come until Ccata. If blizz goes that far.

Cool, explain why without using your personal feelings.

I already did. They should be introduced if the idderation of the game that they were introduced in.

You don’t have to like or agree with me. Don’t try to belittle my opinion. The OPs post is also just an opinion.

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Transmogrification is a feature released with Patch 4.3.0
Classic Cata lets goo
or not…
please no

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Leave Brittany(TBC) alone!

No dual spec. 50g isn’t anything. Quality of life changes are dumb. Go play retail if you want a polished game.

They are separate games for a reason. Because they are different and are better in their own respective ways.

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Nah just making sure I could ignore you.

Outside of “I don’t want to see it because I don’t want to see it”

There has been zero actual arguments against this.

There have been a hundred arguments against this. You just want to believe there aren’t any and gaslight the idea.

Homogenization, meta, and time/effort. There are 3.


nochanges folks can stay in classic.

newsflash TBC is classic aswell


I want TBC not a mismash of TBC, WotLK Cata, and whatever elce they decide to add.
Thats not

Good day to you!

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Time/effort: 1s to talk to a class trainer, 50g max respec. This is more like removing a crappy door cause it doesn’t do much but be an annoyance that doesn’t add to the game. Is 50g spending something you’re proud of? Do you lose enjoyment by not having to pay this?

Homogenization: This would imply all classes are the same as eachother, not the cast at all. This didn’t happen till later. Null point

Meta: What? LOL It breaks the meta people can fufill more than 1 role slightly easier?

That’s LITERALLY “I don’t want it because I dislike it”


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people have like 100k gold in classic
complaining about 50g respect on tbc where people will have 1million gold is dumb

tbc classic has openly embraced somechanges. bad argument is bad

Nope. Its not. Good try tho. You asked for a reason without my personal feelings and I gave you one.

You just don’t like it. That’s on you.

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Nope. You’re grouping two separate groups of people together.

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My personal feelings.

You personally feel you don’t want to see wow tbc be a mash of cata/wotlk.

This is a personal feeling. Good try though! You got no reasoning outside of you not wanting to see this, no logic like how it’s better for players, better for the system, or the game. Just straight up “I don’t want it”

Amazing, truly amazing :slight_smile:

IT’s a good thing blizz doesn’t listen to what just you want or we’d have a pile of crap as a game