Dual spec for TBC, please! A humble request

We currently do. Its called retail. It got that way from listening to forum whiners. Which is where Classic will go if we continue to follow that same path. You sound like your clueless


Please explain how the addition of dual spec contributed to the downfall of wow. Please explain how dual spec hurt wow :slight_smile:

Just cause it’s in retail doesn’t make it bad. Call me clueless all you want, you still dunno what “personal feelings” means

Ahh, I get it.

Anyone who doesn’t share your specific view is a “Whiner” Nice one

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Those arguments were already made so scroll up for answers.

What i was saying is just because you don’t agree with an argument, that doesn’t mean it’s null or doesn’t exist.


I see no other arguments for homogenization and the one made was pathetic and immediately countered. More importantly, no one actually said HOW it homogenized anything. They just said it did then walked away as if they were right.

So yea, homogenizations a null point cause no one here actually explained how cause it doesn’t. It doesn’t make any class more similar to any others as MoP or Cata did. Null point. Now try actually providing an argument.

Time and effort, please point out where people defend this as a good thing? I don’t see anyone saying that the 50g respec cost was a good gold sink or an effort sink cause it’s not. It’s clicking two extra buttons.

Meta: I have yet to find an argument for this and you cannot provide one it seems. You’re directly against allowing people to enjoy their class to the fullest?

Just because they are brought up as a point against doesn’t make them a good argument. You seem to have no way to defend them either as did the people who originally brought them up. I was also there when the thead was started so, keep trying to pass it off as not reading

Tbc: Raid wants a tank. Raid sees two tanks, one war and one paladin equal gear. They choose war.

Dual spec tbc: Raid wants a tank. Raid sees one war tank/dps and one paladin tank/healer equal gear. They choose paladin.

Meta changed, not dissolved. Tank meta is now changed and tbc is fundamentally different.

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Hmm, So by this logic we should introduce no changes at all that change the meta from the current standard. Smart? I guess we will just not change talents, classes, increase levels or gear. Just leave it the same or the meta might change! Classes such as druids or paladins might even get to use specs that weren’t as useful as before but, why would we want that? It was in retail so it must be the downfall of society.

Clearly hyperbolic but I fail to see how something changing the meta to a more beneficial, varied and interesting meta is a bad thing.

Its more for the spirit of the original game than being a bad thing. Sure its not BAD that meta could be different, classic was different than vanilla but still fulfilling.

I don’t want to discredit your opinion because it is valid.

I am simply here to maintain the spirit of tbc, so i can get as close to the nostalgia as possible.

The scary part for us no changes people is the possibility of the runaway effect one QOL has on the game. I only agree with changes that force the game to it’s intended state, which has changed through game knowledge.

The thing is, is your nostalgia really rooted in the details of meta? No one has fond memories of doing the drum rotation, but I have fond memories of doing drums in raids I enjoyed doing with my friends. You can tweak the number, the items, the stats, but the raids and content are all there.

Barber shop, Transmog, QoL changes and all that (outside of paid for ones) are not the downfall of wow, it’s hyperbolic.

what killed wow was the fact an mmo built on socialization did everything they could to make socializing not needed and dual spec was not part of that.

Class Homogenization happened when MoP removed talents all together. You just picked X spec and the game auto rolled your build for you with a few very minor choices. THAT was where classes got ruined. Classes eventually ALL had one CC, one CC breaker, one big 2min CD, the skill you cast on crit, the skill thats chance on hit, your spam skill.

Each class eventually was able to do anything, you didn’t need a lock specifically to CC on certain raids or need a hunter to kite. Homogenization didn’t come from people having the ability to change their class to suit their needs, it came from the fact people didn’t want classes to have an advantage over their class and blizzard kept balancing them till everyone was able to do it all. Dual spec or not, it was coming.

You’ll note I am actively against things such as LFD/LFR for your reasons, this was what I see as the killer of my nostalgia, the minute the game told me I ddin’t need to talk to anyone to get my gear, the game was dead. Log on, stand in X city, que your daily heroics, your weekly LFR, quit. Rinse repeat

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#NoChanges already did enough damage to Classic. You look like you’re having a great time playing Shadowlands; let us Classic and Classic TBC players decide our fates, thanks.

Yea, me and my friends loved preserving the worlds buffs meta…/sarcasm

I have a 60 hunter. I play both and respect both games. Relax.


God please do this please


This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Every class has about 3 or 4 builds that EVERYONE uses. There is no such thing as customization.

When you want to spec for (insert spec here) you go to Wowhead and look up BiS (insert spec here) build and use it.

The BS that people talk about with “removal of talent trees started homogenization” is hilarious.

So are you saying that there is no customization in the game currently and that we should just get rid of talent trees like retail has done?

Not at all. I like the talent trees.

I’m just saying let’s not kid ourselves and pretent it’s a far superior system, and be super elitist about it.

I just don’t understand how a few people dislike the idea of this when it’s a positive change that should of been added in Tbc changing spec consistently based off of if you want to PvP or PvE It’ll provide more influence to players wanting to play arena and try not in their pve spec but also raid and not having to respec every day or every few days.

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Visiting a trainer was mandatory when dual spec was first introduced. As for templates, there are addons that let’s you do that, personally I’m using ‘Talented Classic’.

I mean, if we can make requests, I’d like 3 specs I could switch between. Not just dual-spec: I request TRI-SPEC!

Responding to those above you, there is no “spirit of TBC”. I’ve seen maybe a few posters here that want TBC for what it was, for the sake of what it was - regardless if it was positive or negative. Everyone has their own best interest in mind.

Frankly speaking, I don’t have much emotional interest in TBC at all. If I play, great. If I don’t, I quit during TBC 15 years ago for a reason - and it left a bad taste in my mouth, even though it was a good game. I have no horse in this race.

What killed WoW wasn’t any of the things we’re fighting about. I agree with you in that it was cross realm stuff which lead to the lack of communication and socialization. Classic with all of it’s problems still has more socialization than when i tried Retail for a bit.

Dual Spec does impact the game. I get it. I’m currently leveling a mage, and I’m getting tired of staring at 30 Zombies running after me. Finding a tank however is impossible. Raid encounters were not designed for dual spec in mind. If you form a guild and you’re lacking healing. You shouldn’t get a healer for free because of dual spec. If a tank leaves mid instance you don’t get to say, “it’s ok i have my tanking gear, I’ll just switch specs” without some sort of penalty - no matter how small. If people want to wait 20 minutes for someone to respec. So be it.

So at the end of the day, the question is do people even care even the slightest what TBC was? If the answer is no, then dual spec away. If the answer is somewhat, then if the cost of re-spec’ing is minimal why not err on the side of caution on potential impacts to the game? It’s no big deal right?


Ppl are afraid of the “slippery slope”.