Dual spec for TBC, please! A humble request

I’m too stupid, obviously…

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Which is fine, I simply stated I see minimal arguments against these outside of the tired one that is “Not in the original” and that’s fine. End of the day blizz does what it wants.

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Well at least you admit it. Cause apparently no one can like anything nuanced huh. We cannot like parts of anything, no it has to be the entire thing. All or nothing, too stupid to see benefits to certain things and negatives to others. You’re the kinda guy that throws a whole pizza out cause one slice had a hair on it.


How do you know so much about me? Dude seriously why do you always go personal in your attacks?


Cause it’s right there.

I don’t need to know anymore than this statement.

You cannot divorce dual spec from shadowlands. Either it is in shadowlands, and therefore is the end times of wow, or it’s not and it’s the best thing ever since sliced bread.

You have NO argument, for why Dual spec specifically was negative to wow. Your ONLY argument was “it’s in retail and therefore bad”

Thank you for actually discussing the game in that post and not name calling. Please do more of that.

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I’m another for dual-spec! I hope it happens. I don’t care about having anything else from retail, but dual-spec seriously would allow us the versatility to enjoy the game more, by having a farm spec, a pvp spec, a dungeon spec – whatever that person wants.


I’ll borrow an argument from the pro-boost crowd. Blizz made their choice, It’s not in the game, argument over. Live with it.


If more people just went with this the forums wouldn’t have to deal with my existence.

No. Dual spec ruins player agency and also the balance of gear will change.

It is an opinion of many players, myself included, that specs are a class of their own and deserve that respect. Especially with how different some specs are, its basically dual class. This benefits and creates meta where there was not meta before. How much more valuable is a tank/dps class than a dps/dps class?

Gear for hunters can be used in all 3 specs, paladin gear can only be used per 1 spec. Obviously this remains an issue without DS, but dual spec gives an even further advantage to the hunter for flavor rerolls as situation sees fit. Similarly to dual spec, this can create unforseen and unwanted metas in game not designed for it.

Basically what im saying:
Wotlk was designed from ground up to be a dual spec expansion, which still had many flaws as a new feature. BC was not designed for it at all and would suffer.


Insert 2 dogs eating gif here.

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So that respect is worth, 50g? Such respect. You do realize that the difference of dual spec is not IF we can change specs, but simply how often. Considering you can make a few hundred G a day, 50g is just pointless. Busy work really.

Zero proof of this.

and zero proof of that.


Okay dont need proof to say quality of life changes impact the game extensively.

And using your exact same argument against you, if 50g for talent swap is so trivial that you could accomplish it in no time, why do you need to change anything?

May as well leave the damn system in place and swap talents all day long for 50g a pop.


Remember when people said “the boost is in the game, stop trying to change it now, deal with it”?

There’s no dual spec in the game, stop trying to change it now, deal with it.


So I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. They are not going to give us a main feature of wrath in bc when they basically said they plan on releasing classic wrath. Farm and have that 50g on hand.

Then, can you prove that dual spec won’t affect TBC Classic at all ?

Best/safe choice is : doing nothing and wait WOTLK.


I don’t like how dual spec ruins the identity of someone being a certain spec. Knowing someone as an awesome prot war or an amazing kitty druid is a flavor that has been lost in the game as time has gone on. Dual spec to me means your are just druid x or Paladin y.


When there’s a cost associated with something it helps keep an arena of the game filled with players committed to that arena of the game. e.g. People who only PvP are more likely to face off against players who only PvP when there’s a cost associated with respeccing… rather than facing 100 Johnny Raidloggers every day who only queue to soak up loot.

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Would be a pretty nice QoL change.