Dual Spec Classic

It’s a debate whether you’re educated enough to realize it or not. It’s an argument whether you know it or not. It’s called an ad hominem argument.

You should look up logical fallacies and educate yourself. Then those who are educated wouldn’t be laughing at you behind your back, if they’re polite

I’m so glad you said this!

Here is a video FROM 1.12! Notice how the inferal only attacks who goes to attack him. And notcie how the warlock stands next to it for a LONG time and doesn’t once get hit by his AoE. Until he attacks the inferal and then he gets the damage taken.

So once again, you see something that may not align with your terrible memory or something you saw on a pserver and you instantly put it off as a bug. This is what the bug forums mainly consist of.

You’re still talking about education. That’s brilliant. I’m dying of laughter right now.

WTF my infernal is bugged then. He attacks me even when the iornforge guards attack him.

They’ve claimed that they do. If you want to assert that Blizzard is making that up to appease or control their customers then we’re not really going to get anywhere and you’ll just have to go elsewhere with your conspiracy theories. There’s not really a good reason to believe Blizzard would just make that up.

The lock died and then soul stoned.

Notice the guy in red getting hit with the Immolation Aura before he even attacked it? Yeah. /facepalm Thanks for proving yourself to be both wrong and a pepega.

My lock’s most annoying bug is the life tap bug. Which locks into place.

You’re laughing because that’s all you’ve got. You’re just not smart enough to come up with a rational response. Didn’t you notice I stopped replying to you? That’s because you’re too childish to waste time on.

He was in combat from earlier if you go back you can see he is in combat from inside the blacksmiths. Also, notice how the level 30 dwarf is standing RIGHT NEXT to the infernal and nothing happens as the inferal paces back and forth.

Rational response to what? I don’t even know what you are talking about now. Aside education maybe. Which isn’t what your post is even about lol.

Ah, so it’s a conspiracy theory when I claim Blizzard is lying to their players(wouldn’t be the first or the second time…), yet totally above the board for you to insinuate that the multitude of players that have reported distinctly non-Vanilla behavior just have dementia? Gotcha…

Also notice, on the video the warlock is asking for help because he knows thats the only way for the infernal to aggro. He puts the infernal RIGHT NEXT to lowbies and nothings happens until they engage in combat.

So once again, you claimed bug, and for this one I can prove you wrong instantly.

Should we listen to any of the other ‘bugs’ you pointed out?" Probably not.

Relying on 13 year old memories to determine what is and isn’t a bug is just simply not how you do it. If you don’t get that then you’re lost.

Reporting bugs based on memories is fine. Insisting they’re bugs or treating them as bugs because of a 13 year old memory is not fine.

Depends on your profession. I’ve got to save up around 400g for Flask recipes.

I also like buying nice gear for my alts. Sent my warrior a Kang just recently.


Dude, just stop making yourself look bad… Red shirt gets immediately flame ticked as he runs by when the lock dies.

My infernal doesn’t even attack other people. It kind of sucks, I wanted to kill low levels in ironforge bank area, but he just charges out and attacks me with a ironforge guard army on his back. Would be nice if he actually attacked something aside from me.

So the Fel Reaver could come marching through downtown IF, murdering the entire city, but unless Blizzard comments on it, it would be totally Vanilla. You’re a joke.

Level 32 troll hunter, who knows nothing about classic, thinking he’s a genius irl, man you really won the “debate” here lol. Nothing more intelligent than arguing over the internet.

Not exactly, but close. The process would go something like this:

Bug is reported.

Blizz QA employee investigates bug by comparing Classic’s behavior with the reference client.

If client matches Classic behavior it is not a bug. If client does not match Classic behavior it is a bug.

If it is deemed a bug then at that point it should be prioritized and put into the bug queue for fixing.

That’s how it works. We don’t use 13 year old memories to fix software. That’s a big fat no-no.