Jeez you are an idiot. In the most debates the only decision reached is by a panel of judges that declare the winner. In most debates the purpose is to make convincing arguments to attempt to sway some of the readers or listeners to your point of view. Which is exactly what you’re attempting to do with your participation in this debate.
You obviously don’t know Bob very well.
I want changes and I’m posting on a classic alt. Others do as well. So your argument is flawed. Flawed because you’re to stupid to pay attention or flawed because you can’t make rational arguments and want to create strawmen instead?
I graduated college. Yes I did, yes. Elementary school was harder.
You’re proof that some people can graduate from college without learning anything. Or proof that any idiot can claim anything on the internet because there’s no way to prove it.
Sorry mate, sorry. But you’re going to have to try harder to convince me that you are smarter than me.
That you had difficulty getting through elementary school doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone reading your posts. You’re just stating the obvious now.
I’m not a bad person really, I’m pretty popular on Instagram. People know me. Nice to know we have come to a conclusion of your “argument,” have a nice day! Outsmarted the “genius” of the forums.
Idk what part of “this isn’t a debate, I’m telling you it’s never going to happen” you don’t understand
If the level 32 hunter who has no experience in classic says it’s up for debate, you bet your gosh darn rear-end it’s up for debate because he said so. (in a strong nasally voice)
Lol apparently so. While we are at it we should debate whether we think the American government won’t charge us anymore taxes or not.
Then you do believe the number next to the name means something. If a 60 means more than a 32 than my 120 means more than you 60. I didn’t just level purdah to 32 I leveled this priest, a hunter, a rogue and a druid through vanilla, through bc from the day it launched and through wrath from the day it launched.
You can’t make rational arguments to defend you opinions so you play the best avatar game. It’s a joke.
it should be a thing, I do not want to be farming on one spec for x days just to have the gold to respect for raiding and switch back to farm.
I can level to 120 in 6 hours. What’s your point?
Go away, man.
Just go away.
I mean if we are really going to be arguing this then let’s at least be honest about the number here. 1-60 shows how cool you are 1 being the lowest 60 being the highest and any character not classic goes the exact opposite way in terms of cool, 1 being the highest (by BfA standards which is still pretty uncool) and 120 being about as low as you can get.
Man he’s really typing away about it. This is going to be good lol, trying to compare 1-60 in vanilla to retail 1-120 rofl.
No, you can’t. While people are leveling through classic faster than vanilla. The world record to level from 0 to 60 in vanilla 15 years ago was 4 days 20 hours. And there was a lot of competition at the time to get that record. You’re just showing how ignorant you are with this.
Oh am I the ignorant one here?
I posted two points in my post you’re replying to. You ignored one.