Dual Spec Classic

Why waste all that time when he could make the great arguments you do. He could have just said, Yes, yes he is. Or if he really wanted to make his point more convincing, Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, he is. He could learn a lot about good debate from you.

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I really emphasize the no. Take the no in, you’ll understand.

Ah, I missed the emphasis. That’s good debate technique. Were you on the debate team in your elementary school? Seems like it.

ETA: Sorry, made a mistake. I meant to say, Are you on the debate team in your elementary school?

I was on the anti changes to classic team.

Go play retail if you truly want this crap.

I want none of retail involved with Vanilla…or Classic.

Why do you care so much that he just said no to dual spec? There doesn’t need to be any meaningful debate on this considering it’s clearly ‘not’ vanilla, or even attempting to try to be something that vanilla had. It’s a ridiculous suggestion.

That would be more convincing if you posted, I was on the anti changes to classic team. I really was, I was.

With your clever debate style I’m sure you were a valued member of the team, valued.

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We crushed every competition, all of them. Easy.

1- Would you like to see Dual Spec implemented in to Classic WoW


2- Do you remember it being implemented in Original WoW and if so did you like it then and though it was a good addition to the game?

Yes and Yes

3- Do you believe this feature will be a positive quality of life improvement for Classic WoW?.


4- Do you believe implementation of Dual Spec will be a game breaking for Classic WoW?.

Respec costs are an important gold sink to keep the economy from ballooning out of control. Classic has a ton of ways to make a lot of gold, so there’s no reason to cater to lazy players who’s sole interest is raid logging.

what happens to dual spec? at somepoint you decide to make tri-spect and HUGE backlash… so you wait a while, ignore the backlash and remove dual spec and just make a button next to each spec.

this button just makes you whatever spec you want, so your choice of spec is meaningless

There are the #nochanges team folk and the folks who are open to small quality of life changes.

There are cases to be made either way.

Then why are you even here debating it? I’d love to get dual spec. I knew coming in that it was the one thing I’d miss. I’m not trolling when I say that. Deal with the op’s argument or decide it’s not worth your time. Empty accusations of trolling is just a diversion and a stupid one at that. And so are the dumb fights over what fake picture a person uses to post with.

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He’s just a retail player, he doesn’t understand what he got himself into. It’s fine to have alittle fun with him. teehee.

Not for things like this there isn’t. Wasn’t in vanilla, leave it out of classic. You want to argue if there should be 1.5av or not, go nuts. Want to argue whether we should have DHKs or not, sure why not. Talking about something that wasn’t in the game until wrath and acting like this is even a topic you should humor for classic? Time to stop typing.

I’m not debating anything. Debating is to argue or discuss something that you consider a possible course of action before reaching a decision. There’s nothing to debate, I’m TELLING you that dual spec isn’t/shouldn’t/won’t be in classic. If you disagree then you are just simply incorrect.

That’s all.

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Too dumb to make a good argument so all he can think of is to attack a fake picture with a number next to it. If all you got is a classic alt you don’t have enough experience with the game to know chit about it. It’s like graduating elementary school and telling us what college is like. Grow up first.

Once again. there’s no argument to be had, he is just mocking the person for even bringing it up, as you should be.

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Once you get your epic mount and big craftable… there really isn’t much left to spend gold on. Keep the respec fees and keep the inflation down. Otherwise, players that reach max level later are going to have a higher gap to close for raid buff items or just general AH fun.

This is an issue with retail. All these QoL changes also removed some gold sinks. Tossing in a mount doesn’t bother the people with gold. They already have the time and knowledge to just refarm it.

Also, why are all these people asking for changes posting from their retail characters?

No. You want to roll two specs? Roll two characters like people did back in Vanilla. Or Diablo2.