Dual spec changes a lot

Both can be good or bad depending on the context. In a true roleplaying game, being able to simply pay gold to switch from evil to good, or from one class to another, or from one role to another, especially if you’re running with the same group of friends, would absolutely destroy the game.

But WoW is not a true RPG. It is an action game with RPG elements, and a heavy focus on Player-vs-player.

If WoW was a true RPG they shouldn’t allow you to respec at all. But can you imagine what WoW would be like if you couldn’t respec?

Only 1% of the population would think that was a good thing. The other 99% would quit the game.

It’s a trade-off. The devs at the time clearly felt they had the balance right in TBC with having specialisation and scope for correcting “mistakes”.

Any addition of dual spec to TBC classic runs directly counter to the design intentions of the TBC dev team at the time.

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I love how you find these cool posts… From the link…

"The argument about people respeccing for Arena teams makes the assumption that everyone is somehow running in one and thus needs multiple respecs. This is not true. Not everyone is respeccing between PvE and PvP and it's not a majority of players that need to."

You should run that last part passed anyone who PvP’s competitively.

There’s a number of links and quotes in there outlining pretty much what I’ve claimed were TBCs design goals for the last week now - only it’s Blues and the previous lead designer confirming it and not just me going off memory.

The jig is up, this debate is over, you’ll need to find another line of defence rather than suggesting that dual spec just wasn’t considered. It was considered and it was rejected on design grounds.

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Their reasoning for not changing respec costs was that a majority of players don’t play arenas, and those who do don’t need to respec for PvP.

That might have been true in Vanilla and early TBC. But was it still true in late TBC? Is it true in Classic TBC?

Do the majority of players not need to respec in order to compete in arenas? Can Sunwell be cleared if people are using their PvP specs to raid?

Edit: Didn’t less than 1% of the playerbase clear Naxx in Vanilla? What percentage cleared it in Classic? What percentage killed Lady Vashj in TBC? What percentage will kill her in Classic TBC?

It sounds to me like Blizzard was hesitant to make changes because those changes would only benefit a tiny minority of the population who were in progression guilds and also competed heavily in arenas. The devs saw no reason to change the game to cater to a tiny vocal minority.

As TBC rolled on, that tiny vocal minority kept growing and growing and growing as interest in arenas grew steadily throughout TBC. By the end of TBC they were the majority.

One of the many reasons - not their sole reasoning.

I mean nothing has really changed accept that you seem to be claiming that modern gamers simply lack patience …

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They will do whatever is needed and they can still do that right now, right?
Are u competing with sweaty ones?

Perhaps, or not to use it in Raid lock down or implement some 60min cd… I think sweat’s have other toons rdy to jump in to serve that 1 boss purpose.
So, this exclusion wouldn’t do much to them anyway.

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Yup You are 100% right Is #DuelSpeck

Of course it was a design goal. One that failed. After they realized it was a bad game design they changed it in wrath.

I am very aware it was designed as it was designed. That does not mean it can not be better. I dont know how else to explain that.

What YOU fail to grasp though is that i and others that refer to dual spec are not asking for a major game design change. We are not asking for the ability to change specs. That is where it seems to me that so many ppl against dual spec get lost. The game is “designed” for me to change my spec anytime i want to. And i do change my spec anytime i want to. There is nothing preventing me from doing it. I dont do it as often as i would if they made it easier. Which is what we are asking for. Make the game design easier to use.

You take it to the extreme. Like because the game map takes up the entire screen therefore if i requested them to make the map smaller so it didnt cover the entire screen that the game would be broken and use the “design” argument. And yes i know i can just turn in the addon that i already use. The point is, what was designed can be changed without having major consequences to the game itself.

And having an easier way to change specs does not have any negatives. But ppl will jump to discussing how spec changing ruins the game and dont even get that spec changing is already possible and not the topic.

i always say i want dual spec, but really all i want is cheaper respecs. i don’t mind going to the trainer to change. id just like it to be less expensive.

If you get sweaty in TBC content… I got bad news for you.

This is tinfoil hat level nonsense. The bosses are so easy it’s irrelevant.

If your guild is too sweaty, find a new guild. And if your guild gives someone OS BiS over a main spec, find a new guild.

If this is something you’re actually afraid of, which I struggle to believe is true. Just make dual spec still require a city to change.

This is the weirdest reason to be afraid of dual spec

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So you want to make the game easier than it already is? I also bet you bought the boost and the store mount as well didn’t you?

You take it to the extreme. Like because the game map takes up the entire screen therefore if i requested them to make the map smaller so it didnt cover the entire screen that the game would be broken and use the “design” argument. And yes i know i can just turn in the addon that i already use. The point is, what was designed can be changed without having major consequences to the game itself.

What a ridiculous statement. There are addons that allow you to change this, so they don’t need to change an already created game design that was built into the code to begin with even in vanilla. The API calls were already there since the original launch date to allow you to make changes to your map. Your point here is moot and just goes to show you want the game to be easier because you find it a nuisance and tiresome to go respec all the time.

And having an easier way to change specs does not have any negatives. But ppl will jump to discussing how spec changing ruins the game and dont even get that spec changing is already possible and not the topic.

The game is already changed, so you want to use changes that were put into the game without our input to make more changes that will change the landscape of the game even further and require everyone to conform to the meta or not play

boy bye

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How did it fail? It was meant as a disincentive that made players identify more strongly with their character design and niche and it did just that.

The thing that led to dual spec was that the design team changed leadership. They had a very different design goal. And it’s ironic, the lead designer behind TBC never said he regretted having respec costs in the game, however the lead designer behind dual spec has stated that they regretted how it panned out - so which design failed?

All you are arguing is “inconvenience == bad design”. I don’t agree.

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All this crying about 50g?


For people who want to raid and play Arena, it could mean well over 10,000g.

For you to play raids you have to buy consumables right?
To play the arena you have to farm honor to buy the equip, right?
So, for you to change talents, you have to pay the npc, it’s part of the game. Dual spec will only make an easy game even easier…


Time for dual spec!!!

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