Dual spec changes a lot

That’s a matter of opinion. And a lot of things changed with WoTLK. If you think it was better than TBC (I don’t) it could have been any one of the changes that contributed to that. Dual spec did virtually nothing to solve the problem people are saying we need it to fix - it didn’t fix tank and healer shortages. A lot more needed to be changed to do that.

If you prefer WoTLK then you’re in luck - it’s on its way. Leave TBC to those of us that actually liked it. Stop trying to turn it into an extended WoTLK pre patch.

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It absolutly is a matter of opinion. No doubt about that.

It just happens to be the opinion of the overwhelmimg majority if players.

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No not at all, I want wrath kids to get their grubby hands off TBC.

Dual spec came after a whole bunch of sweeping design changes to the game that Casualised WoW and made it more accessible but also less engaging and community focussed. That’s what WoTLK was about. It had a massive impact - it resulted in the game becoming hugely popular but there were also a lot of people that left at that point. It was a turning point for the game.

TBC and Wrath were very different. This is why it is so important for the health of TBC classic that we don’t just dump Wrath features into it “because they’re better”.

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Most players according to polls prefer WoTLK to TBC - does that mean we should just skip the TBC bit then?

Perhaps skip it by proxy by importing Wrath features into it early?

No it isnt.

You are not capable if understanding that changes can be made that keep the spirit of the game untouched.

It would be like going back to an event you watched on television that you really enjoyed. Maybe a superbowl game. You had a tiny low rez tv back then. You can go back now and watch the game again but now you can watch it in 4k hi rez definition. The change made the broadcast better. And yes there would still be ppl that argue that it would take away from the experience. Silly ppl will be silly.

But it doesn’t. TBC isn’t about giving everyone a turn - it’s about specialising and forming tight knit groups. Wrath is about giving everyone a turn. Dual spec fits Wrath it doesn’t fit TBC.

They didn’t make respeccing hard by accident or because they lacked the tech to drop arbitrary respec costs in TBC - it was by design.

Lets do some basic math shall we?

A dungeon group has 3 DPS, 1 Healer and 1 Tank, or 1 Standardized Group.
A 10 man Raid has 6 DPS, 2 Healers and 2 Tanks, or 2 Standardized Groups.
A 25 man raid has around 17 DPS, 5-6 Healers and… uh… 2 tanks? Huh I wonder why it’s so hard to find tanks for heroic dungeons.

Noooo! We can’t just let a Ret paladin easily swap to Prot to tank a couple five mans!! That will destroy the game! Just put in LFR why don’t you!


Nope and you just changed the topic. We were not talking about changing the whole game to wotlk.

Most ppl like popcorn. That is a topic we can discuss when we are talking about popcorn. But we are not. We are talking about dual spec and only dual spec.

I never said it was the only change that was better. Its the only chang i am referring to in this thread though.

3 or 4 Tanks in a 25 man. You also have quite a few OT viable players as well.

You dont get it. You are obviously bored and reaching.

Luckily, you are a minority opinion and just like the few others that share your opunion, your reasoning is weak at best.

No, I’m arguing that Dual spec doesn’t fit the design goals of TBC. Regardless of what “most people” want.

Most people prefer WoTLK and treat TBC classic like a waiting room for it. Of course they prefer dual spec, they prefer dungeon finders too, and a whole bunch of features that were in their preferred version of the game.

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You absolutely do not, and feel free to argue with warcraft logs on that one not me.

One of the major mistakes blizzard made was to listen to post like this. The “try hards” will always do that kind of stuff, they are doing it now. There is no need to punish everyone else for it.

I’m 99% sure they’ll have it day 1 of wrath, as a selling point for all the dual spec obsessed babies. if you want dual spec, you’ll just have to be patient. that simple

I agree, maybe even with prepatch (at the earliest). That will be their “change”. Maximise sales interest with the new rehashed expansion (the most popular of the series) with a major drawcard feature.

Financially they’d be mad to blow that this early.



you might wanna look up the word “some” because hint, it does not mean “all”.
by definition, some changes will be excluded.
dual spec is one of them.


You might wanna level your character.

yawn :yawning_face:
get some better material

Yawn :yawning_face:

Level your character.