Dual spec changes a lot

Sweats and try hards will create new meta raid comps that have people swapping specs into second BiS gear sets to optimize for different bosses. It’ll slowly become more expected, loot will be harder to get because guilds will feel pressure to give off spec pieces to friends/vital players (vital for the new meta).

It’ll just add more sweaty BS to a fairly easy game that doesn’t need it. What little shred of integrity TBCC has left will be washed away in a final and decisive flood of sweat. Please don’t add it.

MAYBE a middle ground for pvp-only dual spec can be found. I see no reason dual spec for pvp purposes is harmful for the game.


Really I mean really at the end of the day those types of people are probably already having players teleport back to the trainer and respecting anyway.

And then having a warlock read summon them to the raid entrance So honestly the sweaties are going to play a different way.

I disagree I don’t think dual respect would be as harmful as everyone makes it out to be.

And speaking from someone that played back then dual spec was not the feature that gave wrath of the lich king such a bad reputation.

The dungeon finder was Is which honestly even back then honestly wasn’t that bad what it became and what it is now is something completely different and way worse.

And again how many private servers have we seen with dual speck and it doesn’t hurt the server shocker


I respectfully disagree. Sweats are speed running. Having people teleport back and get summoned takes too much time for the convenience that off spec meta would offer. Dual spec on the other hand would make it 100% feasible and even required if you want to be a top parsing guild.


dont be poor, farm, do dailies,

also use professions, disenchanting is free money

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I wanna see max levels post about this, so I know it’s not one guy making all the anti dual spec posts. They are always low lvl avatars

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Yeah you know whyou know why because I don’t want to get doxed As toxic as the community can be yeah no.

I assure you I have a level 70 paladin I’ve been playing the game on and off for 16 years I don’t use my real character Elisa my main one especially on my classic realm because I know better.

You have a point however my argument would be this it would depend if you think you can get a better time on killing X boss.

By having a few extra dps Then yeah it’s worth the time loss to go have people teleport respect and tell apart back.

It’s or not even if you’re a speed running guilt let’s say you’re not a speed running Guild and say you just are having trouble right you’re going to have people do that if you’re playing at that level.

And quite honestly if we’re really gonna go down that rabbit hole that’s the worst thing that could happen like coz really what is that 10% of guilds maybe.

Quite frankly if the speed runners really want to do that if dual speck his implemented who cares.

I mean not to be mean but honestly like it’s really not that big of a deal to me or most of the player base if the 10% try hards one of but wanna alterate things so they can kill the boss 0.5 seconds faster.

Is good on you if that’s the way they wanna play more power to tulip me I want stuff in the game that makes the game better overall in dual spec would make the game better overall.

And honestly realistically what’s the worst thing that happens the speed runner guilds get a little bit faster there’s more avenues to competition.

And that respect it would make the game better for them because then they could mess with other specs that they wouldn’t have tried out before so in some ways it would be better.

But either way I still say dual spec would overall be better for the game.

Because realistically if the worst thing that happens it’s happens if the sweaty gilds get a little bit more sweaty.

In a different way oh no what a horrible thing Just saying

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I don’t care what the try hards do. Let them play however they want. But as has been posted here dozens of times if that’s the problem dual spec could require one be in a major city to use and be on a cool down. Of course posting this again won’t change anything. You anti-dual speccers will continue to make the same complaint even though it’s easily solved.


“You anti dual speccers” LOL. You’ve already compartmentalized me into some arbitrary group in your head. You’re going to reflexively disregard everything I say. But I will try to reply.

You might not care what they do… But what they do will affect your game play. Just as it has consistently through the lifespan of classic. World buff meta was because of sweats.

There has been no accountability for people who are wrong about changes on these forums. People cried that boosted chars wouldn’t become widely used for botting. The verdict is out on that one, and yet not one single person has posted “I was wrong about boosted bots”.

People keep crying for new toys and claiming they won’t harm overall gameplay for everyone, and disappearing when their toy arrives and causes the damage everyone knew it would.

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Make it a 30 second cast time.
Make it lock your spec to a dungeon.
Make it so you can only swap in a rested area.

A million and one solutions to this “issue.”


Then they’re just going to have to change it back when WOTLKC hits. Here’s another solution you forgot to mention: fork over some gold and pay the respec costs until wrath hits. Funny you forgot to mention that one :rofl::clown_face:


Will love it if Anti-Dual Speccer becomes a pejorative.

I don’t need Dual Spec for myself.

I need it so the game I’m playing doesn’t become completely barren over the next three months.


Honestly I’m pretty good at the game and I don’t need duel spec. I just duel people with my normal spec. lol imagine paying to respec just for dueling. WoW

Most people would wait a day before ignoring people’s posts and making the same complaint over again. But you’re quite unusual. You’re not even smart enough to be embarrassed at making the same complaint in the very next post after an easily implemented solution was laid out for you.

Then you claim I’m reflexively disregarding what you say. You’re by far the funniest person I’ve replied to on this forum. I have the perfect job for you. Since in the old days they were using the real thing.

Eh… That’s not what I did. I ignored your “solution” because it was really a lame one and focused on the first part of what you said: “I don’t care what tryhards do”. That’s what I chose to respond to because it’s an absurd escape tactic people keep using in this debate. It’s fine if YOU don’t care, but eventually it affects us all.

As for your " solution", As I’ve said to others, making those changes to dual spec almost makes dual spec pointless. You want people to code in a special little version of it JUST for you (barf) so that you can avoid what… Going to major cities to change specs? Changing it at an inn vice a trainer? The sheer level of entitlement in that notion is PATHETIC.

Plus, WOTLKC dual spec will have to be reverted or reformed when it launches. Your solution is more complex and cumbersome than what you can already do… Pay some gold and respec. You want to change the game twice for a minor inconvenience? It’s absurd. I could go on to explain why but there’s no reason to argue with narcissistic contrarians :rofl: good luck to you and… With that.


It isn’t a question of if, it’s a question of when. It will be added during Wrath Classic. We know this. We just don’t know which phase it will be added to. I suspect phase 3.

I’m cool with it being added when the game was balanced around it originally.


I mean, there’s no reason (so far) to believe that it will be added at any time prior to that.

Of course, sharing our opinions on the forums and having discussions is good.

Despite the wave of entitled cry babies stomping their feet and holding their breath, I agree.

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