Dual spec changes a lot

Nah. You’re not good at the game. All the good players love dual spec and realize it’s value.

So, don’t join those guilds.

Problem solved.

why not have a better tbc classic now? sure wrath is (y’all hope) coming soon so why not wait? because wrath is about new content; it’s not all about new QoLs added. those can be added at any time via hotfixes and whatnot… just like they have been doing since classic was released.

honestly, this is how i envisioned classic being when they first talked about it- same old game but with the QoLs players enjoy… you know, the way the game should’ve been made with hindsight in mind.

Why bring dual spec into this. I’m clearly talking about duel spec. WoW

I would imagine Warcraftlogs would invalidate the run if it detects a respec just like it does for other tactics it sees in bad spirit. Also, why not ask blizzard to prevent dual spec outside of an inn/major city instead of insisting on it ruining your experience. Even so, speaking as someone who was in a sweaty classic guild, respec sounds 10x better than world buffs and if you weren’t apart of that META you won’t be apart of the dual spec META either. Thoughts?

Honestly Blizzard could design a dual spec mechanism that makes a lot of the nay sayers somewhat okay with it.

I could easily give you a thought experiment: Design a dual spec mechanic that doesn’t cause any negative impacts to TBC and maintains its design focus.

And you could probably do it - successfully. But why bother?

Why put the developmental time into a feature that is already coming (with no need for modification when it does) when a later classic expansion ships, and which won’t actually resolve the issue people claim it’s needed for?

The only reason is “it’s popular”. Well that won’t change and just leads to anticipation for when it finally does drop.

Let’s answer this question. Who wants to play TBC for what it was? Those who want dual spec have no desire to play TBC as it was, but some bastardized more convenient form of it. The direction and playerbase of t he current game? Can’t say I’m surprised.

Edit: At the end of the day, as much as I mocked pserver Vanilla players, what they demanded really was a snapshot of what Vanilla was at one point. i could at least respect they wanted a form of Vanilla, even if it was the brain dead version. But wanting dual spec - something that was never a part of TBC is taking it to a whole new level.

Yeah. for the same reason LW got the nerfbat (it didn’t happen in OG TBC), now people want something WORSE (in their own perspective of course) but they fail to admit it.

Dual Spec is going to bring a lot more toxicity than LW was doing. Hybrids will have to be specced into 2 different specs and have 2 different gear sets already ready in their bags. No contest. A good example is resto shamans, will have to get their elemental or Enhancement gear set ready to re-spec whenever their min-max raid leader tells them to. And it will be the default.

This is not WoTLK where you kinda had those gear delivered to you easily than it is today, and where changing specs was actually required.

I feel that people are trying so hard to destroy the game with actual changes that only harm the overall game.

Nobodies gonna ducking dox you, you aren’t that important.
I post on my main because i’m not a baby girl.

I don’t. That’s why I’m playing TBC Classic and not a faithful recreation on some private server.

You know you can do that, right? It’s illegal for sure, but it’s really the only way you’re going to recreate that experience.

Have fun! :wave:

Yeah, I know, people are quitting in droves because of the tinnitus debuff.

What were they thinking?!

If only they hadn’t done that! That makes me sooo mad! :angry:

There’s your answer! Go play on one of them.

Don’t come onto a server that doesn’t have the feature, with a whole bunch of other players who signed up to a server that doesn’t have the feature, and then push to force it onto them.

You have private servers that fit the game you want to play, so go on then, go play it.

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Most of those who played original BC wanted dual spec then. They didn’t want it as it was. And blizzard had already realize their mistake and were working on it.

Well, at least you’re admitting it lol. Like I said in another thread, I think TBC Classic should preserve some of it’s former dignity and “glory”. If people want to change it to make it “better”, then so be it. The former is my agenda. Right now, people are trying to rip it out, change it, and make it “better”. Frankly, that’s just too bad.

And I can say the same thing to you. Wait until Wrath Classic. It’s even more accessible.

How you magically knew all this aside, It still wasn’t in TBC as it was.
This viewpoint has nothing to do with what players wanted or didn’t now want. It just wasn’t in TBC. Period. And this has nothing to do with “no changes”. I’m on the “some changes” band wagon - as long as it preserves it former original game play.

Why not use the solution the game already offers?

Pay up to 50g at your class trainer.

And they didn’t in TBC because they wanted people to specialise - different design goals. Every design choice - every single one has pros and cons. Trade offs. Tom Chilton’s priority was to increase participation among people that hadn’t gotten involved before, Jeff Kaplans was to increase engagement from those already participating. Different goals and thus different design choices.

Neither is good or bad, they’re different and they both have negatives and positives - as do all design choices.

You’ll get to experience both if you let this one run its course.

Edit: You seem to think that getting more people to experience the content is always the main goal. It isn’t. It was in WoTLK, but earlier - in TBC for instance - one of the goals was to have people more committed to the content (engagement) - that is, a smaller audience who are more invested in the content. That used to be an important design goal. They were trying to coax sweaties playing EQ to jump ship. WoW was competing for market share with EQ.

By WoTLK WoW had won that market war. They were looking at the newer games like Aion, AoC, DDO, and Rift as potential competitors and thus driving for new markets, untapped player bases. WoW shifted from being a game focussed on cut through and retention in the existing MMO market to a game seeking to expand the MMO audience. Casual participation became the new goal.

Wrath and TBC occupy different sides of retention vs expansion design argument.

At any rate you are trying to impose WoTLK design goals on TBC which is a very different game with very different design goals.

The problem with your statements… is you clearly have never played at the “sweaty” level… there are multiple ways we play… yes we do speed runs… we also send people to the “Razorhide” buff from the Barrens quest and be summoned back when we are doing bosses above our gear level for the tanks… we also send people to respec and be summoned back as we are doing trash if needed… then there is the pump days, where we used to hold Ony heads and ZG hearts and have a mage camped on the island as well and locks all over the place (song flower etc) so we could port/summon everywhere so we could pump and hit top 3 parses for all classes in the world…

TLDR: You have no clue what you are talking about because you have never played at the level you are trying to comment about.

I already pay the 50g to swap a few talent points around based on whether I am queuing for 2s with a healer, 2s with another dps, or 3s. And of course I respec every week for raid night.

Know what? It’s only 50g. IDGAF. Gold is easy to make in TBC.

I say no to dual spec. #nochanges

People who want this crap need to g o t o r e t a i l

You are speculating. And for no reason.

We fortunately have history to look back in and everything you claim could happen is already known if it does or doesnt.

So here is the most important part of history that you need to know about dual spec. IT MADE THE GAME BETTER. Thats it. It was welcomed by the vast vast majority if players. What changes it caused are inconsequential. Whatever ppl did with it does not matter. All of it as a whole, made the game better.

You want to find something to complain about. I get it. Chose something else. You are on a losing argument. Dual spec makes the game better. And we have history to show us that.

Ppl dont want changes because they know some if those changes made the game worse. Dual spec was not one of them. Find a different change to grandstand on.

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