Dual Spec - but with limitations?

Perhaps a happy medium between Quality of Life enhancements such as dual spec could be implemented but with restrictions so they don’t turn into complete abominations to the game design of the 2007 team and Classic community. I’m sure there are many things - but off the top of my head, I’m thinking of limitations such as “not allowed in instances, PVP, or raids,” and weekly spec swap limits.

Any other thoughts for limitations that would make this more feasible to the no changes or less changes crowd? Alternatively, is there anything I am missing that would make this a really bad idea?


They should add dual spec for 5k gold but all it does is save another talent spec and keybinds and you still have to pay 50g in-between switching specs.


Im afraid if you make anything expensive as an incentive to deter, it will only increase gold buying, which they dont seem to be doing anything about

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Keep it exactly like WotLK version, except changing the spec can only be done in areas you can get rested exp. So inns and towns.

There are addons that save that information, take your ridiculously convoluted “no” outta here rofl.


:laughing::rofl::joy: good to know.

So yeah, just no.


No god damn goldsink, no god damn cooldown, no god damn bargaining. just put the ability to switch specs in the game. We don’t need to artificially throttle ourselves for no damn reason.

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Dual spec from 3.0.2 was just fine the way it was. It didn’t break the game… instead, it was a much needed QoL change that was highly anticipated and greatly appreciated.

People crying about what dual spec “would do” to the game are nuts. Ignore them… they’re not worth your time.

Nope, you’re not getting dual spec. You’ll get in in classic Wrath don’t worry.

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Sadly you’re probably right. The thought of dual spec in TBC puts a fire in my soul

Stop gate-keeping quality of life changes that do not effect the actual soul of the game. Were in a new age and we will do just fine with dual spec. Make it free and let people swap


pay whatever entry fee, like 2k gold or whatever.

saves both trees. only swap trees in rested areas.

good to go.

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Just make the cost of a respec decay a bit faster

No! no god damn bargaining. just put dual spec in the game.

Players like him believe the silly notion of ‘gold sinks’ and don’t realize it directly contributes to most of the degenerative behavior you see in the game.

Give swapping a cool down and require being at a trainer to do it.

Not allowed in PVP would be a given, but why instances or raids, and why a weekly cap?
Do you realize that its possible to implement a good thing without ruining it with some arbitrary negative effect?
PEOPLE - Stop asking for good QOL changes and adding some random negative effect to it. Its unnecessary

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Why would Blizzard spend the resources to put dual specs into TBC only to rip out that code and replace it with the Wrath code?

It isn’t that easy. Think about all the testing it will take and then the added complexity of doing Wrath.

Maybe dual specs in TBC could have happened if they decided to do that when the first decided to make Classic TBC but not this close to release.

It would be far more likely for the developers to get approval for making respecs to cost silver instead of gold and let addon makers supply a way of saving multiple builds.

Anyways, that’s my thoughts on the subject.


Since these Posts keep being spammed…I’m going to “spam” my same answer LOL

The main reason people want some restriction is so it isn’t convenient to swap back and forth between two different raid specs within the same raid. The reason people want dual spec is so they can swap between support role and pvp or farming, or whatever other reason. I think that’s a nice QoL feature, but it becomes moot if raiders have to have two raid specs.

Requiring the change to be in a rest area is probably sufficient because people can’t get summoned back to the raid easily, but an hour cd isn’t that onerous. How often do people change specs anyway? And if you are desperate, you can always pay gold at the class trainer.

IK this.

Some (not all) don’t want to pay every time, so my proposition still has the Class Trainer check point but removes the payment.