Dual spec at phase 2

any evidence that it is coming? (no, there is not) :expressionless:

Bumping this because yes plz.

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Dude go back to ERA, SoD isn’t ERA, not even close.

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I second this. Having dual spec literally takes nothing away from the game but adds so much enjoyment.

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Aggrend alluded to the possibility of it but didn’t outright confirm it.

We will see.

Dual spec: if you don’t like it, go to classic no changes

this is false :expressionless: you can think that its “benefits” (muh convenience) is worth more than what is lost, but you can’t deny that it takes away something huge from the game. luckily the devs realize this. i suspect this is a lot like the WSG solo queue issue: all the super duper smart players think an exclusive solo queue is a no brainer, but the devs realize that it wouldn’t actually work out. same with dual spec.

Do they? Or did they hack together phase 1 quickly, and used the reduced gold price as a hold-over until they could implement dual spec in phase 2 properly?


the reduced gold price is their simple way of throwing you dual speccers a bone :expressionless: it doesn’t mean you’re getting the whole piece of beef.

As I said, we’ll see.


I can’t find the specific post, don’t really feel like searching for it either
 but i’m going to use the same logic most of the boomers on here use to support their no changes, anti-gdkp rhetoric and other idiotic non-changes that only benefit the game


Factual statement right here, we got like 2 people against it
 everyone is for it.

I will likely rarely use dual spec, but I would prefer for others to play the way they want. Maybe they can experiment with the implementation of dual spec as well, to improve the system in a classic environment. If I didn’t want change, I wouldn’t play SoD.

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Yes you are alone. If the “Expression” of yourself is being a 1 trick pony you need some help.

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No, you are false. Typical Alliance thinking they are smarter than everyone. Please, since you didn’t explain in your stupid comment, how does it take anything away from the game, Verela?

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Well obviously being a jack of all trades isn’t very expressive.

Oh because you are the master of expression and you get to choose how EVERYONE expresses themselves, right?

I forgot you created WoW, you payed for all the work put into it, you “parented” the world. So you get to choose how being a boring 1 trick pony with no talent is more expressive than being good at a lot of things. Crazy.

Whatever helps you feel better about being useless, dude.

I’m sorry you like garbage game design.

I’m surprised this wasn’t announced in P2. I hope it’s there and hasn’t been datamined yet.