This hasn’t happened in the history of any poll or vote in the entire world.
pretty ridiculous tbh…
This hasn’t happened in the history of any poll or vote in the entire world.
pretty ridiculous tbh…
Lol… Ok then, personal insult combined with a completely wrong statement. I guess this is a good stopping point for me.
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
How is it ridiculous? I get businesses all the time that polls me on what I’d like to see happen with their service. They aren’t sending it out to people who don’t use their services, they send it directly to their customer base. Again, you are dancing around this. You can’t provide an actual credited source, that’s fine. Institutes do studies and polls all the time where they take a group and poll them on a 1:1. Again, happens all the time.
So here I am once again asking. Where is your sources? If you wanted to be taken as credible, then I’m asking nothing of you that you can’t provide. You claimed it’s overwhelming and the evidence is there. Where is it?
You don’t get to decide if you won a debate or not. How ignorant and full of yourself are you?
Wait…(reads the rest of the thread). Asked and answered. The moron wasn’t a personal insult, it was an observation, and a fair one.
Let me know when 100% of the people using the service take the poll…
Not how life works buddy.
The polls that we have now are the most accurate representation whether or not you agree with them. Whether or not they are perfect. Still the most accurate representation we have to do date.
Again, what proof do you have they are 100% accurate and not tainted with multiple votes or poll bots? Are you telling me you cannot prove how authentic these polls are and as such can’t provide me with the proof I’m asking for? If you can’t do that, then what hope do you have of being credible enough to persuade Blizzard to give you dual spec when the best you have is the same twenty people on the forums?
There isn’t a poll on earth that is 100% accurate or even more so, that can be proven to be 100% accurate. It is a ridiculous standard. Even the poll blizzard released to the community about transferring characters before TBC isn’t 100% accurate (Multi boxers got multiple votes)
So then you have proven through your own admittance you do not have a fully credible source that should be allowed within your argument. That’s all I and many others needed to see. Thank you.
On what basis do you think that dual spec would solve the issue of scarce tanks and healers?
In retail wow you have access to all specs at all times, and there is still a lack of tanks and healers.
How does dual spec magically make people who dont want to tank and heal, go tank and heal?
By your standards there isn’t a single poll in human history that fits your version of “credible”. This is more so proving your ignorance to how polling works and you are not discrediting “my sources” you are discrediting the concept of voting in general with these unrealistic standards.
But lets not beat around the bush, the reason you are creating these unrealistic standards that discredit the concept of polling in general is because you don’t agree with the results.
Seems like an overly broad statement made by someone with no clue whether or not the majority of tanks and healers would like dual spec. Making stuff up doesn’t improve your argument. Polls held on the subject outside this forum have consistently found dual spec to be extremely popular. Presumably, there were tanks and healers voting in those polls.
Your “feelings” don’t tell us anything.
Who would dual spec NOT benefit?
And if you would read the thread, i actually used the results of this poll earlier. Currently dual spec would directly hurt dedicated tanks and healers, so it is a valid assumption that a majority of the 20% against dual spec are dedicated tank and healers.
This is not an argument for or against dual spec as a whole, but i don’t want to farm 200g a week to play arena is well … weak argument.
Dedicated tank and healers.
It benefits them by allowing them a DPS spec, which would help with farming AND when their guild doesn’t need a tank or healer for their raids.
Dual spec, LITERALLY, benefits EVERYONE.
You are clearly not a tank/healer. Tanks and healers do more then enough dps to quest (which is a tiny fraction of what lvl 70 does anyway)
It does however removes their current golden status, which does feel amazing.
If you asked the majority of people if they wanted a free Tesla, they’d probably say yes.
If you asked the majority of people if they wanted free college education for themselves they’d probably say yes.
If you asked the majority of people if they wanted to not have to work for their home, they’d probably say yes.
Just because the majority of people want something doesn’t mean its a good idea. There is a saying amongst my engineer friends, if you design by democracy you design by the dumbest amongst you.
There is a reason that making an ideas argument based on its popularity is a logical fallacy. Debate the idea based on it’s merrit not on its popularity. It’s more of a political joke than an engineering one. Basically just politicans are stupid and people are sheep.
Not making a comment on dual spec, just making a comment that your argument isn’t a good one.
I think its good design that you are punished in an mmo for decisions that you make. Aldor vs Scryer being one example. Horde Vs Alliance being another. Frost Vs Fire being another. Skyrim doesn’t slap your hands for being the best rogue/mage in the world because you are the only living person in the world. This is an MMO, make decisions and accept their consequences.
I can honestly say being a Holy Priest, that I’m not against dual specialization, as you need too play discipline for arenas, and questing as holy is just disgustingly slow. Now! If they lowered those respec costs so I’m not spending 50 gold to do questing/farming for gold, then another 50 gold to go back for healing. Once my shoulder gets better and I can main arenas like planned, I’m looking at 300+ gold a week, just too play the game effectively
Popularity is absolutely a major factor when developing a feature for software. There is no merit in making changes to wow (unless it is is to kill and give people life lol)