Drums are fine. They are not mandatory. They do not make the difference.
I get it that you read somewhere that Drums are the new world buffs and you are concerned. Since you didn’t play TBC, you have to trust that streamer you follow and subscribe to.
But let me break it down to you:
Drums are not mandatory. They are not 1% of what world buffs are/were.
If you didn’t campaign against world buffs but are doing all this drama for Drums right now, then you’re showing everyone you don’t know anything about the game.
You don’t want to use Drums, and yet you want it to be nerfed. Why? Because you don’t want to be judged by others.
Take your time. Breath in. Let it out.
And repeat with me:
Drums are NOT mandatory you don’t need to be Leatherworker
Nice logical phallacy you got there “Wbuffs were more powerful therefore drums are irrelevant” Also cool numbers you pulled out of your a**.
I have played on a private server with pre 2.3 drums and even then they are definitely ideal to have if you are trying to min/max.
inb4 just dont go lw, no that’s not how it works. Playing the meta is how the game has evolved for most people, if there is an advantage to be had, people will maximize on it. This advantage is definitely noticeably optimal over alternative professions in it’s current state.
Mandatory or not is relative, what is not relative is that LW provides the best power boost as a second profession compared to any other option. Because it’s heads and tails above any other option, guild who want runs to go fast and smooth, as well as players looking to perform well are going to go for whatever is BIS.
Part of why folks are upset is not simply because one option is bis but Blizzard, who initially expressed the sentiment that all players needing LW to perform the best felt bad, have gone back on that statement with this update.
Or, we fix the game to get what was originally intended. Drum abuse was not blizzards intent (Which is why they nerfed it in pre-patch). Frankly, they need to fix JC and enchanting and every other profession that lets people pull this sort of crap, we literally asked blizzard to make the raids harder we should also be working to make it harder to cheese content via professions. I love drums overall, but the meta of stacking 25 leatherworkers (the extra 5 are for the OTHER drums or backup haste drummers) is just toxic cancer and I don’t need to see it again.
It seems to be more analogous to engineering in Classic than world buffs. I got along fine without engineering in classic. Most people in my raid had it, but I stayed tailoring/enchanting and no one ever said anything because they like having someone able to do enchants mid-raid.
It’s an annoying maintenance buff that adds nothing to the game by existing, but is incredibly obnoxious. World buffs were the same, but were far easier to actually get and so weren’t as annoying as only having one workable profession.
As a Shaman, I’m forced into BS for the BiS maces (until SWP), and I’d like the option of going Engineering for the BiS helm until T5 - or anything else that I want - but with drums as they were originally, and potentially even the new version, I wouldn’t have any room to play with professions I want.
Engineering’s impact in PvE outside of one boss was very, very minor. Drums are for every boss. It’s different, especially since LW doesn’t have fun gadgets to make the profession less of a drain to be forced into.
It’s more like Tailoring on my Warlock - mandatory because of Bloodvine - and not really interesting besides.
That is true. Still, not a reason to force everyone to go LW.
The question is: do you want to roll LW? If you don’t, you shouldn’t go for it.
Blacksmith gives you the best weapons in game for Warriors, Rogues and Shamans. I don’t see anyone advocating for nerfing those weapons, because they feel mandated to go BS for crafting (and yes, back then guilds demanded rogues, warriors and shamans to be BS to get their weapons crafted).
Guilds who are looking to parsing and ranking worldwide and on the server will ask that. If you are not running for parses, then that is not a problem.
The problem is: everyone like to get to warcraftlogs and see their parses there, and you know that without LW you won’t parse well. So, the problem again here is not LW, it is the players mindset of min-maxing.
People want it both ways. You can’t eat your cake and have it.
And I hope they keep it as it is. They made a bad judgement call talking about nerfing drums. Drums were never a problem, at all.
The game is working as intended. If you feel that you need LW to be successful, then you have a worse problem than min-maxing.
I think you are talking about world buffs, not Drums.
WHAT. How can you even tell that World buffs were easier?
Holy molly.
You couldn’t play with your character for DAYS.
People made impossible logistics to get into raid with their world buffs. Other people made wars every raid day to make sure they wouldn’t get into the raid with world buffs.
Drums are just drums. A small buff that doesn’t kill bosses for you.
Unless you want to tell me that with drums you will be able to clear the entire tier with just greens (like world buffs did in classic).
First of all, BLIZZARD added the debuff to drums in wotlk pre-patch, I.E. TBC because of people stacking them in SUNWELL. They had no idea that drums would be so bad or they would have added that debuff in the first place. It simply wasn’t a change that they were able to get to in time for sunwell, but it was NEVER their intention to let people stack drums to cheese boss fights.
Secondly, in no way shape or form is drums equivalent to world buff meta. One requires you to have a boring profession thats useless otherwise for most classes, the other forces you to not play the game on that particular character. If you want to draw a parallel to classic, you can draw the OBVIOUS parallel that is engineering being a requirement, except people only needed it for Viscidus and it was more an issue of a boss being broken than a need for engineering stacking. LW stacking in TBC is so heinous that it boggles the mind. And even if engineering HAD been a requirement for every raider, at least engineering is actually fun and useful outside of just bombs, having ANY incentive or requirement to go leatherworking on a caster is just plain dumb.
Race meta isn’t an issue in TBC, the racials are mostly well balanced and I never saw anyone get rejected over their choice of race. Now if you’re talking about PvP, then yeah we as a community might want to talk about that.
The class meta in TBC is hard to be mad about. Sure you stack warlocks and hunters, but at the same time you bring every class to raids and almost every spec. The specs you dont bring are hunter/mage/warlock specs that flat out just suck in raids but it’s far less impactful given that it’s just a different ability to spam (especially for mages, boy is frost boring in TBC raiding so it’s fortunate that they get to be the fun spec all expansion long). Besides, there are multiple good comps for TBC raiding. Due to how professions work in TBC, there aren’t multiple options for professions, there is one option (every option, where you enchant rings drop enchanting etc. until you have everything you want. It sucks).
WBs took 30 minutes to actually get, and yeah, you couldn’t play after that. But that’s why you did it the night before or the day of the raid. There were always heads and hearts going out, and if you really wanted to be sweaty there were always summons. Guilds often had buff nights for people too.
But nobody is saying WBs were good. Generally, from what I’ve seen, most people would rather they weren’t in the game.
WBs didn’t kill bosses for you either. And yes, even if it’s not as big as WBs, it’s noticeable across the raid and will be mandatory for any serious guild.
Alright, but they changed bloodlust for the same reason they changed drums, they didn’t want toxic gameplay. Sure the warlocks liked getting chain lusts, but for the rest of the raid it sucked. Same thing with drums, no one liked having to go LW for that haste buff but they did it in order to beat sunwell. In fact, the reason BOTH changes took so long to get to, was because they weren’t a huge issue until Sunwell.
Also, rather funny that you mention the sated change, I actually believe that they should implement that as well, because swapping groups for lust is boring and it’s only fun for 4 of your 25 raiders. In general, raiding doesn’t need a way to chese the bosses, and the only people I’ve seen advocate drums are the people who for some reason like having ways to make boss fights easier.