Druids got all sorts of new updates for their forms

That’s my issue.

NPCs have new lightning animations, and even models that would work incredibly well for Ascendence form. The tornado model, stone furbolg model, etc. It all works perfectly for Shamans and yet the class gets nothing.


Oh man. You know the rules. Devs forget shamans exist for 80% of an expac cycle.

You had me until


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Have you seen the druid class tree? I don’t believe any dev actually plays druid. The real reason is because every other class can actually see their transmog. So druid get this pittance of customization options


On behalf of Druids everywhere, Shamans (or anyone, really) are welcome to our reworks. Please. We insist. We beg you. Take them away!

This is the real problem. The forms are right there, all ready to go. They dont even need animation changes, because they already have them from Shadowlands. I know glyphs aren’t as easy as everyone makes them sound (old code and all), but for something that needs no new modeling, the time investment/reward ratio has got to be pretty fantastic.

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Personally I thought this expansion that we’d get the totems the Primalists use … Apparently not. :sob:

That’d be pretty easy to work out though.

  • Given the nature of how many various races had dabbled into shamanism & shamanistic powers, it’d make sense to present the lore reason of Primalists won over to our side during Fyrakk’s craziness & thus introduced shamanism to a wider range of classes.
  • Give all the new races with shamanism the ‘Primalist Totems’ models, to give time to the developers to make race-unique totems for each one. :slight_smile:

Would also give some great world building for the future too, and provide shamans some further credit as well.

I made my own thread for it ages back → Primalist Totems

Seems that Shamans tend to get little love outside of Thrall, lol

That’d be cool.
Personally though … I’d like to see Pandaren get spirit Yak form :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’d be nice for each race to earn the spirit form of another race via questline instead of glyph too … Like whether on behalf of a loa, or well-known NPC of said-race giving a spiritual blessing upon completing the task or trial of spiritual worthiness etc.

Druid was also the first class we saw Dragonflight talent trees for before alpha began… and then we got nearly zero changes to our class talents all the way to today. Druid has by far the worst class talent tree because it received no iteration from pre-alpha until today.

Historically druid has certainly received more attention than some other classes, but since the Dragonflight release cycle began, there’s really no argument whatsoever that druid has been one of the least touched classes. Yes we got new forms, but those are also the same things we’ll be looking at for our 3 of 4 specs until the next time we get new skins, as opposed to having new transmogs for our characters every raid tier.

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We could just have the barbershop options for our wolf forms like druids have for their forms.

It won’t hurt to add spirit flight forms.


Two years is “maaaany years”? Shamans got new Ghost Wolf appearances in Shadowlands.

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Blizz should be embarassed by the sad state of shaman visuals. Comparing the earth shield floating blob to evoker’s obsidian scales is depressing. Or water shield to any of the mage shields.


It goes S&x > Pizza > Druids > Rocket League > Druid alts > Rest of the classes

There were three versions of the same form: water, air, fire. But it has always been the same model.

Love this! And since it has been so long in coming, let them be fun to earn, with shamanistic flavor quests or spirit walking out in the world. Why do Druids get all the fun?


It really seems like this should be a fast project. 1 design per race then just the color effect variants layered on. All the races already have themed stuff in their cities, so you have a solid base of existing art to work with.

Seems like something that a few of the junior art team folks could knock out in a week or two. :man_shrugging:t5:

Did Shamans not get new Ghost Wolf forms in SL?

Don’t get me wrong I think more customization is better for every element including more Ghost Wolf forms. But I swear Shamans are the biggest culprits of twisting the narrative. That narrative being how bad Shamans have it. Y’all always conveniently forget when you actually get stuff.

Also Druid forms do not compare to Ghost Wolf / Ascendance.


Nobody plays Shamans, and I won’t until I get a rideable water elemental that I can ride and shoots lightning water and frost spells out at mobs.

Yep, they got two new ones then.

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as a long time resto shaman, I want my full totem kit back.

I spent a loooooooong time on the totem quests back in the day. iirc the air totem took many hours. but it was pretty cool because it felt like a real quest and made me feel like I was becoming a shaman by communing with the elementals.

but I want to be able to hit one button and drop four useful totems at once. I want to be able to fill in what might be missing from the group.


Ahem, I would like to keep my wolf form thank you very much!

I don’t even ride a ram (gave it to my priest friend, she loves it), I certainly don’t want to be one!

There have been many threads asking this question and I have also made a thread or two asking where the new shaman ghost forms are.

People put up really good suggestions and after a day or so (or in even less time), the thread gets forgotten and washed out to sea.