Druids got all sorts of new updates for their forms

There have been many threads asking this question and I have also made a thread or two asking where the new shaman ghost forms are.

People put up really good suggestions and after a day or so (or in even less time), the thread gets forgotten and washed out to sea.

Give them all the Nightfae forms. boom. done.

Shamans do need the same level of shapeshifting love. Totems, forms.

No no they added a toy to use the forms. It wasn’t a waste collecting those. Don’t worry.

shaman’s have been able to wear transmog when in combat.

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I truly wish they’d get around to adding more for shamans and also other race options.

Don’t even ask for much. Just a glyph for Spirit wolf to look like a Mechanical Wolf just with a hologram aspect to it.

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14 years on Ascendence, genius.

And a pixel update to ghost wolf does not equal a significant change.

A few extra pixels doth not make a good update. There still aren’t alternative forms for other races / etc.

The ascendence model has been a placeholder for fourteen freakin’ years. That’s absurd. Shamans are still using outdated spell effects for nearly everything on top of it.

Druids absolutely get significantly more love. From tuning changing to fluff (Emerald Dream portal to go anywhere?)

Your own post, genius.

Yeah, it’s a ghost wolf. Not talking about the number of pixels. It’s still one option for all of the Shaman races, genius.

Objectively, it is.

You asked a question, I answered it.

Druid get lots of options because they ‘live’ in those forms. It is akin to having a variety of transmog options.

Shamans do not ‘live’ in either of those spells. (Heck, the Ascendance spell only lasts for 15 seconds!)

No, it is not silly.

It is logical when dealing with finite resources and picking priorities.

Adding more race/class options would definitely be a higher priority than adding more forms to one spell for one class, especially given it already has six forms, the main plus five more using glyphs (which I did not know, I thought it was three), because new race/class options will engage more people and create more playtime, increasing the bottom line.

And ‘Ghost Wolf’ clearly wasn’t intended as a placeholder as the spell is literally called 'Ghost Wolf ', not 'Ghost Animal '.

Again, I am not saying Blizzard shouldn’t do it, I am just looking at it from a analytical standpoint.

I have a vague memory of the original ghost wolf being quite mangy and not using it for that reason but that model was updated October 14th 2014 which was almost ten years ago and still looks great.

On top of that, four of the five glyphs for alternate forms have been added during the last ten years so it is not like the spell has been ignored.

Shamans are not Druids (or Warlocks or Hunters) so they should be using a different system and it appears glyphs are the way Blizzard has chosen to implement alternate forms for this spell, which makes sense, given that the spell is called ‘Ghost Wolf’, not ‘Ghost Animal’.

Personally though, if I were really interesting in lobbying for more options, I would have used ‘More Shaman Ghost Wolf Options Please’ as my title in hopes someone notices and passes it along to Blizzard as a small reminder that totems aren’t the only thing about Shamans that can be customized, given that Blizzard seems to be all about customization these days, instead of comparing them to Druids when their situations are not comparable.

But that’s just me :woman_shrugging: .

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I don’t have enough facepalms for you. Cheers.

You’re welcome to your opinion. It’s wrong, but you’re welcome to it.

And yet, look how much engagement the thread received keeping it out of the weeds. Fascinating.

Now that is a clever idea!

Look, I do think you guys should get more ghost wolf forms, but Shamans constantly compare themselves to druids and it’s just not the same.

I could go an hour without using ghost wolf form. Shapeshifting is literally the way of life for druids, it’s our class fantasy. We cannot see our armor while shapeshifted. Even as a restoration druid I am constantly shapeshifting. We’re also one of the most popular classes, always top 3. So it makes sense for blizzard to prioritize resources to create new forms for the most popular class.

Again, I would love to see more forms for Ghost wolf. I would love to see Ascendance removed altogether or a glyph to make it human.

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I’m glad someone else mentioned this. Every model they use for ghost wolf should get a sitting, easting, laying down, and dance animation. Sitting and eating being the important two, so I can be in ghost ‘wolf’ form and actually have a visual that I’m drinking while in keys instead of just standing there looking like I’m wasting time.

Blizzard really should just scrap wow and make world of elf craft where the only two classes available are druid and paladin. It’s all they care about anyway.

Honestly by now they should have moved all the classes with forms to the barber shop. Druid and Warlock got in there. Why not Shaman and DK? The fact they keep dragging their feet on this means they are trying to do to many other things instead of what the people want.
I get they need content to keep people playing but when you have disappointed people who get hooked on one thing that seems to demoralize them then they just stop playing. Slowly that will chip away at things.


What’s a shaman? Are you sure its a class in this game?

Some of the new druid forms are also lacking certain animations like laying down or dancing

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