Druids can get Werebear, my Warrior can't get its Flail

This right here is your problem, the word “so” implies a causal relationship but there is nothing compelling them to make that decision. You think they “should”, but that isn’t based on anything.

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MT appearences were rewards for each spec, one model and 4 tints for every and each spec.

There is no written rule obligating Blizzard to do this right? If they wanted they could have given Fire Mages 3 models instead of 1, why haven’t they did that? For obvious reasons, they should always treat each spec and class equally, specially in terms of rewards.

So by that logic instead of rewarding only Guardian Druis with a new reward, they should reward all specs.

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I’m not privy to their discussions but I’d guess they made the decision they thought was best for the game.

What are those reasons? They aren’t so obvious. Hunters got a legendary from the current raid, but nobody else did. Priests and hunters got epic quests in Vanilla, but others did not. Warlocks and Paladins got questlines for epic mounts, but others did not. In each of those cases, your assumption fails.

They are rewarding everyone that does the challenges.

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Agreed. Not that I agree that everything should be 100% the same, but look at context. Bring up Mt first thing is druid forms and weapons.

Not crappy, cheap, lazy, recolored armor sets that we already have hundreds of, it’s forms and weapons.

Mt should have been respected enough to keep the rewards to forms and weapons.

Now it’s just going to be remembered as some tw event with crappy armor sets and a bear.

That’s what happens when blizz is trying to reel from all the chaos but continues to drastically fail bc they are cheap and lazy.

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With crappy armor sets verse a bear form?

Are you truly THAT far up blizz 's back end?

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But we are talking about MT mogs dude, they are bringing the mog back only for Guardians, this is the reason. They literally said it would be time exclusive, for all specs and classes, now only Guardians get it, stop diverting the narrative and avoiding the simple fact that the broke their own rule.

“They should reward all specs” with the MT appearences, cmon man you know what i’m talking about, stop pretending.

On a side note about the Assymetric rewards like Sylvanas bow that you pointed, this type of reward is fine, but ultimatelly all classes and specs need to have equivalent cool unique stuff. It won’t be a perfect balanced math, but should they now only add a unique stuff for hunters and nothing for the other classes? Of course not.

Still this doesn’t apply to the topic since we are talking about MT rewards, a system that rewarded each and every spec equally.

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And again, even if they “broke their own rule” that does not obligate them to do so repeatedly.

I’d actually argue that the blue post indicated Blizzard thought the MT rewards for gaurdian druids were actually substantially greater than those given to other classes.

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So one could argue that it would be more of a reason to not add the bear since its even more prestigious. Its simply a bad design, both FOMO rewards and only partiatly giving up on MT being unobtainable

Nonetheless it doesn’t matter, the Werebear was much as a reward for doing MT as the Flail and all others appearences. They are literally adding MT back, so they should do the same with rewards, if they felt like Guardians were lacking on models they should just have gave them new ones outside MT reward.

But obviously they are using the awesome MT as a way to bring players back, but giving every class but Guardians bad rewards, just look at that DK set.

I’m not even gonna try to debate this, is such a bad argument it baffles me.

Anyways i’m done, keep defending every Blizz move, good discussion. Bye

Projecting a position that I defend every move seems a bit silly at this point.

Take care, hopefully you can accept that your beliefs don’t dictate reality and that will help you lower your stress and anger.

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When are warlocks going to get pink fire?

Ego boost some players that happened to be playing in X expansion. Wow what an accomplishment! I mean, I don’t give a fk if they let everything be available to everyone, all my cool stuff, I want others to have it too.
Transmog is a form of expression, you want to flex? You want to feel special? Sorry this doesn’t exist anymore since players can buy carries since the introduction of challenge mode.
I was a bad player in mop and I have no class sets… I had no money to be carried (even if I had I would not).
This is unfair.
We warriors suffer the loss of the flail. But can you imagine feral druids getting a transmog set while in catform all the time? THIS PISSES ME OFF…

Limited time rewards in a video game shouldn’t make you feel horrible first off but secondly, how you feel about it is very similar to how others who put in the work, farmed the nethershards, wiped 15 times on it to finally triumph and get their appearance, would feel. 2 sides to every coin. Any argument involving feeling about this can be instantly countered by just pointing out how the players who put in the work would feel.

The scythe appearance for affliction is so good, I still wear it today. I don’t want that to become available to people who didn’t put in the blood sweat and tears to get it.

Just like I’m super jealous of people who have the 2400 enchants from legion/mop. I want it, yes, but I realize I didn’t pvp in those expansions and I won’t get it, case closed. I don’t get why other people can’t just accept it lol

First off, MT stayed open on the next patch, it was waaay easier then launch, some were actually a breaze.

But thats not the main point, what you are saying is already happening, thats the problem, they ARE doing it, adding the Werebear.

You’re right about that and they shouldn’t, but hopefully they stop there.

If I work at a job for 5 years and they hire in someone in my same department for as much as I’m being paid yeah I’ll be mad, definitely won’t say “oh well, hire everyone on at the same pay as me since you did that guy”

If they didn’t learn that from the helf crazies, they never will

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If a company starts hiring for a job, all the new people hired should get the same salary.

Even if it was unfair to you, they CANNOT hire one guy and pay they 2x, and then hire more people for the same job and pay 1x.

While we’re at it, could we get them to add whips too? Would be hilarious to see a fury warrior dual wielding whips

you won’t use flail