Druids aside, who tf is running 30 dungeons

I see people calling out for BFD, SFK, and SM all the time in LFG.

EDTI: Woosh, right over my head. Not lvl 30 dungeons, 30 instances per day. I can easily see someone doing that many princess runs, for instance. Or resetting to fish for Jed.

people that have the sickness

I agree. I played from January 2005 until now with one 6 month break. Personally in the time I played Vanilla and the three raid guilds I was in back then, I don’t remember anyone doing 30 instatnces a day of anything. Did it happen? I’m sure it did but I wouldn’t call it normal in Vanilla. I really don’t recall ever having a feral druid in any current raid, only in the raids that were on farm and where we were running alts.

Comparing Vanilla to Classic, as I’ve mentioned before, is IMO foolish. We don’t have Vanilla we have Classic and, as you’ve mentioned, a lot of things have changed including player behaviors.

Anyone doing Dire Maul jump runs.
Anyone doing dungeon boosts.
Anyone leveling via dungeons.
Anyone farming SGC.
Hunters farming DM:N.
Mages farming DM:E.
Mages farming SM.
Mages farming Stratholme.
Mages farming ZF.
Mages farming their dagger.
Paladins farming SM.
Priests farming their dagger.
Priests farming DM:E.
Warriors farming SM.

Nah people were “poop-socking” and grinding to excess in vanilla also. There were literally people dying of dehydration because they were playing the game so long. Give me a break this is some new modern thing that people are farming instances.

And my point is that if your change damages those 4, it’s already too broad and they didn’t think through the consequences rather than doing a more targeted fix for whatever it is they were trying to fix (which apparently isn’t botting, because this is a very poor fix for that). There are many other fixes that could be made that don’t change core end-game gameplay features of vanilla wow.

of course bliz would say this, because I’m sure other players like me stop before they reach that cap. Since unless you’re taking notes you don’t know exactly when your timer resets and don’t want to get locked out of a ZG or some other dungeon later.

Especially since I have 3x60’s on my main account with a couple of alts up and coming. Pretty stupid change and only ignorant people are for.

So you don’t think they looked at the numbers of players, not bots, that would be affected prior to coding and implementing the change? I don’t believe it, I believe they did look at the numbers prior to implementation and were simply confirming what they saw after the change was implemented.

How much stuff has bliz done in their long reign that contradicted the “numbers”. This is the most ridiculous comment I’ve read in a long time.

I’m not sure where you are coming from with this comment. Neither you nor I, or anyone that isn’t Blizzard has access to that kind of data.

Now if you are saying they’ve made assumptions about peoples reactions to changes that couldn’t be nailed down with data prior to the change being implemented, then of course. But that isn’t the case here. It should be/have been simple for them to determine how many instances were being run daily by players versus suspected bots.

Or do you have access to data that the rest of us don’t?

The simple fact that they’ve made a change that seemingly accidentally prevents people from farming HOJ/arena/MCP when they want is reason enough to know they aren’t thinking things through or trying to respect the design integrity of classic WoW.

I’m sure you’re also a fan of your internet provider throttling your internet whenever they please?

So instead of this change why not just fix the spots that people abuse in dungeons? ZG bridge, mara tree, etc. Why not just go that route?

I think they are trying to respect the integrity of the “Vanilla Experience” in Classic as much as is possible. It is, IMO, an impossible balancing act. One in which there is no way to please everyone, as should be obvious from the forums. Personally I think they are doing a decent job.

Except they aren’t, for a number of players damaged by these changes.

The default should be no changes, and if they HAVE to make a change it should be targeted and specific. This change accomplishes neither and damages people’s gameplay which has been standard since 2004.

completely dodging the question, if those spots are how people are “exploiting” dungeon farms, why not fix them???

or are you really saying that you’ll still be able to AoE farm due to the nature of how mages were designed in classic, especially by the fact there ARE videos of mages AoE’n from vanilla.

This makes no sense whatever. Everyone should have the same interenet access, and if necessary, everyone should have the same bandwidth limits that may be necessary to keep everything going. Now with the internet that isn’t the case.

However, in this case the rules/limits are the same for everyone. So long as that is true it is about as fair as it gets in an MMORPG>

but anybody can level a mage? Anybody can farm dungeons? what is the big uproar then. Everything is fair, you decide if you want to level a mage, bliz doesn’t restrict you from that.

So how is this change by bliz any different than your service provider throttling your internet.

I’m not doging the question, and in fact I really don’t care, but I understand why they may have taken this approach. Both to help with botting and perhaps to mitigate something they consider exploitive behavior. Could they do more? Of course, and if it involves stopping exploiting behavior, like the MC’ing people out of a BG, or something else. I’ll leave that determination up to Blizzard.

And whatever limits are imposed are also the same for everyone, so no harm.

It happened in vanilla, maybe you never played vanilla but it happened. You really need to pick a side, you’re literally all over the place spewing vomit.