Druid vs rogue PvP

I don’t think I’ve ever met a rogue with massive armor, an instant gap closer, and healing abilities beyond bandages.

Heart of the wild NS hybrids are amazing and fare much better in 1v1 PvP than resto druids. Feral charge is the key to defeating warlocks and priests.

ya its here that you lose me man. i am all team druid power and all, but you will lose 75%+ DUELS against Spriest and Lock. Even if you are good.

We arent talking you jump him at 10% mana and half HP.

I guess I don’t really care about duels. Kinda eliminates the whole edge that surprise attacks from stealth gives you. And I’m not even talking about the opener.

And I’ve never met a druid with enough stunlock to keep someone from even fighting back until they are dead, or enough burst to kill someone before it really registers what’s happening.

Different classes play differently!

I played both in vanilla at 60, and I play them now too. I’m not saying feral is bad, just that if you want to play that gank style of pvp, rogue suits it better than feral.

Feral makes it up in spades with versatility, and have advantages over some classes that rogues don’t, but also disadvantages against some classes that rogues are advantaged against.

When laid all out on the table, if someone is looking purely for a stealth pvp class, which is what the OP asked, I think rogue wins it.

not discounting the element of surprise and the role it plays in world pvp.

all this being said, once trinkets are out, beating locks and spriests will be MUCH more manageable.

Still won’t beat any SL Warlock worth their salt. They literally dont need fear to win. You’ll die to their dots before you can kill them.

The trinket out of fear just gives you a chance to run away instead of fighting.

GO Druid I can DPS,Tank, and Heal at dungeons without Respec!!

I’ve two shot locks with ravage and shred crits before. Granted it was in a lower level range, but cats can do some pretty good burst against cloth.

As for locking down, druids can do it as well just not for as long. A good druid will war stomp a fear, moonfire then pop into bear to interrupt the next fear attempt then bash the next fear attempt. Death coil can throw a wrench into things, but nonetheless druids can still lock down. It’s just more difficult to pull off and so you won’t see it often due to a general lack of good druids. I’d love to see the look on your face when it happens to you :sunglasses:

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Im talking about level 60s with actual gear. Not some noobs you run around shanking while they are drinking and wear questing greens, lmao.

Dude you’re level 46.

Im actually not, I just never log out of the forums to update it because my level has 0 relevance to any discussion.

During leveling, literally anyone kills everyone. Its just a gank fest of whoever catches who with mobs on them or drinking at low health/mana lmao. So there is no point in discussing anything other than end game pvp.

Point is cat burst is real, especially against cloth. And if you want to talk about geared 60s, the number of geared ferals is going to be very very few seeing as there are really only two epic sets in the game that are well geared towards feral hybrids and only a handful of feral weapons. None of which is available until later phases. Just wait for those +feral AP weapons to come out.

Yea guy sodapoppin is one of the best druids pvp wise in classic and hes losing to random spriests and locks. Thats just classic man.

they got cloak and Shadow step, which were big but every class got new spells. rogues are actually fine in 1.12 and get better with T3 at the end

As a rogue , can’t I just use restorative potions against locks and priests, free action against mages, etc on top of WOTF and be ok?

yes you can, most people dont seem to know that. those potions are great against hunters too for freezing trap. people dont use these things for duels but smart rogues will be using them in bgs and beating the people that think rogues suck

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Restorative potion is like a poor man’s cloak of shadows, free action is like having Freedom, but immunity to stuns??? And iron grenades for a gap closer/interrupt + WOTF for a fear/charm trinket…

I may be cheap using all these… but I fully intend to use all of these to my advantage in world PvP… plus a shadow reflect for a warlock’s fear might be added. :wink:

That said any class can use these… when I type it out though… at least on paper I don’t see how a caster would ever get a rogue off them once you add stuns/gouge/kick/blind

Who knows, maybe I’ll throw a silence grenade to not stack stun DRs and silence for 5 secs plus burn some mana lol… yeah I’m that d i c k :blush:


Rogues have a combat ability called riposte which is a disarm

my bad, I was thinking of dismantle

We can also use pots vs rogues to guy its not one sided.