Druid vs rogue PvP

breaking a freezing trap with a potion hurts a hunter a lot more than any potion you can use against a rogue. these thing help rogues get uptime on targets more than they help ranged classes get away

they dont put thistle tea on CD either, so thats nice too

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Bear Druids never stayed bear very long with me! I would also be using deadly poison and wound poison.

Bear Druids are strong but u lower there armor, bleed them, dot them in poisons they are going to run or try and heal and cleanse… trust me!

You see Rogue, you depending on class use your abilities. he stuns you you can trinkets and FAP.

No trinket FAP before and just run looking for rogue…


Why not use them then, instead of making an ENTIRE thread stating Rogues have 12 yard range and daze you to death?

Maybe a throwing knife dazed him lol

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power shift abolish poison macro…and like I said, your armor reduce move is useless against a bear.

I can show you the math if you want, but the end effect is 2-3% difference in damage… the time it took you to do the move… you could have done more damage by auto attacking…

their are a lot of bad druids running around, so your experiences in game probably gave you your conclusions… when BG’s are in game, you will find less bad druids to kill.

All classes have other classes that hard counter them, hunters and mages can completely shut down a rogue but druids do significantly better against those two. Mages.

The only real exception would be SL locks, they pretty much can take on anyone.

Ok, cool. I got 131 thousands honor kills on my vanilla rogue I know what im doing. But thank you for your time.

I am not bashing or arguing…just putting the math out there… bears get up to around 14k armor… taking away a few hundred does nothing

My concept is not to get the bears armor down but to whittle away at them to make them leave bear.

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I’m still learning how to play my druid. I hope I hit 60 before phase 2… and I’m looking forward to wPvP and BGs!

that post was not very clear?

Lol that mage is talking about destroying Druids (which are one of the best Mage counters out there) but is having a hard time against Rogues?


You have to stop to throw and bad rogues are easily baited into stopping.

Thats the entire point. I havent lost to a hunter anywhere in classic. Leeway is so easily abused its disgusting

If you’re using exposed armor on anything with high armor you’re bad. I am not saying you’re but any rogue that uses expose armor on a druid in bear form tanking you needs to stop pvping… like, forever.

Bahahahaha ok Forum Gold farmer

? did i miss something funny

i said i knew someone that farmed gold. you can believe that was me if you want, but it wasnt

i was interested in the setup and they showed me though. my take away was its not worth the trouble for Americans, just get a job lol. might be worth it for people in third world countries though

i think they moved over to bit coins and didnt do much there either

i asked you to rephrase that because this statement doesnt make sense

"You see Rogue, you depending on class use your abilities. he stuns you you can trinkets and FAP.

No trinket FAP before and just run looking for rogue…


Did you go like 0/30/19?

That Heart of the Wild is pretty nice, the extra 20% INT has helped a lot with healing. Plus NS has saved the party many times.