Druid vs rogue PvP

LOL I was about to post this. MeLeE LeeeWAy I$ Br0kEn QQ


lol… dot heavy. no good druid dots anything in pvp save moonfire to keep rogues and other druids out of stealth. and you want to ice nova blink me? rofl. ok, bear form, charge. mages are one of the few classes in the game that a good feral dumps on.

Rogues are awesome. My next 60 will probably be a Rogue. Sure if I see a rogue first and can get some spells off I will be fine but if they catch me slipping I don’t have an I win button. I wish I could confidently say that I can beat any other class but it’s just not true.

Win the fights you can and corpse run for the rest.

I think he is talking about bleeds as dots. Isn’t that a normal way for a Feral druid to fight? Cat form to put all those bleeds on and then switch to bear form to weather a storm while they tick. IDK honestly I think any melee class will have problems with Frost mages unless they out gear them. The only thing the druid has over any class is the ability to heal, mobility, and a large hp pool in bear form it’s not like they are going to burst anyone down in a few global cd’s

Just lol. You don’t need cd’s to kill people, unless you’re a very bad rogue player. You can’t actually be this silly

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They are, you get to choose your fights. You see that warlock over there? Stealth until they use a couple life taps and then pounce on them. You see that Mage? Stealth until they are low on Mana and then pounce.

As a rogue, you get to dictate every fight and play to your strengths. If you don’t think they are strong then play other classes and see how wpvp fights go when a rogue jumps on you. Personally it sucks as a Warlock as I can only use instant spells as rogues can interrupt and delay any casts

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LOL i don’t care what you said because you’re wrong. Rogues without cds are weak. I have ZERO issues with rogues when their cds are down.

They’re OP with cds up thats just the way classic is. You act like other classes don’t have counters for rogues they just open up and derrppp u stand there watch em dps you down.

So rogue can kill anybody no prob with no cds now?

What wow are you playing? Am I the only player that knows how to pvp vs rogues or is it just a bunch of casuals in this thread.

Classic is all situational. If its a duel 1v1 straight up and they DONT have their cds they are at a pretty big disadvantage.

Watch the streamers duel guy, they will literally wait 10mins for rogue to get prep because its just not fair without cds on a rogue.

A rogues role in a premade if they get taken to a premade varies very little. Depending on the enemy composition a rogue could be in Flag room on Defense or chasing the FC all game OR they’re sitting nodes in AB.

Rogues are on the weaker side in pvp in classic thats just how it was and why they received enormous buffs going into TBC, more so than any other class.

Two things:
Your death coil allows you a free fear which should basically give you a win against every non-undead rogue no matter what, and no you don’t HAVE to use instants because you can always juke a kick

These guys are gunna be hella upset when bgs come out and they realize what rogue really is in group pvp.

They think rogue is OP because they attack unsuspecting people in Wpvp that are doing other things at the time.

For world PvP I’d say Rogues are overall better. They have more damage/burst, more CC, and more escapes.

I’d say Druids are better for BGs when WSG comes out in P3. They are one of the best WSG classes in the game, if not the best.

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And that’s exactly how BGs are, except in BGs “doing other things” means “being attacked by other players”

Basically gonna have free reign to bump perdition’s backstabs into people with imp bs hemo spec, leaving out imp sap

Yeah, juke the kick then play around the stuns, gouge, blind, prep, vanish, more stuns etc.

Most pvp rogues against me will be undead. If all cooldowns are up and full health then yeah, it’s a toss up. In wpvp where the rogue can open up in an advantageous situation then the rogue should always win

Not unless you’ve got a stealthed succubus ready to charm

to add to that list, if a rogue attacks you as a druid pop bear and watch him cry as you get more armor than a plate user! ><

Rogues can disarm?

I don’t think they got that skill until wrath

ya i know he is talking about bleeds, you think im getting a 5 combo point bleed off before a rogue tears me to peices in kitty? no way.

you might get a rip off, but thats peanuts in bleed damage anyway so its a waste. you should be clawing for as many combo points as you can before you bite then gtfo out of kitty cus ur fixin to die.

kitty is pretty meh in 1v1’s and pvp in general for feral, there is very little utility and the dmg output isnt enough higher than bear to make any sense.

edit: unless you are the aggressor and opening from stealth

Imo shamans received the most buffs.

Tell that to all the warlocks and priests I’ve killed.