Druid spamming sunfire in pvp

So I’ll go down the list and comment on your statements/ answer questions in order.

Yes as far as mage, they do have CC so they are at least useful utility wise, but as you eluded to with dmg that is the same thing I was eluding to. Their dmg is incredibly low in PvP which causes them to struggle in 1vs1’s.

My point about the gear is that people are calling for nerfs on an ability that is only good against ungeared players.

There are counters to it. The vast majority of players aren’t going to space perfectly the entire fight. Your assumption that druids are spacing perfectly never allowing for others to use their gap closers is just unrealistic. Even the best pvp’ers in the world do not space perfectly all the time. There are so many ways that the player can cause the druid to mess up their spacing.

Most 1vs1’s we can only look at from a non-raid geared perspective mostly as there just isn’t enough players currently that are BIS yet to be able to see how match ups actually go down at lvl 25 end game. A good example of this is that the majority of warriors I’ve faced are ungeared so I’m easily able to kill them as a feral druid in melee without having to do any kiting, but druids don’t scale as well with gear as warriors do. I’ve ran in to a couple warriors who are full raid geared and they nearly 2-3 shot me. So once the majority of warriors are geared I will definitely have to play differently vs them.

I’m alliance so I don’t know how paladins do.

Rogue it just depends on gear/skill of the rogue. Some rogues are super easy, some are very difficult.

Priests are a guaranteed win probably for feral, and i would assume balance as well although a priest might be able to beat a balance druid.

Hunters again just depends on their skill and gear, they vary from super easy to extremely difficult.

Druid vs druid, feral spec will always win from my experience. I don’t come anywhere close to losing to balance druids and that’s without ever healing myself. I only need to do heals against other ferals.

Shamans have a cast time on ghost wolf so it’s irrelevant in a fight unless they are running away from you. I don’t see a balance druid being able to do well against a shaman.

Warlocks are a tough fight. If they aren’t a meta lock, balance druids will never do enough dmg to kill the warlock before the warlock can kill the druid. Feral can kill non-meta lock warlocks but it’s a close fight. Balance druids do better against meta locks than ferals do but still don’t see a balance druid being able to do enough dmg to kill the lock.

Overall balance druids using sunfire is just an inferior spec to feral in the majority of situations in PvP.

I think some wires got crossed here or I am misunderstanding something with sunfire. Wowhead seems to suggest it scales with spell power, meaning feral gear doesn’t improve its damage.

This means you could pump INT and STAM and unless those gap closers are fatal you are using 2 different resource bars to dps and then full heal before reengaging with your top tier speed.

The gap closer has to be fatal. I’ve seen Feral do some insane melee damage but it’s really just this spell I am blown away by because it seems to offer free costless harassment in so many situation to a class that should pay a heavy tax on that kind of thing.

It’s like a rune taking away the heal on polymorph, that heal is there for a very very good reason.

I’ll let you get the last word but that’s my thoughts on it. My go to is heal + arcane missiles and hope for the best or icy veins + zerking AB heals and hope for big numbers and that the druid doesn’t understand to LOS my cooldowns before I become a free kill again. (overall i think WSG mage is not bad because of poly)

Maybe just something I’m not seeing either. I’m a druid as well and feral beats balance so to me when I run in to druids using sunfire I just know it’s an auto win, therefore I just don’t see it as OP as maybe other classes do. I tried about half a day to use sunfire in pvp and it just did not seem as effective to me as feral. One thing to note as well is that you kill targets slower with sunfire than you do with feral. With the current population, killing people fast in wpvp is key. If you try to kite for any amount of extended distance, 9 times out of 10 you will run in to other enemies that will jump in. That was one of the issues I ran in to when I was testing sunfire over mangle feral, I just couldn’t kill enemies fast enough a lot of the time before more enemies jumped in. With feral coming out of stealth many classes I can kill in a few seconds and run off back in to stealth.

I’ve returned here to thank you for telling me about how great sunfire in cat form is, laser cat if you will. It requires being good at kiting, but I’ve killed a lot of people - even elites a few levels higher than me. For other druids interested, make sure you take 30% run speed, Nature’s grasp, and feral charge to help you be more slippery. I plan on trying this build with a full set of nature spell damage at some point.

That’s warriors Vs any ranged class until you get intercept.

Can we stop with these kind of posts?

I keep saying it, but the homogenization of classes is what killed retail. Each class has a flavor, and if you find it broken or overpowered, go roll one. The cap is only level 25.

If you find being kited to be this frustrating, stop playing warrior. Trust me, it only gets worse.


Just to clear up a possible misconception - Feral druids are very limited in using both mana and energy. Energy is ticking at 20 every 2 seconds. After your first two sunfires you are waiting 4 seconds for everyone after it. Sunfires may be instant, so you can cast on the move and that is great. They roll out slow though.

You can powershift for an additional sunfire (it changes your energy to 40 so only do it when out of energy) but each one costs you just over a 1/4 of your mana bar. If I want to shift out, cast a 3 sec heal for 400 health and shift back to cat I will use over half of my mana bar right there. If I powershift only for another sunfire I can do this 3-4 times then I am out of mana, cannot shift or heal. This is in new to 25 gear. Shifting also seems to reset the timer on mana regenning.

When we get to higher levels we can talent into master shapeshifter and save 30% on shifting costs and get a wolfshead helm that increases the gain from powershifting by 50%. In this phase though it is very limited.

Sunfire also need to tick to do any real damage. Once again I am in fresh 25 gear but the initial hit is only 60 and the other 110 takes 12 seconds. It doesn’t stack so if you spam 6 sunfires in 12 seconds you will do roughly 500 health in damage which can be completely ignored with one greater healing potion. We have to powershift to use potions in cat form so it costs us 1/4 of our mana to use a potion as well.

If someone is specced for movement speed that’s 12 points in feral only allowing them 3 in furor meaning that powershifting only empties their energy bar with a 60% chance of getting 40 back.

It should take a sunfire spamming Feral druid roughly 30 seconds to kill someone with a thousand health outside of powershifting and potion usage. If the feral druid uses mana potions and powershifting they can probably do it in 20-24 seconds. This is assuming the other person is not getting any form of healing including potions. In the worst case situation, you cannot close the gap and are wandering alone for long periods of time and have no ability to heal it can be very frustrating. A slow death is all the more painful.

Personally I am more worried about classes that can kill me in less than 10 seconds, which is more likely with a feral who drops sunfire for mangle.

I am fairly new to this so if anything is off I am very open to being corrected.

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The more I think about it after getting chased by a Sun fire Druid… It’s funny.

That’s all they got. They know it’s cheap too. It’s all for fun and the tactics are effective. I’d rather them keep it going because once I get warbringer rune it’s over.


Yeah you need warbringer rune.

No they not. Druid abuse camp warriors because they know they just can with spamming sunfire. Nice try tho. You’re missconception is you’re a :clown_face:


nah i world pvp with a feral and they absolutely can solo kill every class that cant self heal with sunfire, no matter their gear. sunfire gives them combo points…

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Druids = free honor kills in classic for 20 years and that was perfectly fine, right?

Druids in SoD = not free honor kills at level 25 for 3 days and OMG THE SKY IS FALLING, right?

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You have a weird definition of 3 days. Launch was not 3 days ago.

Just to clarify, I never said anything about BALANCE specced druids. I said BALANCE GEAR, the point I was trying to make is you can’t claim that shifting is too expensive when you can gear for it (in some cases, not all cases, I admit this).

Spec feral, get the 30% move speed, and then stack int and stamina for shifting. IDK if it’s worth it, but because the sunfire doesn’t scale with agility/ap it isn’t tethered to a feral set. You could just make an int/stam set for kiting when it comes up.

If you don’t have an extra set of pants or w.e that you can equip to switch to sunfire you are missing out. I don’t do this with all but I keep extra pants for living flame/icy veins swapping.

The range on that crap is absolutely absurd… As a warrior there is zero chance of ever beating a feral with sunfire. You can never get within charge range and without doing the toxic rachet quest chain you’ll never get out of combat anyway.

lol what?

Its really all we got.

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Its 40 energy lol it cannot be spammed.

Druids wreck everyone all the way to 60 in classic since the start in 2019. The only difference is at 60 druid became the very worse class in the game. Locks are broken OP rn its probably a learn to play issue tbh.


warrior also isn’t beating

most good priests
really good shamans

Should we NERF all these classes into the ground so warrior is good 1v1?

You people need to be perma banned off the forums for being dumb 24/7 honestly.

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Druids, the best auto-include class for capping flags are the worst class in pvp? A healer with stealth? Maybe you don’t take more than 1 but…

This is the thing. It’s really all druids have at the moment. Gimmicky yeah, but it’s one note. It’s their movement speed that people aren’t able to deal with it seems.


It’s all they have but the other half of druids are saying their melee damage is far superior to the spam which makes it okay to kite people with it. I’m having trouble knowing who to believe!!!