Druid spamming sunfire in pvp

I can’t believe this thread is still going

Y’all if you’re getting killed by Druids spamming sunfire in catform it might be time to invest in some HP gear, or like, re-evaluate how you’re playing the game

There are specs in this game that are actually complete nonsense in PVP right now, feral druid is far from the worst but their best build definitely doesn’t include sunfire

As for balance druids, LOL

This thread reminds me of people in fighting games who complain about fireball spam LOL

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So what you are saying is that warriors need MASSIVE BUFFS… Got it. Thanks

The point is that sunfire has an absolutely stupid range for a melee spec especially something that is spamable.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but as a warrior, Sunfire is impossible to counter without speed potions. There’s simply no way to close the gap since charge range is shorter than Sunfire range. At the very least, I believe the range on Sunfire needs a little bit of a nerf. I get that it’s fun for druids, but it doesn’t really feel fun to die to it constantly as a class that has literally no counter.

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So you made a forum post to tell everyone you’re bad at the game. Weird forum post, but hey you do you.

People are so disingenuous when defending their broken cheese

“It takes forever to kill with Sunfire”

That’s not the point, druid has always been one of the best classes at disengaging from fights, the problem isn’t being able to 100-0 someone only spamming Sunfire, it’s when they can retreat from a fight and resort to this tactic mid fight when they need to disengage and can cheese their way to a win through attrition with little to no counterplay.

Even sodapoppin who is one of the best druid pvpers in the game said it’s braindead Broken and dumb.

I’m glad everyone’s haplessly playing Sunfire because it’s so much worse than Mangle.

Sure, it hard counters something like Warrior, or people whose instinct is to mindlessly run away, but what doesn’t right now? Very little else should be having a ton of trouble with a Sunfire Feral.

I assume you’re playing Ret? Use a weapon swap macro and run Avenger’s Shield. Ranged, unshiftable 10 second snare that can deal 3x the upfront damage of Sunfire. Congrats on the W.

Believe an actual pvp’r like myself or stinky.

You do not attack a rogue/warrior in melee they will global you.

Right now you don’t even open because we dont have that stun to open/bleed kite. Right now it is literally 100% kite and spam the sunfire dot and it is not fun gameplay.

Kitty form doesn’t have the same dodge rogues have you get absolutely TRUCKED if you try to go toe to toe with a melee outside of bear form and you shift twice and you’re oom and dead.

Blockquote Believe an actual pvp’r like myself or stinky.

Source: Obama said so

Blockquote You do not attack a rogue/warrior in melee they will global you.

Maybe as a mage I just haven’t encountered many of these warriors or rogues, i know rogues can backstab for 200-300 multiple times but I’ve played several rogues before and they feel weak without cooldowns. I am open to corrections here. Maybe high level premades are running rogues for their inflated crit chance, anything to explain your point would be nice.

Blockquote Right now you don’t even open because we dont have that stun to open/bleed kite. Right now it is literally 100% kite and spam the sunfire dot and it is not fun gameplay.

This just sounds like a bunch of bull butter. Rogue damage isn’t uniquely punishing to druids and druids seem capable of doing similar damage but have arguably much more utility.

Blockquote Kitty form doesn’t have the same dodge rogues have you get absolutely TRUCKED if you try to go toe to toe with a melee outside of bear form and you shift twice and you’re oom and dead.

What are we talking 3% dodge difference?

Believe an actual pvp’er like yourself? From your last statement, you don’t seem like a pvp’er at all.

Full feral spec druids can go toe to toe with rogues/warriors in melee currently if you are able to open from stealth. It involves a bit of kiting/healing/shifting only if they have their CD’s but I do it all day every day. Very few rogues/warriors I’ve come across that are a bit more difficult to 1vs1 in melee but are still doable.

Also not sure where you are getting the shift twice and you’re oom part. I’m not even raid geared yet so im missing about 300 hp and 200ish mana but I’m currently over 1k hp and can shift 4 times with rejuves in between each shift.

Again, this whole battle of attrition and slowly kill your target while kiting from a long distance all sounds nice and all, but it’s just not realistic in practice 90% of the time. You will end up running in to more enemies that will add on to the fight more often than not.

warriors can’t beat druids anyway. roots completely cucks you. druids should never really lose against warriors

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You don’t pvp if you think rogue is weak at 25. I question if you even know how to spell pvp with that comment.

I am a druid main I know exactly what it feels like to try and hit up a rogue or warrior in kitty form. You just dont do it. You never did it before and you don’t do it now. We didn’t get some new rune that makes kitty form tanky. You still get lit up in kitty form.

That is why all you see is cats spamming sunfire because we dont have mana to get close to shift into bear.

No they cannot. They never could before sod didn’t change that…

What opener does druid have at 25 from stealth bud? LoL you kids don’t even know the talents and you’re trying to tell a druid main how to open from stealth at lvl 25. This is comical.

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It’s important to clarify if you are talking about world pvp or warsong gulch where there are resilience helms and what seems like an instance wide dampening on damage.

My arcane blast does 220 on the tooltip, does 150 in wsg
My fireball does 189 on the tooltip, it does 130 in wsg

In wsg I can tank rogues/warriors who do not roll ambush or backstab crits, even the ones that seem better at the class struggle. I don’t always win, but I always win when they don’t have sprint, vanish, or both. Feral seem to be more like a mage where their kit doesn’t go offline for 2-3 minutes, they have fewer power spikes.

Blockquote I am a druid main I know exactly what it feels like to try and hit up a rogue or warrior in kitty form.

Pics or it didn’t happen.

I’ve played 3 or 4 mages to 60, more than that up to 49.
warrior to 49, hunter to 80, rogue to 49, druid to 49, shaman to 49 and higher

Probably a lot of others I’m forgetting. Nobody cares that you throw your weight around like some wow forum e-celeb with a high warlord title. You have to actually argue your case instead of describing warriors and rogues like a Michael Bay movie your mom’s boyfriend took you to see.

If you’re getting solo’d by a feral druid just using Sunfire - you are bad at the game. Go reroll on a PvE server.

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Just about spat out my water reading this. :rofl:

This is just 1-25… It’s going to get much, much worse as the level caps go up. SoD by design will have class balance on a wide and wild swing… 1-25 shows they are not able to anticipate how the runes will play out in PvP very well… My guess is it will be one shot city in the last tier.

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I agree, nerf DH.

As long as nobody cares about balance I’m hoping to join the crowd with arcane power + arcane surge 3 minute mage.

If you are struggling with rogues/warriors in melee than I seriously doubt your “druid main” claims. Even if you are a druid main, that means almost nothing in SoD. Your rotations aren’t even the same anymore with the new runes. I hit rank 3 already solo, with thousands of kills with the new runes (what actually matters), and I’ve met very few rogues/warriors that I end up struggling with in melee, and even then it ends up being back and forth wins in 1vs1.

And what I mean by opening from stealth could be for example getting tiger’s fury prior to initial engage so I can regenerate back to 100% energy > mangle > roar. Obviously you’re a very poor druid main pvp’er if you don’t know there are advantages to opening from stealth in any 1vs1.

i don’t need pics when we have been playing the same classic for how many total years now you dunce

Also, Sunfire is literally our only decent weapon. Druid runes are incredibly weak and uninspired. We are pigeonholed into Sunfire.