Druid spamming sunfire in pvp

The game is only supposed to be fun at max level, got it. Again, I will be saying this to you when it’s your turn.

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If they can turn rogues/warlocks/shaman/pallies into tanks, if they can make mages healers, and they can add an entire raid, surely they can change some numbers to balance the game at each phase.

This is just a bad argument.

It’s the tax you must pay for being able to be the best money printing and aoe class.

I’d be totally good with sunfire being turned into an aoe with a cd. Now that people are getting their ashenvale mounts the tactic isn’t working as good anymore.

I think there is a reasonable camp where we don’t necessarily want to destroy all things vanilla but also don’t want to just emulate it with the new stuff either.

If mages were killing people in a global on the regular I would say that is unfair as well. You don’t have to win every match up to have a balanced team game but there are mechanics that are clearly bad for the game and others that aren’t. Rogues for example in wsg don’t feel very threatening unless they sacrifice relatively long cooldowns to counter my relatively short ones. (I think this is true for rogue in a lot of their match ups, they have to wait whole MINUTES to do it again)

My best damage in WSG is an arcane blast into fireblast with both critting, or a fireball into fireblast where both crit. Since WSG seems to have resilience added in secret that does about 400 dmg in total, fireball doing slightly more. Without burnout on my chest piece my chances of getting 2 crits in a row is between 1/400 to 1/200. With burnout the odds are 1/25 to maybe 1/18 that both crit. (I don’t have the character sheet addon for my exact crit but these can’t be far off the real numbers)

All that to say these new abilities are fun and exciting, overall I like what is happening, but wow there are some blind spots that feel really really terrible and create terrible experiences.

I think casters that are hurting could maybe get access to the next rank of 1 or more spells to make up for it. As it stands a hunter’s pet serpent can instant cast more damage than my mage frostbolt while standing still, risking pushback and interruption, and taking much longer than instant to cast.

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I got glad in s8 as a feral queuing into nothing but RMP and double healer smourne warrior/dks. You don’t know what OP is dawg

Cool, do you want a link to the retail forums?

one guy, doing everything and anything he can to stop blissard from nerfing druid. one man vs the world

It’s level 25, and there isn’t going to be crazy stats on much gear. You already know this particular play style is not going to exist later because of better gear at higher levels. Mage already was not a good low level pvper and if you want blizzard to buff your numbers now they will just have to nerf them again later which is just gonna make pointless work for them and extra mage rage on the forums. If you wanted to be a stronger low level pvp class then you shoulda picked a different one tbf.

“Priest healers” … are they really that strong too?

Sure. Tune the numbers on my forms to not cost 1/3rd my mana. Lets tune all the numbers to be more reasonable since rogues can tank now. Great idea!

Started leveling a priest for BFD because mage isn’t great. at level 2 my penance was healing 25 per second, that’s more healing per second than some mage spells deal in damage per second.

Good thing it doesn’t have a 12 second cooldown.

Priest was the strongest healer in this bracket in ERA and then they gave them penance. So yes they are very good

They are kinda above and beyond what other healers are doing right now, penance is almost like a full heal every 12 secs for very little mana.
edit: and before anyone freaks out at me, I don’t think it needs to be nerfed because it’s fun when you have rune abilities that are actually highly impactful. I only wish lifebloom got the same feeling to it.

So give me a spell that deals 200 dmg per second with a 12 second cooldown.

I solo grinded honor 15-16 hours a day for the 3 days leading up to the PvP reset and hit rank 3. I’ve continued to grind wpvp since. I can tell you that currently right now that a lot of posts like this are not taking in to consideration gear gap and skill gap.
So far from my experience pvp’ing, most people seem to be playing classes they have no clue how to play, and the gear gap is pretty crazy between newly dinged 25’s and people who are already in pre-bis. Majority of people I fight in wpvp have somewhere between 500-700 hp which tells me they have done no gear progression at all outside of what they got while leveling to 25, meanwhile pre-bis players are up to 1100-1200+ hp. Raid geared players are over 1300. So yes if you are still in your starting gear that you got while leveling and only have 500-700 HP, a druid spamming sunfire will kill you with ease. However that being said, a feral druid using mangle would kill you even faster. You aren’t going to kill anyone spamming sunfire on a pre-bis player or raid geared player. You will go OOM long before they are dead, and then not having mangle you’ll end up getting destroyed. Balance druids work while people are not geared, they however are insanely weak against geared players. Asking for a nerf on an ability that is really only good in a 1vs1 against a non-geared player is pretty short-sighted IMO. Currently when I fight balance druids (I also cannot catch them as their move speed matches mine) I just let them OOM themselves tickling me with sunfire spam while they run, then I gap close and destroy them. The druid runes other than the 3 feral druid runes are all pretty incredibly weak overall compared to other class runes.
The skill gap issue is also super relevant in all the threads of hunters complaining about being super weak. I think because hunters were supposed to be the most OP class in the 25 bracket, so many new people who have never played hunter before are trying it out. Out of the hundreds of lvl 25 hunters I’ve killed 1vs1, I’ve come across only 2 that actually knew how to play hunter. Hunters in their current state if you know how to play one are very good.
The only OP pvp classes I think I can say that need nerfs are tank shamans and meta locks. Both of these classes are absurdly strong against melee classes. Their only threat is other shamans or warlocks considering mage is probably the weakest pvp class in the 25 bracket currently and don’t have the dmg to take them out. Tank shamans and meta locks can 1vs2, 1vs3, 1vs4 a group of melee classes. All other classes seem to either be in an OK state currently or are super weak (mages, shadow priests).

Also awesome fighting hunters who infinitely kite you while their pet lightning breaths you for 100+ per hit.

Oh praise Elune were complaining about druids now, I swear if hunters get one more nerf im uninstalling.

The only thing about mage I consider weak is the damage, which is incredibly bad. I spend most of my time polymorphing things because it’s an instant removal spell in a sea of deal 1 damage spells, if you get the magic reference.

I think your explanation is a little bit unrealistic but not wholly untrue. Gear and skill obvious plays a factor. As I face more and more druids I see the ability being used badly and to crazy powerful extent.

A bad druid spams the spell 2 times before entering into melee combat and probably dealing less damage than if he just kept his energy. A good druid is following your slower class up the ramp to his base and keeping distance until you have been hit 4 or 6 or 12 times with most classes having absolutely no way to counter it.

Mage is my main atm and nothing they have can threaten or pressure a smart druid who doesn’t walk into close range for the mage’s combos of damage

Warrior is a free kill because lvl 25

Paladin can’t stop it as far as I know

Rogue needs cooldowns but maybe, without cooldowns it’s most likely a 100% loss.

Priests can heal but eventually would lose I imagine, shadow loses much faster I think

Druids without the same nuke could enlighten me on their experience encountering it

Hunters with the right pet probably eat the druid extremely fast.

Shaman I don’t know enough about, they have ghost wolf for 140% speed but frostshock and earth bind are their only lockdown and those cost mana while sunfire costs only energy

Warlocks I assume lose also because their dots seem to do very little damage, curse of agony does 17dmg a tic while sunfire is hitting for a healthy 80-110+dot, and sunfire has a range of 30 yards so you aren’t ever going to fear them or get hard casts nor lifedrain off if the druid is smart. You also can commit most of your mana to healing and only change forms a couple times.

Tell me what I am missing here?
In world pvp this ability seems to give you an extreme advantage against everything except hunter and maybe other druids who aren’t using it.

In wsg it seems to do the same thing but to a lesser extent because the demands of the BG shift things.

I am seeing a world where you take this rune in Eagle gear and just spam it while using your constantly regeneration mana for heals and peels at least for MOST match ups 1v1. Would you not eventually wear down most healers?

Genuinely curious to hear how this isn’t a cheesy spell, and for the sake of argument why not give icelance the base triple damage and remove the frozen requirement, it would still deal less damage than sunfire, heck, give it a cd so it can’t be spammed faster than sunfire incase that would be the counter argument. (this is just a hypothetical for the sake of argument)

The problem with hunters is not so much whether they know how to play or not, it’s exactly that without knowing how to play they reach 80% competency from a dps perspective. If they manage to click their pet on most classes you are coming away from that fight with A LOT of cuts and bruises.