Druid spamming sunfire in pvp

This is the fake news of forum posting.

YoU gOt RuNeS tOo

You’re like the 1% saying
“We DoN’t HaVe AaAaAlL tHe MoNeY”

This thread is hilarious

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You out here thinking feral is the strongest in pvp is just funny to me. Stick to PvE bro

I just don’t like 80% of my health to be gone in a global, before the druid even appears on my screen. Is that a lot to ask? To be fair, this is a problem with rogues too.

Just wait

Next phase it we can do it at 36 yards

It’s any class that has gear vs anyone who doesn’t. I have seen a ret pally 2 shot someone with BFD weap. And a feral gets 70 AP from that mace in bfd so yeah they are going to do some damage with it. Not with freaking sunfire though

Not a problem with rogues, they build specifically to do that and don’t do anything else but that when they build like that.

I have about as much armor as a mage can get, and 1000 base health. I’m pretty well geared. Pretty much every druid and rogue I encounter can do 700-800 burst damage with their opener from stealth. If this sort of damage is gated by gear, it must be some of the easiest gear to get.

You also wear cloth which provides virtually no protection to phys. Anything would obliterate you if they got close, rogues and druids are the only thing that probably actually can get close to you just because of that stealth.

Very sick burn, seriously bussin on that comeback. I guess if it’s ever my classes’ turn to be super OP I’ll remember to run the same excuses you did.

  1. That requires talents
  2. That requires gear(it doesn’t but pretend it does)
  3. That requires a rune slot
  4. Don’t talk about my class talk about this other class

I wore cloth in vanilla classic too. I wore cloth in TBC, Wrath, etc. The problem isn’t that I wear cloth, the problem is that many of these numbers are overtuned.

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Agreed. Warriors with warbringer shouldnt be getting solod by really anything lol

Welp, it was like that in all those expansions and wasn’t nerfed? I guess we know what blizzard thinks about it.

We had 5-10x the health in the expansions as we do in classic. If you played through them all, you’d realize that these abilities are tuned to the players having an insane amount of stamina on their gear (yes even greens, as lvl 61 TBC greens had way more stamina than even lvl 60 rank 14 gear). In 10 lvls of TBC, we went from 4k health for pvp, to 13k health for pvp. Then in Wrath we went another 10 lvls and the new norm for health was about 25-30k. Also, there is no resilience to mitigate the massive amount of burst that these runes are able to do when they crit.

The reason we could survive these abilities in the expansions while wearing cloth, is because we had 30k health and 500 resilience, or more. Right after vanilla, survivability ramped up even more than damage did. That will not be happening in SoD, since even at lvl 60 whenever that happens, we can only expect to have maybe an extra 1k health from what was possible before. That’s why these numbers need to be tuned down.

This is how I know you don’t PvP ever. (Other than being a troll mage on living flame)
It’s level 25. You will get your full kit soon and then you will have to find another excuse on why you are so bad at this game and need everything nerfed that you think is OP when you get ganked going to your raid

Oh god resil gear…yikes :face_vomiting:
Well it was datamined so the devs are thinking about it at least, you may get your wish for vanilla pvp being turned into something less fun and quick. The battles of mages poly resetting and eating their cookies and milk to full while their opponent wanders around aimlessly should be legendary /s

I actually don’t want resilience or insane health pools. That is actually bad for a class like mage that goes OOM very quickly and relies on bursting any healer down in the span of a counterspell. What I would rather have happen is the damage numbers being tuned down, closer to how much damage people deal in vanilla WoW. Because I like vanilla WoW more than retail.

This was a thing in vanilla WoW also, and should still be a thing in SoD. Because I like vanilla WoW more than retail.

It would seem like the one who wants to break away from vanilla WoW is you more than me.

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A rogue out of stealth that got caught with no cool downs? Very good chance. A paladin? uhhh I don’t know. I do know that if the paladin gets to actually hit the druid in normal/cat form they will probably kill them almost immediately though and that’s not very fair either eh? But yeah like others said they can throw a shield at them for the daze and that might be enough to close the gap for a beat down.

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Rogues near instantly killing clothies with ambush spec was a thing in vanilla as well.

This was not because of game mechanics, it was because people didn’t value stamina as a stat back in early vanilla, before BG’s even existed, and all casters preferred int/spirit over stam/int.

Once BG’s started and people actually took pvp seriously, they geared appropriately and rogues stopped being able to do that. In SoD, we already have people who are in the “takes pvp seriously” phase, who already have as much stam as they can get, and are still getting 2shot by stealth openers.